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Friday, January 30, 2009

Stimulus Bill

For those who do not know enough about the Stimulus package to write anybody, here is a chart I found online and an article from Motley Fool about the programs and their likelihood of helping:

Don't go by right or left wing bloggers or your favorite talk radio program. Try to find articles that have real figures. Anything can be distorted with enough playing around with numbers. Trust your source or don't waste your time.


Darlene said...

Like many, I was disappointed when Obama cut Family Planning from the package in an effort to be bipartisan. Fat lot of good it did him. At least the public should now realize who are the obstructionists.

I thought the package was well balanced and would stimulate the economy with a hefty part going to rebuild the infrastructure that has been so badly neglected that is is now dangerous. (Do you hold your breath every time you cross a bridge over a body of water?)

My only objection is that it isn't large enough to cover the huge hole we have dug for ourselves.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I frankly don't understand all this but do appreciate your view. I was intrigued by the feature on NPR yesterday on Keynesianism. I didn't take economics in college and have a hard time keeping my own finances straight.

Kay Dennison said...

It will be interesting to see how this works as we all know that what looks good on paper doesn't always bring the desired results.

Yeah, I'm a skeptic but you knew that!!!

Anonymous said...

I smell some pork here Rain? And I favor an economic stimulus plan if it is helping the people it should be helping. And what kinds of jobs are going to be created ? We don't need "make work" quick fixes.Obama will need wisdom to get it right. He will never please everyone , but that is understood.

bernie said...

The bill was a pork barrel dream! It is very good that the Senate and Prexy are scrutinizing the bill. The House bill writers like the corporate executives are still running rampant and it is way past time for them to be reigned (Rained) in. I agree about contacting your represetatives. Every voice counts here! It is time for the people to be heard now that we have internet to aid in sending messages. Hopefully the politicians will read those emails. I like the statement in the snews that the government will scrutinize the bonuses of executives of all companies that received government aid. I think that criminal prosecution should be persued against these smart asses! Pardon my candor.

It is very funny, Rain and I used to argue back and forth about politics, she a liberal and me a quasi-liberatarian, bording on moderate Republican. Seems that our opinions are right on on this topic!

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOO disgusted with the Republicans, I'm sure my blood pressure has increased.
I was very happy to hear earlier today that basically Obama is telling them, "I tried with you guys and now...we're doing what's best for the PEOPLE!"
He certainly DID try for bipartisan....they just don't want to play nice. So I say, let them take their damn ball and go home. Obama knows what he's doing and what he's doing will ultimately be the best for the people of this country....not the elite, corporate, rich.

Greybeard said...

This is sarcasm, right?
Have you read what's in this bill?
Good for the people...

Rain Trueax said...

Over $200 billion goes straight to the states. Your pet Palin is all in favor of it as are most governors and mayors. A lot goes to business and personal tax cuts. You Republicans worry so much about the small parts. Did you worry when Bush didn't try to account for billions in Iraq or after Katrina. Billions gone and they go whoops and no Republican cares. Double standard?

There is more pork in it than I would have liked but that's both parties that do that and even that will put out money into the economy. I wish Republicans would give Obama the chance to see if it works rather than complaining it didn't before it got a start. After 9/11, a very bad time here, Bush had support from both parties. It is another bad time and the Republicans are not offering anything but don't do it! That after TARP went out with no controls and ended up with $18 billion or was it more in bonuses to the CEOs who had failed enough that without the bailout, they'd have gone bust. Republicans only worry about the rich. Even now they don't like the limitation on any business taking the stimulus money that they cannot pay direct wages to their CEO of more than half a million dollars. They can give them stock options and such that they can exercise after they pay us back. Common sense to all but the Republicans who are screaming it's micromanagment. Micromanaging what? A business who failed

Greybeard said...

Both parties!
Republicans only worry about the rich!
My God, Rain.

Rain Trueax said...

Were you expressing frustration with moi, graybeard? *s* I have an idea for a future blog but I want to get past the more fun stuff about dreams and some of my supernatural thinking but then I will come back to partisanship and see if I can find a path where right and left wing can actually talk about an issue-- one issue as to how we each see it without one calling the other a neanderthal or the other calling the other a wimp.

Is that possible? I don't know. I have learned with my right wing friends that sometimes people, who love and respect each other in every other way, just have to talk about other things as reaching consensus is impossible; but I do give it a try once in awhile... hopefully not causing someone else to have bp rising or my own for that matter :)