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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sexiest Man Alive-- or not

Now I don't buy the magazine, but every year you can't avoid seeing that People has come out with another sexiest man alive issue. Obviously a man cannot stay sexiest for more than one year.  It must be a heavy burden to carry.

It seems to me recently that they pick these girly men and sorry if that's sexist, but they do seem like the kind of guys who get their muscles from a gymnasium, not real work. and this time, they went to the bottom of the sexiest pile in my opinion to pick Bradley Cooper who would be on my list of sleaziest men but never sexiest (based just on his looks, not anything I know about his personality). For me, he  looks too much like the guy who would hop onto a bar stool next to you, offer to buy a drink and forget to mention he has a wife at home. I can barely stand him in any movie, and he is sexiest of the year?? Seriously!??

Well somebody else had an opinion on it (link below) and I agree with their idea more-- boy though he also is. They aren't going to pick my actual take after I thought a bit about it-- Stellan Skarsgård (son isn't bad either).  I am drawn to Stellan even when he's buried under makeup as he was in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. When a man can look sexy even then, that guy is sexy ;) He took the prize though in Mamma Mia-- tough, sensitive, sexy. Oh my! Okay, so I get it, he's older, but does sexiest guy alive have to be young? Frankly young guys can't possibly qualify ;) but if one did, I nominate Stellan's son-- Alexander


Anonymous said...

Rain--It is obvious that I am not well read since I have, indeed, missed seeing that particular magazines since...oh...maybe the 1970s (if it was around then I may have seen it at the grocery check-out.) It is also perfectly obvious that I am well over the hill for two reasons: 1) it has been a long time since I even thought about a man as being "sexy" and 2) I've not heard of the guys you name.
At any rate, hope you are having a good weekend and that you don't have the leaden skies that are outside our windows this hour. Perhaps we can at least have a payoff in a little snow, I'm hoping. Did you get any of the Pac NW snow a day or two ago?
Cop Car

Rain Trueax said...

I watch a lot of movies and the talk over the People magazine is in the newspapers I read online but I did see it beside the check-out counter last time I was in the grocery store and ours has it right there. I used to read a lot of these kind of magazines but broke the habit a few years back and now don't read them either. Stellan was in Mamma Mia, the movie version playing Bill and was Barnacle Bill in the Pirates of the Caribbean but if you don't watch movies, that won't mean much to you either ;) It's not hardly important since you have your own hunky husband (which I have always liked how you call him that).

We've had a lot of rain and wind, delightful winter storms but no snow at my elevation. We did see snow mixed into the rain a little above us when we were driving. This storm blew off the last of the oak leaves for which I thank it ;)

Paul said...

I find Helen Mirren to be so sexy and beautiful...:-)

Celia said...

I agree, Bradley Cooper has all the appeal of a Macy's mannequinn, yawn. How about Tommy Lee Jones? I may be older but I'm not blind, I just watched Gerard Butler kissing Hillary Swank in "PS I love you," a B movie but sweet and fun. I'd dearly love to be kissed like that one more time. I must admit though I wish he were more my age and not the age of my sons, slight ick factor there.

Celia said...

Here's a clip from good old Utube with Butler and Swank, i rest my case.

Rain Trueax said...

Oh, that's so right, Celia, on Tommy Lee Jones and Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler total yum

Kay Dennison said...

I don't get excited by the 'pretty boys'. I like brains in men. My latest interest is Viggo Mortensen -- he isn't traffic-stopping handsome but there's something about him that gets my attention.

Tabor said...

I always think this determination is so subjective. Culture changes. Remember when Clark Gable was such a sexy actor. I didn't think much of him personally but he was supposed to be the outdoor type, I think.

Rain Trueax said...

It is very subjective and possibly in People's case about advertising or promotion features for some people based on their agency, etc. I did like Clark Gable though in films a lot. Tall Men is one of my favorites. I also agree about Viggo. Very sexy actor :)

Dick said...

As a male it is a little hard to pick who I'd nominate for the "Sexiest Man Alive" but in most ways I think it might be hard to beat Sean Connery - the REAL James Bond. I'll sure agree with Paul about Helen Mirren and add Diane Keaton for sexiest woman. It would be hard to decide between those two ladies.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Johnny Depp is "very sexy" to me....And he doesn't have to do anything but sit there or stand there---I also happen to think he is a wonderfully versatile daring actor and that makes him even sexier to me.

Bradley Cooper----He is okay, but I looked at the magazine and he looks exactly the same in every picture---He has a beard right now and personally I'm not a lover of facial hair.....I think the last time I thought he was rather good as an actor was in "ALIAS"(I think that was the name of that series...) It is when I first became aware of him and he had a kind of something that was appealing....Now? Not too much at all....! It is so subjective though, isn't it?
I love Pierce Brosnon---Very Sexy, to me....

NOW, Back in the day:
John Garfield...He was a Terrific actor and very very sexy in everything I ever saw him in, including a couple of Broadway plays....Where are the STARS like that now? We don't have any.

Anonymous said...

Alan Rickman :) --- Julie

Rain Trueax said...

I love Alan Rickman especially in Sense and Sensibility :)

Anonymous said...

I concur with others in this conversation that an actor's merit goes beyond having a young pretty face. My husband pointed out to me that British actors have rigorous training. My vote is for Alan! --- Julie

Ashleigh Burroughs said...

Alan Rickman's too whiny. Tommy Lee Jones is just a little too smug. Mark Harmon has intelligence behind those great eyes that makes him sexy to me. I had no idea who Bradley Cooper was in the store today and here you are, Rain, filling me in on the details and giving me Sean Connery and John Garfield and a nice afternoon to think about them.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for men with muscles derived from hard work.

Anonymous said...

Rain--You are right that the movies you named are only names of movies to me. *chuckling* BTW: I call Hunky Husband that because of a remark made by a young USAF lieutenant (female) who sat in the same row with us on a flight to Los Angeles in about 1988. She said that he was a hunk. (Who am I to disagree?)

Tabor--At least I know who Clark Gable was and know what he looked like; but, I've never really liked any man's looks who chose to wear facial hair.

I've been watching NCIS for several years, now; but, it wasn't until several days ago when Hunky Husband said something about Mark Harmon's looking great for being 60 years old that I even thought about his looks. I guess, along with (at least) Kay and Julie, a man's looks just are not that important.
Cop Car

Rain Trueax said...

Wow on the facial hair. I totally love mustaches and goatees are good too. What I don't like so much are full beards as they cover up too much of a face. I am not fond of the real big handlebar mustaches nor do I like the tiny ones, but give me a mustache of a nice shape and I'm sold ;) I always wonder why they aren't so popular today but guess the majority feel as you do about them. In a store, I almost always notice a man with a mustache