Since I had one series already on tidal pools, this one is on wave action-- the ever changing and glorious wave action that both makes the sea alive as well as constantly changing. All photos are from late May on Oregon's Coast.
Because even after cutting these down, it became impossible to decide what to leave out, and I know some readers come here from dial-up, this was a sampling. More are in Pacific Ocean in Late May -- Rainy Day Extras.
All were taken with Canon cameras: Digital Rebel , the newer Rebel Xsi using Canon Image Stabilizer lenses; 18-35mm, 100-400mm f 4.5, and 55-250mm.
I know what you mean about it being hard to delete even the not so great photos. I have thousands on my hard drive and, so far, haven't deleted any from the Compact Flash cards my camera uses, I just put in a new one. I think I have about 30 of them that are filled and another 10 or so, although the newer ones keep getting bigger!
Great photos, Rain. I'm like you--endless ocean photos. Can't get enough. I love that I live so close.
I love watching the waves crash against the rocks. These are beautiful photos of that event.
I, too, can never bring myself to delete photos unless there is a obvious flaw. I have a Canon Rebel XTi and three lenses. I don't get out to take pictures very often or I would have thousands by now.
Beautiful ocean shots, rain. You really capture the ever-ongoing action of the tides. Quite nice.
I love waves - in fact I have one tattoed on my right arm...:-)
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