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Monday, June 01, 2009

Celebrity matches

Kay at Kay's Thinking Cap has posed the question: who would play you in a movie of your life? It was fun to read people's ideas about that for themselves as well as Kay's thoughts. Kay had two posts on this topic, the last one using a site that takes your own photo and with computer analysis, structurally declares who you most resemble in the celebrity world-- male or female.

All it requires is a facial photo, ideally one looking straight ahead and not smiling broadly to allow the facial structure to be visible. Remember this is not about age but bones. I have done it before and different photos never or rarely put in the list the actress whom I am told I most resemble-- Meryl Streep, but then in the two pictures I used, I don't look like her to me either.

Then I thought, I wonder how much of this is make-up. As I put on more make-up, I did get some different faces but some of the same also. I am guessing they compare distance between eyes, width of mouth, length of nose, cheekbones and maybe forehead height. Some of these faces 'look' nothing like me that much I know, but a few do.

Doing this provided a nice break from figuring out what happened to that calf. We have walked all over our place including the wooded sections and there is no body, but we might have an answer by something that happened Saturday morning.

A coyote came down very close to the barns trying to get into where we keep the sheep at night, but ran when it saw Farm Boss. He did get off a shot but thinks he missed as it kept running.

It's hard for me to imagine a coyote could have completely carried off that carcass, but they have killed calves other places. In the case of ours, if it didn't stick with the herd, if it's mother didn't protect it, it might be the explanation. Basically though I have to let it go and accept something happened for which I may never have an answer.


Paul said...

I see a lot of Native American in you Rain...:-)

Rain Trueax said...

I have an ethnic looking face for sure, Paul. When people are being kind, they call it exotic *s*

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

I think some Native Amricans on the East Coast have cheek bones, high foreheads and long eagle noses like the people of French Mediterranean.

Ingineer66 said...

Interesting that so many Asian women came up as a match to you. Sorry about losing the calf. That is discouraging that you cannot even find any remains so that you can know what happened.