One of the things I love when in Tucson is watching the skies. There are many days of no clouds, of course, where the sun dominates land and sky, but often there are spectacular cloud combinations that sail past from other places, sometimes dropping rain (as they did while I was here this trip), sometimes providing a thunderstorm (we got a bit of that too), and often providing a sky full of drama.
All of these photos were taken from our desert house. We are fortunate here to look toward Pusch Ridge out the back and the Tucson Mountains out the front.

I have always enjoyed desert skies, from the first time I came to Tucson in 1965, but having the blog adds to the pleasure as a place to share them with others. I am reminded to do this by the blog of my friend Sylvia, who frequently posts beautiful sky photos from the Seattle area--
Sylvia from over the Hill
Rain, you have beautifully captured the many changes of the sky I love. I especially love your second photo of the desert and sky. You do, indeed, have a wonderful view in both the front and back of your home.
Hallo Rain, have been following your posts from the desert. My picture of deserts have been formed by the many westerns I watched as a child. So I'm getting a wonderful picture now, of a place where beautiful flowers bloom, wonderful rock formations and amazing skies.
Absolutely breathtaking.
Lovely pics from a lovely lady !
BEAUTIFUL pictures, Rain....And I can see why the Tuscon skies are so addicting....That last Sunset one is breath-taking....And I love all the ones just before that last one, too. The Drama of them is fabulous!
Gorgeous skies Rain....
One of my favorite things to look at...I love that last one in particular....
Rain~ What wonderful photographs!
They say: "Go West--young men"!
And so we shall (minus the 'young' part..haha)
Your narrative sure is inspirational. Thanks...
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