This time it's not so for me. I have a person to support that I truly believe in his abilities to make a difference, to fulfill the promise of this country. We have given money to help elect Barack Obama and will give more.
To be honest, I have not gone the extra mile and volunteered my labor other than supporting him through this blog. Then my almost 10 year old granddaughter (who is an ardent Obama supporter) asked, So are you volunteering? My excuses were many: I don't appreciate getting those phone calls, wouldn't like someone knocking on my door, but in the end, she was right. I have to volunteer.
It's not enough for those of us who really do believe in Obama to just donate money or write about the issues in our blogs. I have to go down to the headquarters and volunteer. I have to do it because I have to know I have done all I can to make this happen for our country.
It's not just my fear about McCain, but that I honestly truly believe in Barack Obama's promise. Not his promises, not every issue for which he stands; but the promise of who he is, his temperament, his goals, and his abilities. He represents a hope and right now it's the only hope.
This was in Huffington last week and it was a good piece on what Obama must do to win: Robert L. Borosage: Obama: Hope for a Change. It's not about playing dirty, not about following the Rovian tactics (which have been bring up his poll numbers substantially and what does that say about Americans who want cleaner elections?).
Obama could do the same thing. He could bring up McCain's possibly shady connections but who wins with those tactics? Certainly not the American people. Obama needs to just clearly state the difference between their stands on issues, their wisdom in the past on various problems, and yes their character where it comes to being a good leader.
Borosage said that if Obama lets this be made into purely a debate over him, he will lose. He has to show that his character is stronger, more right, and that he is the one who knows what this country needs as the entire world heads into even more perilous times.
Still not a huge fan of Barack's, but after her speech last night I'm willing to believe Michelle.
Good for you for volunteering. I think I'll get out there and volunteer when Roger and I return to Santa Cruz. We'll have a good six weeks there before the election to give our full support.
I'm glad your ten-year old grand-daughter is an Obama fan. It bodes well for the future.
I wish it weren't so, but the Rovian tactics work. It certainly doesn't say much about the electorate, does it?
First, you have to get elected before you can make changes. Obama should let his surrogates make the snarky comments about McSame and he should stay above the fray.
Hi Rain,
from Norway again.
You have such clear thoughts about what USA (and the rest of the Globe) just now needs: Change and Peace.
Suzann gave me the Obama banner. I brought it home and show it to people.
I'm and my wife have for a very long time been members and even represented a Political Party (locally - but we know 2 Prime Ministers personally), which leader are just now in Denver. Hoping for Obama as the new President of US.
But, as Suzann, said to me:
I'm afraid he will a victim from - you know what I mean. And in to days news - grrr. I'm afraid too.
I do not want the cold war back - Russia seems to think they have power to do what they have allways done - from the time of the Tsars and communisme - imperialists, in a system that you and me means zero. Oligarcs - that what the truth is.
-- this comment is long enough to be a post in it self. Have a nice week at the Farm in Oregon. Hope the best for the Crop.
I volunteered for John Kerry, not because I thought he was the best, but because George Bush was so awful I feared for the future of this country.
You can't believe the disappointment I felt the morning after the election. It was heartbreaking.
The following weekend I suffered a detached retina in my left eye and I've joked it was because my blood pressure went through the roof after the election and I blew a gasket. I don't really think that was the reason, but I felt better blaming Bush ;-)
You might find your local office has other things you can do - like prepare and send out text messages a day or two before the election reminding people to go to the polls. Times, they are a'changing.
I plan to volunteer tomoorrow. At the Corvallis, Oregon Democratic party headquarters I will offer my paintings of the Obama story.
Torra from Norway,
When I was in Stavanger, Norway in 1994 there was a United States Oil Company doing off shore drilling. Also the Chernoble nuclear accident has polluted Norway. understandably Norway is very interested in tour election. And I welcome a Prime minister of yours watching the Democratic convention. Two of them I do not understand unless one is retired.
Glad to hear you're now a volunteer. We attended a meeting a few weeks ago and both Ray and I signed up with the Obama campaign.
I spent 2 hours the other day, 2 more today and will do the same tomorrow.......making phone calls to Democrats in my area from the list they did up for me.
I have to tell ya.....these are registered DEMOCRATS, and after 2 hours today, I was a bit discouraged. Two told me "I'm a McCain man." WHERE the hell have they been the past 8 years? AND they need to go RE-register as Republicans, in my opinion! I did get a fair amount of Obama supporters, but also many undecided. Despite the chaos of our country....they're undecided? Yup! SO we NEED every single volunteer we can get!!! It ain't over till that fat lady sings and I want to hear her BELLOWING on November 4!
I blogged this morning about my thoughts on the convention and tomorrow....my thoughts on Sarah Palin.
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