I really enjoyed reading the comments here on the Obama speech. Although I will not be able to see it until I am back on the farm, from all I have read, it is apparent he met all possible expectations and then some. Is it possible that Americans can really look at someone for their abilities and not their gender or skin color? We'll see.
When I got online and saw who McCain picked (not even good radio reception driving here), I thought this will truly test the women who are so angry about Obama winning the nomination and then not picking Hillary for his Vice President. They now have their chance to vote for a woman-- a woman with very little experience, with rigid right wing viewpoints on religion, a woman who looks good, and maybe that will be all they want. We shall see.
Sarah Palin does not even believe in abortion in cases of rape and incest. A first time governor, a mayor with some failed policies, someone who barely has paid attention to what is going on in Iraq through her own words, she is the person John McCain has decided should be president if he were to die in office.
I would guess McCain's talk about Obama needing to be more experienced will now be history. It looks to me like Palin's sole qualification is being a rigid Christianist fundamentalist. Except are fundamentalists really those who go off leaving their small children while they run for office? Does she have a stay-at-home husband who takes care of all their kids while mom runs off? Is the important thing in her resume that she wants to have creationism taught as a science?
I think this very much validates all that I have been saying about McCain. He made a major choice that, except for religious fundamentalism, goes against everything he's been saying for the last months about what is needed in a president. He's a loose cannon and I hope Americans realize it before it's too late.
Now I have to figure out if I can rewrite what I wrote while on the Shields and Yellowstone Rivers to make sense and still use some of it. I had some great photos. In fact, I have had a ton of great photos with a few more to come when I leave Yellowstone tomorrow to spend a few days on the Henry's Fork where once again I may not have internet access (but might schedule up that one on the Shields and Yellowstone if I can update it to make sense).
The photo is of Old Faithful this afternoon. It's a powerful thing to watch that geyser do its thing. It is a reminder of the power of nature and of life. I truly am hopeful for our country that people will see McCain now for what he is. My hope is that those who thought Obama was the empty suit will take another look at both men. The last thing this country needs now is another irresponsible, unthinking leader.
Amen, amen! I still can't believe his choice, but so be it and I do hope it proves his further undoing -- he's been doing a pretty good job of that all by himself! It was an incredible speech by Obama. I watched it on C-Span -- no commentary, just all the speeches and it was great! Old Faithful is incredible, isn't it? Glad you're having such a great time!
"Except are Fundamentalists really those who go off leaving their small children while they run for office? Does she have a stay-at-home husband who takes care of all their kids while mom runs off?"
Bravo, Rain! for telling it like it is. I've been wondering myself, especially with the last child born in April 2008.
Also, in a strange way, I've now "upped" my view of Hillary, though I was disappointed in her Obama remarks during the primary.
Amazing, isn't it, how a perspective can be altered when garbage such as McCain's pick is thrown into the equation?
Judy from Arizona (guess who I'm voting for!!!)
I was so hoping you would post about Sarah Palin. I never even heard of her before today and McCain apparently only met her once. His choice is obviously a political one to get Hillary's disgruntled voters to switch parties, but I hope his very risky choice is the one that makes his campaign peter out. I guess the new baby is a Downs Syndrome baby and I wonder too who is watching the home front. There are family values and then there are family values.
She seemed "nice" enough, but I can only hope that all America can see McCain as you see him--a loose cannon.
I'm torn about this choice. At first I couldn't believe he would pick someone with so little experience, etc. Personally I think it's a horrible move and one that certainly isn't putting "Country First."
I've been surfing around the internet a bit and have found two things. Those who are more politically aware feel as we do - this was a horrible pick.
But, the group that isn't following very closely or doesn't take politics seriously are another kettle of fish.
I've seen too many posts saying the Obama camp is being hypocritical for claiming Palin doesn't have enough experience to be VP. They have been fed the "executive experience" line and swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
They actually believe Palin is *better* qualified to be VP, than Obama is to be President.
And the Republican Slime Machine (I don't know how else to describe it) has already put out the memos that whenever someone tries to challenge her positions on things, they will play the sexism card.
My fear is that this election will be decided by the press if we are unable to find effective ways to combat this toxic message.
I could hardly be more disappointed in the two major party slates. What was McCain thinking? Did he believe that Senator Clinton's supporters were only interested in her being a woman? Tragic stupidity, if he did.
Clinton showed what a true "uniter" does. She is the only major party person who has shown real states(wo)manship. What a loss we have suffered! Older n Dirt
McCain's pick yesterday was shocking - what on earth is going on in our country? Your post said it so well, she is so far right, she has little experience and it is such pandering to the religious fundamentalists. I mean, teaching Creationism in schools!
I too hope our fellow citizens/voters can see this for what it is. It feels to me like a manipulative act of a desperate party. Meanwhile, we Minnesotans now prepare for the RNC - right here less than 2 miles from my home.
Old Faithful is amazing and can still remember seeing it when I was 8 years old. Glad you are having a nice time - safe travels.
I'm looking forward to reading the post you write after you hear Obama's speech. It was truly a great speech.
McCain's choice of Palin for VP shows recklessness, political expediency, cynicism and desperation. I guess that's how he spells maverick.
There is another factor at work here. Sarah Palin was a runner up for beauty queen in the Miss Alaska pageant. McCain is no beauty and I think he hopes to get the male vote with her looks, the female vote with her gender, and the Christian right vote with her ideology.
I saw her acceptance speech and she came across as a pushy and agressive gal. (I want to call her a broad, but that wouldn't be very nice.)
Thanks for the photo of Old Faithful. It looks pretty much the same as when I saw it in 1976. Which reminds me of how the earth just keeps plugging along day after day, year after year.
I knew Governor Palin was on the short list all summer, but I thought she was out because she just gave birth. How can she secretly run the country from the bunker in an undisclosed location if she is taking care of a newborn.
Very good post. I also wrote on this today, if you can get through you might like to read it. I had read some things that helped me put this selection in better perspective. I hope the Obama people will hold their fire through next week's convention and see of this thing implodes on its own.
As for me.......a woman, a mother and a grandmother to two granddaughters, I'm beyond angry at McCain's choice. (although he probably shot himself in the foot for my side) But choosing this Sarah Palin was extremely condescending to women.........read my blog tomorrow morning and you'll see why I feel this way.
Hope you're enjoying your vacation!
I can hardly wait for the debates between joe biden and Sarah Palin. oughta be good!! wonder who will draw blood first.
Loose Cannon for president? is a great title.
The challenge of Christian fundamentalism is the single most polarizing enemy of United States unity. Having the chance to confront this issue in Presidential debates is the bright side of the Republican Vice Presidential choice Sarah Palin.
In the past I have seen Barack Obama able to give due respect to people with different cosmic views. He can identify their common grounds so as to suggest how they can have their needs heard by others outside their own belief zone. He knows there is no sense in arguing beliefs.
Sarah Palin will be an excellent proving ground for Obama.
Just when you think you've seen and heard it all. McCain has sealed his fate. I agree Rain...he is a loose cannon, and we've already been dealing with one of those for 8 years now...we don't need that again.
If this isn't proof that Barack Obama is the man we need, I don't know what is. I watched and heard Barack's speech at the convention....and it was incredible. I feel he is meant to be here....and have from the beginning. As he's already told everyone.....It's never been about HIM...it's about US.
This will certainly be an interesting political year! That was the first I had heard of her although someone here said he'd heard her mentioned on a possible list.
I don't believe Borack's statement about it's not being about him, but about us. He has too carefully, too calculatingly choreographed his career for that to be true. However, McCain's choice of Palin is surely an insult to the women who would be qualified to complete the slate.
I believe what I read on another blog--that the plan is for Palin to withdraw so that McCain gets "cred" for choosing a woman and we'll be stuck with two white men running on the GOP slate, too! (Yes, I consider the Dem slate to be two white men.)
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