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Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Hardest Call

I hope you all saw this by David Brooks as he looked at the current health care bill as it is being proposed: The Hardest Call.


Kay Dennison said...

I think he has it right. I am dealing with a governmemt health program right now and it's hell. I dropped an email to Obama today. The only winners are the insurance companies.

Rain Trueax said...

For a wealthy country, our health care stinks for anyone who isn't rich or working for a company big enough to cover it. Nothing in any of these things is going to fix that. Neither party wants to fix that as they try to protect the profits of those corporations.

joared said...

Thanks for this link -- I hadn't read what Brooks had to say. I agree with him, and his reservations.

TorAa said...

I do not agree with him.
I find his views inhuman.

We are talking about 30 million fellow humans that private insurance comapanies refuses as customers because their greedy policy prices are too high. And which greed gave us our present finacial crises.

These people lives are very unsecure.
They feel not safe, but underdogs.
What does underdogs do?
Too many commit crimes.

Give them hope and prosperty. Give them a hand. And a simple job. And Health care.

For all of us living in Western Europe, we take this as granted.

Here in Norway, hospitalation is free. We pay our social security directly from our salaries, even our pensions.
But we need to pay for medicins etc, but if prescriptet from a medical doctor no more than USD about 550 per year. If passed that amount, all medicins and healthcare (when sick) is for free.

With other words, primaly health care is considered a human right. For everybody. No matter of the single persons income.
But, it has a reverse side: Cost.
And some huge challenges: Logistics
and professional unions disagreements.

What I stand for is an effective Health Care for everyone. Under legal control. Both the quality of treatment and the dollars spent.
Which means a combination of private and public responsability.

Hve a great Season and prosperous 2010. Wish I could go to Oregon again. And paddle down Snake River
and stroll around the great shores at the Pacific Coast etc etc. Even taste some good wines.