The sheep, less impacted by cold due to all that wool, were hopeful more apples had fallen. The cats felt something alien had happened, and it was ruining their outdoor pleasure. They refused to have their pictures taken in it-- typical behavior for cats. The humans had been potentially expecting it and thought it was pretty if it didn't last past noon. As I write this, it's still with us.

Although in the last few years snow has been rare in the Willamette Valley, the prediction is we may get more; and it wi

Hopefully no part of the next week will involve what we, in this part of the Pacific Northwest, call a silver thaw when freezing rain coats trees and power-lines forming icicles and leading to broken branches and power outages. At the farm, we are prepared for the latter with a generator, woodstove, kerosene lanterns (now where is that kerosene again?), and candles; but it's never welcomed.

The photos are all from the farm December 14.

The world of your ranch is transformed in a coat of white snow into a wonderous land as much so as the picture of the moon.
How beautiful your world is! Even if it is cold! It is freezing here and we did have a good bit of snow night before last and it's still here! Needless to say, I won't be getting out today! We do have clear skies and sun today and it's not supposed to get out of the 20s
a little unusual for us here in Seattle. Stay warm!
Nice photos. We have snow just up the hill from us. I prefer to see it and not shovel it, but we may get a little tonight.
Great pics
Bathed in white,
We're the same, can see it a little higher up but none yet. Beautiful pictures Rain.
(can't seem to post a comment as I used to be able to
I just want to say how much I enjoy the poetry you sometimes add in comments here, Paul :) Thank you. For me, they always add beauty to the photographs
It looks so perfectly wintry there, rain. I miss being up there when there is that first dusting of snow. It transforms the world perfectly.
It is beautiful on your farm in the snow. A fire in the fireplace on a snowy day is one of those truly soul satisfying things. Stay warm and toasty.
I also like your photos. The winter I could do without but we seem to have it, too. The TV news said tonight the cold may last through Christmas. That's too long.
So, very, very beautiful and potentially dangerous if it turns to ice. On my writing list one of the women lives in MA and she's linked us to the devastation of the weekend--with another bad storm predicted.
But, in the meantime, keep snapping those pictures. I especially liked the cow and her baby--and your description of cats not liking their photos taken in the snow.
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