Because of the heavy importance I placed upon the presidential election, a few photos and places I wanted to write about were put aside. Now seems a good time to bring them out.
For some years I had heard about a trail leading to a waterfall in the Coast Range about 10 miles or so from Lincoln City. In late September, with a need of ozone and seeing something beautiful, it seemed the right time to find out what was there.
The road to th

The road is unfortunately not gravel and mostly paved, on steep slopes of coastal hills, with abrupt edges to the pavement and no shoulders. Except for pull-outs, it's mostly a one-way road that must sometimes accommodate two-way traffic. It makes it a bit unnerving if someone comes the other way. As with many mountain roads, there were no guardrails. Looking out the window or rather down from the window, I visualized our car slipping into one of those canyons. How long before anybody would see it down there?
With little traffic, we made it the Drift Creek Falls trailhead, a surprisingly nicely paved, wide parking area with even a clean, well-maintained, single-hole outhouse, and instructions for where the trail took off.
The trail was an easy one with ups and downs but no slick or steep places. The woods were deep and intriguing, mystical feeling. We kept looking for elk

Is there anything more soothing than a waterfall?
Sometimes words only get in the way.
At the falls there is a suspension bridge, a very high, swinging suspension footbridge which you walk across the get the finest view of the falls. It is the longest in either Oregon or Washington.

I got about a third of the way across and realized I hadn't lost anything on the other side. Hmmmm I see the falls. That's enough for me. I am prone to vertigo; and although the bridge is fairly new, well built in 1998; and because of how it's constructed, you couldn't fall even if you tripped, it did swing and move with each step. Below was--- a long way down. Makes me dizzy just remembering it.

Farm boss has no such problem with heights, and he walked

I did take one from about a third of the way across. Mine was hampered by my eagerness to get off the bridge hence not framed well. Maybe was a tad out of focus for moving quickly back to terra firma.
I want to go back when it's warmer, and we could maybe swim in the pool at the foot of these falls. That would make that bridge worthwhile for even me.
Click on any photo to see enlarged. All are from September along the Drift Creek Falls Trail in Oregon's Coast Range.
Beautiful! I needed that!!!!
Wonderful photos. You must have a great camera to be able to catch the motion of the water so well. I love the one of the creek and the one of the entire falls. I assume Farm Boss takes the photos of you (unless you use a timer) and he is a cracker-jack photographer, too. Of course the subject matter really helps.;)
Yes, we have two wonderful cameras. A Canon Rebel with a 400mm stabilized zoom lens for that hike was mine and he carried a Canon D-20.
Farm Boss took that picture of me. Sometimes they are timed but that was one he took. I might add the secret of really good photos is-- take a lot. Many will not come out quite right and you toss them to get one where the lighting and everything works. It's what I love about digital cameras, that advantage of taking many to get one of anything. There are days where I will like all the pictures taken but usually one will still have an outstanding something about it. I do like self-timed shots but in that case there was nothing nearby to put the camera on.
Really beautiful photos! I do love those waterfalls, have to admit I get a little queasy on those suspended bridges, too.
Looks like a great journey. Love those waterfalls.
VERY funni:
If you want to continue to argue politics, go back to one where it relates or blog that is still wanting to write about such. Michelle Malkin is a partisan of the Nth order. If Obama wasn't trying to get his office in order, she'd find fault with that. If you like her kind of writing, if it makes you feel good, comment there or in like-minded blogs. Any future political comments, when they do not relate to what is above them, will be deleted.
Breathtaking, Rain, and I commend you for tackling this trail and even trying the suspension bridge. I'm getting timid about balance in rough terrain. How wonderful it is to be married to a man who shares the same passions and interests that you have!
Absolutely beautiful photos Rain. I love that waterfall.
That article by Malkin made me think...is Obama going to completely blow it? And the comments about Nancy Reagan was mean. I do hope he watches what he says!
Malkin is a right wing wacko. She looks for anything that doesn't matter to destroy a chance for things to really work. This whole comment thread is why from now on when I write about something that is totally apolitical, such as this one, I will delete any political blogs that don't relate. There should be a time and place to just relax and enjoy nature, not make partisan jabs.
As for what Obama said, he wasn't jabbing at Nancy. He simply made a joke when got taken the wrong way. This is what the press and right wing do. What Obama was kidding about was that he could only reach Reagan through a seance but if he did that, he'd be in trouble as Nancy was for using astrologists. He quickly apologized to her as he simply was not thinking how it would be taken. The right is desperate and they do not care about real issues. From what I can tell, they haven't for a long time. They simply want to find some meaningless thing to use like the office of the President Elect. Obama has said he's not president yet and we have only one but he has to build his administration to be ready on day one and it's why he receives the same security briefings that Bush gets.
Give Obama time and relax about it if you favor him and if you don't, save your anti obama blogs for when I write about it...or you can go back and put them into an old blog. If you aren't aware, I get notice of all blogs and will read them however far back they came from. A lot of people find those blogs and you are more likely to get your comment read from a search to a blog that related than one that is totally unrelated.
Anyway from now on on any blog like this one, no unrelated, particularly political comment will survive my lethal garbage can *s* I will regard such as spam which meets an equally quick end :)
Really gorgeous waterfall! But the road? Hmm, we just recently did those mountain roads in France and I admit it....big baby here.
So the bridge! NO way. Oh, Lord, just reading about it swinging made me grip my desk harder. Beautiful photos!
Saw some comments here on what Obama said about Nancy. Oh, PULEEEZE! Give me a break! The guy was joking, first of all....but I fail to see WHY he even HAD to apologize to her. It was ALL over the media and VERY well known that she DID seek psychics, etc. I really don't see what the big deal is....either with him mentioning it OR her seeking out psychics.
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