I really enjoyed reading the comments here on the Obama speech. Although I will not be able to see it until I am back on the farm, from all I have read, it is apparent he met all possible expectations and then some. Is it possible that Americans can really look at someone for their abilities and not their gender or skin color? We'll see.
When I got online and saw who McCain picked (not even good radio reception driving here), I thought this will truly test the women who are so angry about Obama winning the nomination and then not picking Hillary for his Vice President. They now have their chance to vote for a woman-- a woman with very little experience, with rigid right wing viewpoints on religion, a woman who looks good, and maybe that will be all they want. We shall see.
Sarah Palin does not even believe in abortion in cases of rape and incest. A first time governor, a mayor with some failed policies, someone who barely has paid attention to what is going on in Iraq through her own words, she is the person John McCain has decided should be president if he were to die in office.
I would guess McCain's talk about Obama needing to be more experienced will now be history. It looks to me like Palin's sole qualification is being a rigid Christianist fundamentalist. Except are fundamentalists really those who go off leaving their small children while they run for office? Does she have a stay-at-home husband who takes care of all their kids while mom runs off? Is the important thing in her resume that she wants to have creationism taught as a science?
I think this very much validates all that I have been saying about McCain. He made a major choice that, except for religious fundamentalism, goes against everything he's been saying for the last months about what is needed in a president. He's a loose cannon and I hope Americans realize it before it's too late.
Now I have to figure out if I can rewrite what I wrote while on the Shields and Yellowstone Rivers to make sense and still use some of it. I had some great photos. In fact, I have had a ton of great photos with a few more to come when I leave Yellowstone tomorrow to spend a few days on the Henry's Fork where once again I may not have internet access (but might schedule up that one on the Shields and Yellowstone if I can update it to make sense).
The photo is of Old Faithful this afternoon. It's a powerful thing to watch that geyser do its thing. It is a reminder of the power of nature and of life. I truly am hopeful for our country that people will see McCain now for what he is. My hope is that those who thought Obama was the empty suit will take another look at both men. The last thing this country needs now is another irresponsible, unthinking leader.