Much of what I find valuable-- our freedom, our desire to help others, our concern that every child has an opportunity to get an education-- has been increasingly threatened by the rise to power of those who see everything in terms of how much money it can make. It's rather sad really but there it is.
Fortunately for me, I was born into an era where the middle class has had benefits very few earlier generations had known. It is something we should not take for granted. Do we value the life we have known enough to stand up for it? Are we the first generation in this land that would trade liberty for security? Can you imagine our founding fathers making such a trade?
The Fourth can be a time to remind ourselves that winning isn't everything. Being right matters more than whether someone wins. I know that's not the popular way to look at life but it's true. You can think you won but because of how you did it, you really lost.
We are fighting a war, that more and more it's obvious, we were gotten into under false pretenses-- a nice way to say out and out lies. The men who led us into this war weren't willing to fight when it was their turn, but they don't mind sending young men and women to their death and for what?
I don't want to just be negative about this nation as currently it's been all too easy to do. What is best about us is our people. You can't prove that by our current leadership, but I see our people as mostly good, wanting to do right. I think we can and will fix what isn't right. We have made a start and if the Democrats who got in last fall don't do the job, we should keep tossing them out until we get

Mostly I don't write a lot about my family in here because I don't want to infringe on their privacy, but it just seems this Fourth that it's not enough to talk about our beginnings, or the things that have gone wrong. It's important to remember all that is right.
One example of that is my 'little' brother who runs a 'most of the time' one-man garage. He had a desire to be a mechanic from the time he was little and he became a darned good one. He's hard working, ethical, cares, and keeps his word. My brother is the salt of the earth, loves his family, loves to go fishing. He is the kind of man who has made this country what it has been.
Sure, I know, of course, I'd feel that way. I love him, am proud of him, but he's more than that. To me, he and millions like him represent the best part of what it means to be an American. What has gone wrong we will fix because we are a good people at heart. I truly do believe that.
Happy Fourth of July to people everywhere who value freedom and are willing to work for it.
I soooo agree Rain...As Anne Frank said..."In Spite Of Everything, I Still Believe That People Are Really Good At Heart..." Indeed. Prople like your dear brother ARE the Heart & Soul of our Beautiful Wonderful Country. And I pray we WILL Make it right and that we will fight to keep the Freedoms,So Hard Earned, from being eroded anymore than they already have been by this gang of theives in Washington. One of the biggest things they have stolen is all the good will that we created around the world....PLUS, so very many things our founding fathers fought so hard for---involving our freedom! Our Civil Rights. On this glorious day of remembering that the Declaration Of Independence was signed, let us not forgot, as you said, what a Great Great Country this is. Let us take it back, once again, from the self-serving amoral people who sit in office right now. A lot more very bad things can happen in eighteen months...maybe it is time for The People to rise up and IMPEACH CHENEY & BUSH.
Happy Fourth, Rain. May the Flag of Freedom truly truly wave over our FREE Country, once again.
Your brother is one of the good examples of what this country stands for. He had the ability and the freedom to allow his dream to come to fruition.
After reading my blog today, I think you know my feelings on the rest of it. It's one thing for us, the people, to stand up and take our country back. However, right now we are very limited in this respect. All I can do is hope that a year from this November...."we the people" will restore my faith in our country.
Good for your brother. He and all like him deserve the spot light and a standing ovation. Great post.
I was thinking much of what you wrote today when I was volunteering at the hometown parade. The community, Palos Verdes, is an affluent one, but so many of the people I know there share the values you talk about. For most everyone I know there, family is the most important thing--and making a difference. Down in Redondo where I actually live, there is a mix of everyone doing everything from A to Z. Your brother is a wonderful example of an average American.
Hope you had a nice 4th.
Dave the best things about America are too often taken for granted! God bless all Americans and the USA !!
Ooops, senior moment Rain ! :)
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