There is a theory that it's the ozone in the air both at the ocean and at waterfalls that makes them so calming to humans. I don't know what it is, but waterfalls definitely restore my energy. The photos weren't as great as they could have been as the falls are in a narrow canyon where the sun wasn't hitting the water when I was there. Next time I'll arrange the timing better.

All photos are from [Alsea Falls] on the South Fork of the Alsea River. We parked alongside the gravel road and took a short trail to below the falls for these photos. During the summer they say swimming is possible. I'm ready to go back.
Great things waterfalls ! :-)
The photos and artwork are really great, rain. Definitely capture the beauty and energy.
No matter how many techniques I’ve tried, I never remember my dreams. My teachers said that’s all right. But I do have a recurring vision just before falling asleep, a waterfall, and I am the water. The rocks tickle as I glide over and fall to splash into myself.
Only 45 minutes from home... my wife and I will definitely make a few trips to Alsea Falls.
I love these photos!!!!!
What a beautiful place this is---and in summer it must be gorgeous. Lovely pictures and lovely painting, too, Rain. I can see why you want to go back.
I am a 'slightly expressed introvert'. I always knew I was an introvert and am confused by the term 'slightly expressed'. Does this mean I am a borderline introvert?
I like Jung and have thought he was better than Sigmund Freud or Adler at psychoanalysis. But the test mentions watching TV soaps. Maybe I missed somethingbecause I don't think Jung composed this test.
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