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Monday, September 07, 2009

President speaking on education a threat?

Normally I would not consider education to be about politics. Well maybe when it's curriculum; but this time, it's as partisan as it comes which makes it
Sometimes I get angry at what I read in the papers. Sometimes I wish I didn't feel compelled to keep informed and would like to head into the woods and forget the whole thing (before I remember I live in the woods). Sometimes I just want to cry. This is the latter.

Has the far right gone totally bonkers? Do they believe that the attitude of children toward education so wonderful that they don't need encouragement? If you don't have children or grandchildren in the schools, here's one take on the state of education today:

What is the hope for this country without solid public education? Is education to be the next threat thrown out from the far right regarding socialism and how everything is better when done for profit? They've been trying with trying to get vouchers to take money away from the public system.

How can anyone not see that our hope for the future is to see all children receiving the opportunity for good educations. The only reason I can imagine for people to think otherwise would be a desire to destroy the public system and make sure their children are being educated with their parents' ideas on religion and government. Children taught to think for themselves? Heaven forbid and I do mean heaven. Did anybody see anywhere that Jesus said there should be a public education system? Is it specifically in the Constitution? Point made!

So I can believe hysteria mongers might have another agenda but what about those parents with kids in public school today who did not want their children to hear a Presidential encouragement to work hard at the beginning of the new school year? It's not like this is a new thing for Obama to do. He's been speaking about the importance of education since I first heard anything from him.

What's up with those parents who just revealed themselves to being paranoid, selfish and unpatriotic, what is their fear at their children hearing a message directly from their president (yes, an elected president is the president of us all whether they voted for him or not)?

When Reagan gave such a speech directly to the schools it was even to sell his tax program. Did anybody complain? For heaven's sake, isn't it cool that a president wants to take time out to talk to kids about important issues? Newt Gingrich said it was a good thing; but then we know he thinks being educated is a plus, not a minus.

I am trying to understand what kind of parents would make a fuss over the president speaking to their kids about schooling. Oh, I forget. These are likely the same people who were proud they had a president who bragged at becoming president after a C average at university (don't need no stinking education-- at least not if you have a powerful daddy). They liked one who bragged he didn't bother reading newspapers and saw no reason to be widely informed. Damned liberals.

Just guessing, I'd imagine these parents also wanted/want Palin for President and proudly saw her as being one of them and a plus that she was ignorant about a lot of the world. A leader who promotes education as being important might seem threatening to such people.

Or can these parents barely stand the idea that the United States president is black and don't want their children reminded that white is not the only color that can excel? Don't want other black kids getting the idea that they could also be president?

What do they gain by making such a fuss? Maybe to have him not do it again? He might confuse their babies with his articulateness which is also not a good quality in a president. Are these the people who prefer phrases like kill grandma rather than explaining any programs in detail. Booorrrinnnggg! Maybe the children would compare Obama's speech to what they hear from their own parents. Even worse.

This is not a campaign. Obama is a legitimately elected president by the popular vote as well as electoral and all the wingnuts can do is figure out ways to de-legitimize him. Who gains with that? I shake my head as I literally cannot figure this out. What do these parents fear? Never mind, I don't even want to know.

Well I can make a good guess. They fear mind control. Obama is so powerful that if their kids just hear him speak, they will be turned into mind-numbed robots....

I wonder if they guard their children from seeing Fox news at night?

(Digital painting)


Peggy said...


It seems everything is about politics these days, but then again it always has been. I was so hoping for a much longer period of a honeymoon for our President. just seems that so many people are afraid and skeptical of everything.
Here's hoping the speach Wednesday night helps !!!
Love your post rain, like always.
PS I would like to stick my head in the clouds too but just can't seem to do it. I think we care too much!

Ingineer66 said...

I do not have a problem with Obama speaking to the kids. He is going to say, stay in school, follow your dreams, etc.

I think it is funny that it is being billed as the "the First time the President has addressed the nations children". Like everything this president does is the first time. But Bush 41 did the same thing back in 1991. This just confirms my belief that todays reporters are lazy and incompetent because if something happened more than 15 years ago they do not know about it so it did not happen.

TorAa said...

A good, public educational system is basic for a Nations Future. It's important to give as many kids as possible a good and high education, whatever backgrounds and family income.
This does not mean that Private schools should be forbidden, like many socialists want here in Norway.

In fact education is a major question in our parliament election, that will take place next Monday.

It seems like too many right-wings in US are not aware of the fact that China and India produces more Master degrees than it's students in the whole of USA. Something to think about?

robin andrea said...

I don't pay as much attention to the "news" anymore. I don't even know why it's called the news. Journalists are a dying breed. Better to turn away and stop having our hearts broken. This is madness, and I have had enough.

I'm always glad and amazed that you persist, rain. You are a true patriot.

lucydrake said...

Send the kids or don’t send them…either way, they will find out what was said…with the media and people talking, it will get out…

Lisa said...

Students should be able to listen to the President's speech

Darlene said...

The wingnuts are complaining and it might be because they are afraid that their little darlings might start thinking and not become indoctrinated be the lies from the radical right.

Or maybe it's just as basic as "He's blaaack." How dare that uppity nigger talk to my young'uns?

Ingineer66, I read and heard about Bush talking to the kids. It isn't being ignored mpw, nor was it then. But I do agree that today's reporters are lazy and incompetent.

Alan G said...

I am not sure I will ever recover from this uproar. I am still in a state of shock over the whole thing. I thought the 'death panel' was unbeatable on the "How Ridiculous List" but apparently not.

You know, this got me thinking....President Bush was in a school sitting in the middle of a bunch of school children when the 9/11 attack occurred. You don't think...oh surely not! You think?

Darlene said...

Alan is correct. Bush was reading "My Pet Goat" and the scene was in Michael Moore's movie. I will never forget 'the deer in the headlights' look on Bush's face when he was told about the plane hitting the tower.

Dixon Webb said...

Rain My Friend . . . Several points: 1. I think we should all be glad that a black man was elected, and happy he and his family are living in the White House. 2. Critical comments about race should generally end with that. 3. Every President within my memory has spoken to children. There is no reason whatever to cricize Mr. Obama for doing the same. 4. Do we really have to politicize his every moment? 5. I used to be a very strong supporter of Public Schools. That was before I discovered that many COLLEGE graduates can not read, write, nor comprehend simple 8th grade work. But that's a subject for another day.

Walking in the creek bed didn't hurt my feet when I was a boy. Tried it recently. My feet STILL hurt.
