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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

astrology to check out

Lynda Hill put out her astrological take on this period where we are soon to go into another Mercury retrograde. For those interested in astrology, check out: Lynda Hill's newsletter for September. This could be an interesting month with some positive opportunities.

If more follows from her or other psychics, I will post them there with a link here. Although I have done some natal charts for people, I am not one who really understands astrology, but I am usually interested in what's going on with the planets. Sometimes I do feel the impact, whether I knew it was coming or not, and other times, it flies by with no awareness. Astrologers would say that our natal sign will determine how much we are impacted each time.


Paul said...

I don't put a whole lot of creedence in astrology I confess...

sonia a. mascaro said...

Hi Rain, thanks for your nice comment on my daughter's birthday post! I appreciate it so much!