Then I did something I don't do often. I read the comment section for the article. My pleasure in the political process was quickly dampened as I could not believe what I was reading. One after another of the commenters not only could not spell but were filled with hate fueled by fear that a black man might become our next president.
I kept reading thinking there can't be this many hate-mongers, but there were. They were some of the ugliest comments I have read and made me think that Washington Post site should discontinue comments as these nuts were apparently feeding on each other.

It's not necessary to repeat the kinds of garbage those bigots spewed out, but you can imagine. Their rants were fueled by reading deceitful, email forwards and listening to extreme right wing talk shows spout things the hosts may not believe themselves but know their uninformed listeners will. Check this out: What your uncle is reading.
It isn't all the fault of right wing radio or those false emails. Most people believe what they want. Still, with emails as they are, a lot of people pass things on without fact checking. It's time, if caring people haven't done it before, to think and check before forwarding.
The hate-filled talk I read last night scared me. That kind of venom often incites violence and whether it was aimed at George Bush, Bill Clinton or now Barack Obama, it's unhealthy and should be spoken out against wherever and whenever someone hears it-- including your uncle.
It's not wrong to disagree with Obama, to not support Hillary, or to feel McCain won't be good as president. What is wrong is to turn those feelings into the politics of destruction, filled with violent threats. Not many of those writers (if you can loosely call their lack of spelling or literary ability writing) would actually do something violent; but they could be inspiring it in the unstable who might.
Ignorance breeds ignorance, and it won't get better unless Americans turn away f

By the way, many of those commenters hated Oregon too. They were as full of ignorance and lies about who the people in this state are as they were about who Obama is. They apparently think we are wild, out of control, pot smoking, long-haired, Communist-loving, freedom- hating (told you they don't make sense) Oregonians. Frankly, I have always liked coming from a state regarded as independent minded and unconventional but obviously that isn't popular in some circles...
The flowers are columbines (with a rosemary plant in this last photo). It's the season for them in the garden and each year different colors are created, new places they are planted, none of it by my design. I just let happen what happens. Too bad life doesn't work that way.
I think a good example of why I like Obama as a candidate was reported in our newspaper today about comments he made while in Pendleton yesterday. When asked about cleaning up Hanford he admitted that he didn't really know much about the issue but said that he would set out to learn more. No one person can know everything and to make comments when he/she doesn't is foolish. He admitted he didn't know enough to comment but also said that he would learn more about the issue. I find that refreshing in a politician and think it bodes well for the future. Now if we can get him elected.....
How nice that you have presented the beautiful flower pictures to counteract the "mud" and ignorance you've discovered!
Alas, that is the theme of any politics...I could not believe the hate and the conspiracy theories that were circulated when the current administration was first elected. Wether you agree with a party/person or not, HATE has no place in our society!
I also am hoping for an Obama candidate, wiith hopefully an EDWARDS Veep.
I read the comments on many stories in several papers and many times they devolve into just what you talk about. If a story has more than about 30 comments, they are not worth reading. If you read pretty much any story in the USA Today after 30 or 40 comments they turn into a Bush bashing fest. Most of the comments are by the same couple of people that just spew their hate filled bs. The same thing happens in many smaller town papers too. Whether the target is Bush, Obama, Hillary, McCain or some local figure. It is a few people that apparently do not have jobs and have all day to sit around and comment on stories. But most do not really saying anything meaningful.
I'm with Mary Lou. The collective hate so many people feel in our nation is very, very disturbing and deeply concerns me about the safety of Obama or Hillary. I have a few conservative friends, ex-cops/gun control guys, and they forward me the most outrageous stuff.
Speaking of politics, will you be writing on Ted Kennedy? I feel so sad.
Full agreement from here. It is also important to remember that those who make all the venomous noise are really a small percentage of the population. They just happen to be the most vocal, the loudest, and the most obnoxious... especially if they support the other side, which they almost always do...
Hey it looks like you folks in Oregon are not a bunch of racist red necks after all. So you must be a bunch of uninformed sexists. LOL
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