without a dream in my heart
without a love of my own.'
There is something magical about the full moon. Lovers plight their troth with one and it lasts forever, right? Well maybe not but it's magical anyway. Unfortunately its magic can be both positive and negative. More accidents and violent events seem to happen with full moons according to hospital records.
For me, I hardly ever sleep as well during some full moons. Others pass right on by and I barely know they were there. This particular one has bee
n hitting me over the head with its presence.
These photographs were of an almost full moon taken in Romero Ruins, Arizona March 2007. It seemed that to be there, as the moon rose over the remnants of several cultures, had to be special, right?
Once in a blue moon is a pretty common expression meaning something happens rarely. A blue moon coming in the month of May is even more rare, but we are having one tonight-- as in the second full moon for May.
Some say this will be a powerful time and just in case that's true, in case you believe in planting by the moon, well, give it a try with this one. I have written on moon cycles four times in my blog, which you can find if you click on the label at the bottom of this page. Lately I haven't been doing my own moon exercises, but I plan to use this one and put up my paper last night. I will keep it up until the new moon when I will write what I want to see materialize in my life. Does it work? I don't know but it's kind of enjoyable to do and does help focus on what I want.
Stephanie St. Claire sent me the following in an email-- 'Full moon is at 6:04PM May 31st MST: Honor what has shown up in your life as a teacher, agent of change, opportunity or inspiration. Agree with yourself that you will use this opportunity as a way to be inspired rather than diminished, inconvenienced or victimized. Your attitude is everything. Remember that keeping your frequency high through spiritual practice, time in the sun, humor and love, is the antidote to depression, lethargy and despair.'
And for those interested in astrology, this is from Astrological Musings regarding this full moon.
For me, I hardly ever sleep as well during some full moons. Others pass right on by and I barely know they were there. This particular one has bee

These photographs were of an almost full moon taken in Romero Ruins, Arizona March 2007. It seemed that to be there, as the moon rose over the remnants of several cultures, had to be special, right?
Once in a blue moon is a pretty common expression meaning something happens rarely. A blue moon coming in the month of May is even more rare, but we are having one tonight-- as in the second full moon for May.
Some say this will be a powerful time and just in case that's true, in case you believe in planting by the moon, well, give it a try with this one. I have written on moon cycles four times in my blog, which you can find if you click on the label at the bottom of this page. Lately I haven't been doing my own moon exercises, but I plan to use this one and put up my paper last night. I will keep it up until the new moon when I will write what I want to see materialize in my life. Does it work? I don't know but it's kind of enjoyable to do and does help focus on what I want.
Stephanie St. Claire sent me the following in an email-- 'Full moon is at 6:04PM May 31st MST: Honor what has shown up in your life as a teacher, agent of change, opportunity or inspiration. Agree with yourself that you will use this opportunity as a way to be inspired rather than diminished, inconvenienced or victimized. Your attitude is everything. Remember that keeping your frequency high through spiritual practice, time in the sun, humor and love, is the antidote to depression, lethargy and despair.'
And for those interested in astrology, this is from Astrological Musings regarding this full moon.