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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Out of our control or not?


(image from stencil of old woman and the desert)

 It seemed to me after speaking about our dreams and feeling of lack of control, I should expand a bit on what I meant about lack of control.

First up came the subject of immigration, which is actually impacting most so-called developed nations. I don't know how others see it, but here's my take. I am concerned about uncontrolled entering of our sovereign (some hate that word) countries, where there are agreed upon borders and rules for entry to these countries. That has all been exploded recently with many people, some impacted by climate change or violent crime, are taking sometimes grave risks (sometimes not so much) to get to a country that many of them see as more prosperous/safer than their own. 

For the countries, where they are arriving, there are different views on how they see it with fear, not enough jobs, not enough government benefits, limited available housing, and assorted other concerns. As for myself, I just want the entry to be orderly with those who want to be citizens where they are arriving.

Likewise, with better border controls, is making sure the arrivals aren't bringing illegal drugs or weapons. I am all for a border fence although it's a concern for wild creatures used to access for water and food. What are good answers for these concerns? I wish more responsible leaders were working for those answers and not just using them for political gain.


Naturally, I am concerned with potential wars where governments want to force the young to fight them. I was born toward the end of WWII, was a child when the talk was of the Cold War. We had school shelters in the basements where we were supposed to go if there was a nuclear attack. Kind of humorous if you think of it. I grew to adulthood during the Vietnam era and hence have seen what can happen. Wars should not be fought to make money for some while others die. To go to war,we need to have solid reasons but too often we have not.

As for other concerns where I feel no control... try old age lol. We really can't know how it'll be for us once we reach elderly years. I won't go into details here but I think most have a good idea of what they can be. The quote by a movie star that old age is not for sissies stands still true. But what is our choice short of dying early-- not one I would have chosen.


Rain Trueax said...

After I had written this, I read something I would've included but now will put it in comments. It's basically about being aware in a very different time. Because Ranch Boss and I have RVed and camped for many, many years, we've also had weird experiences. Better to be aware or move if the vibes feel wrong and that was often back then. Worth listening to this and reading the comments below of other's experiences as all don't involve RVs.

Greybeard said...

Our compassion for those less fortunate is killing us as a Nation.
Isn't that a shame?
The disciple Paul said "If you do not work, you do not eat."
Another smart person said, "What cannot continue... won't."
Our present course cannot continue.

Rain Trueax said...

Compassion as a person has its risks also. Some use it and that's so sad.

Greybeard said...

28 June 2024-
Not frightened now?
You have your head in the sand.

Rain Trueax said...

We did not watch the debate for this very reason but I agree with what I read and the country should be scared and if not, it's based on weird thinking.