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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

perspective... or not

As soon as I post something like I did on Saturday about joy in life, depression follows. It's like saying-- we never spill milk on the rug-- and immediately it gets spilled. Or it's going to be sunny, good day to wash the car-- only it rains Anyway Monday night it was hard to sleep, too warm and it didn't really cool off until morning. Then Tuesday I felt a bout of depression such as i haven't had for awhile-- a long while. I had to remind myself-- it's okay to feel this way once in awhile. I've experienced some bouts of depression, and they never feel good, but they do pass.

The following videos helped me on that particularly dark day when it was brightly sun shining outside. It's possible that it's a good idea to make some of these or put together a photo album about our own life and experiences for those times when life isn't all we would wish-- most especially when we don't know why it isn't. 




 Sometimes it's all about getting some perspective...


OldLady Of The Hills said...

You are so right. Sometimes it is all about perspective, if you can just get past yourself enough to see beyond yourself. Unfortunately it isn't always possible, but one must try anyway.
Lovely Videos, Rain/

Celia said...

Enjoyed your videos Rain, sending you my good thoughts and a hug.

Rain Trueax said...

thank you ;) Today was a much better day. I just managed to save a hummingbird from two cats who are now spending the rest of the day inside due to their inability to resist killing for fun.

Mike McLaren said...

Sometimes it's my perspective which depresses me. I don't know what to do about that... when it's my depression making me depressed.

Rain Trueax said...

You are right, Mike. Sometimes it is that. We feel trapped by circumstances. Maybe that's when we need to look at whether it's really a trap or are there options we are missing? I believe though that there are times depression is needed and we should accept dark periods as part of the cycle of life. It's not what we want and in our culture, a pill is the easy solution offered. Which isn't always a wrong thing to take. As long as we are also looking at our lives to see if we can change what we don't like or expand into something broader to make it okay

Hattie said...

Feel better soon! That's an order ;).

Lynn said...

Right on, Rain. Go give Farm Boss a big hug and it will be all right very soon. BTW you, YOU don't need to change a thing ~ YOU are awesome!