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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Sex in books

Consider this to be a kind of disclaimer or maybe warning regarding my books that later this month or maybe the beginning of October will begin to be in various eBook outlets (and I will mention here where and when). I do not want any reader to be blindsided by the fact that these books contain sex as a component of the story. I do not consider them to be either erotica or porn; but imagine to some readers, who have remained rather innocent in terms of their reading choices, they might seem that way. To a fan of either erotica or porn, they will be disappointing likewise.

If sex in a story makes you uncomfortable, please do not buy my eBooks. I don't think you will be happy with them, and I'd hate to lose readers here based on becoming offended by a broadside they weren't expecting.

I also want to say that when reading fiction, never assume that the writer has experienced any of what they write about. It's hard to say exactly from where stories come; but where it comes to sex, it'd be easy for a reader to imagine an author with a very exciting sex life or maybe one totally warped. Neither have to be true. It's creative, and it's fiction.

When I decided to put some of my stories onto the internet, I debated whether to take all the sex out of them. I could have done that as none that I write about takes up pages of text. Even in published books, there are romances where there is zero sex between the main characters. Think Jane Austen and there may not even be a first kiss.  Since I am not trying to please a genre with these books, I had the freedom to do whatever I wished.

The thing is I like to have some sex in them. I enjoy writing about a whole experience where it comes to the coming together of two people. I had read a lot of steamy romances before I began to think about putting sexuality into my own stories. There are romance books where a sexual encounter can take pages and pages to describe and I have to admit after having read a few of those, I tended to simply skip over the descriptions, as not embarrassing but boring, until it got back to the story.

There is a reason to have sex as part of the story when it is describing the soul and emotional connection between two people where finally the physical (which could come before either of the first two) becomes an important part of their experience.  It can also be challenging.  The sex in a romantic story can serve a purpose, but it's not there to gratify prurient interests even if it can be pretty sensual.

My belief is, to tell my stories, sexuality is part of the relationship as it comes together. Some of mine have more detail. Others brush over what is happening. The couples do have a level of commitment to become sexually involved but that does not mean marriage.

How to write about a sexual encounter is something I think about when I am writing as I don't want the action to seem phony, but on the other hand, the events have to have some creativity or what is the point? I also ask myself how comfortable would I be if my kids read what I wrote. My thirteen year old granddaughter asked if my eBooks would be ones she could read, and I said not yet. She said she had been afraid of that. Well, it's not just the sex where it comes to her (although that would definitely be a factor), but I don't want her, at her age to be thinking that much about romance period-- well any more than already is there.

To date, my main characters have all been pretty much in their twenties to early forties. They have beautiful bodies and appreciate each other's bodies very much. They are heterosexual only because it's what I know most about, but the stories sometimes have gay characters who are friends.

My favorite villains are not defined as to gender and might use the threat of sex to subjugate (I don't write about kink) because sex for them isn't about attraction but power. Now I am not sure why I like these kind of villains; but maybe it's because by the nature of being outlaw types, they obviously are people who break all the rules and where we like to have people's sexuality put into tidy boxes, a villain who can't be pegged, adds a dimension. He, as a user of people, becomes equally a threat to the heroine and hero.

My romances and their sexual encounters between the hero and heroine are fantasies. These are soul mates who know how to please each other or very rapidly will be learning how. The sex is idyllic.

I never write about sex that is not voluntary on the part of both. They used to have a category of romance (maybe still do) called bodice rippers where the hero was likely to rape the heroine their first time because the heroine would say no when she wanted to say yes.  I find that revolting. Sex, to me, should be a choice that both make; and if someone says no, they should mean it; and the other person should respect that decision. If the one saying no has been a tease, something my father told me was not good to do when I was just a girl, it might mean the relationship ends right there. I am not interested in writing about such women-- unless they'd be villains.

Not long ago I watched a German film about sex between seniors-- Cloud Nine. The three people in it ranged from late 60s to late 70s and looked their ages. It is a story about an affair and the consequences. It was not in the fantasy category for the sex it portrayed, but it was pretty graphic and honest about sexuality. It could not have been made in the United States as here, if two old people are going to have sex, they better look like Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren!

So maybe someday I'll write a story about older people and romance.  I mostly have kept my characters close to my own age, which means a future story could be about an older woman; and if that happens, sex would be part of the story and the characters would not have perfect bodies but rather ones appropriate to their ages. The very idea of an old woman being obsessed with keeping her body youthful through surgery, rigid diet or radical exercise programs is abhorrent to me and not a character I'd be interested in spending much time with as is required in developing a story.

It can be complex for me to write about sex, to feel comfortable with what I have the characters doing. I don't add it without thought. In my stories, it will be there when I think it's what would have happened and where I feel it is important to the story to take these characters and the reader through the experience as part of the character development. I admit, I enjoy writing about it and trying to make it beautiful. Romance after all is about fantasy, in my opinion. and should be satisfying, making the reader feel mmmmm that was nice, not ack!

The photos of heat and steam are from the Yellowstone Geyser Basin and taken last September.


Paul said...

Sex is natural...Why would it bother me to read it in a book ??...

Rain Trueax said...

I learned the hard way that not all feel that way, Paul. Many many many years ago I loaned my father-in-law a book I had enjoyed and thought he would. It was a story of a man who had been riding the rodeo circuit, went home to the ranch he'd grown up with that was in total disrepair after he was badly injured in an accident. There was some romance but I didn't really think of there being any sex until he said it was dirtiest book he had ever read and he was quite offended I'd loaned it to him. I didn't even see the sex in it but he was very upset over what he saw. From then on I was careful what books I loaned and now want to be careful here that people understand there will be sex in these stories. Not everybody is comfortable with it in a book, poetry or art...

Dick said...

I think sex between two people as you've described it from your stories is natural and beautiful. It certainly is a major part of the human experience. But I can also understand that some people might be offended by something that doesn't bother me in a negative way.

Will your books be in multiformat versions so they can be read on different ebook readers?

Rain Trueax said...

Farm Boss is handling the techie end of this as he and I work through how you protect these stories from piracy and how to get them formatted. He did the first one on the Kindle but not online yet. He read it that way. This is by the way the first one of mine he has ever read although I have consulted with him on various aspects like guns or other physical problems I might be wondering about. He liked that one which was encouraging to me as he hadn't really expected he would. He has never read a romance, but I don't think these are just romances.

They will be on Kindle, Nook and we are thinking Google (for those who don't have eReaders) but we are still figuring that part out as I do the last of the editing. He found a few typos when he read that first one that I will correct.

My big concern right now is figuring out how to protect them from piracy. I do not mind ideas being taken. There really aren't any original ones anyway. What I don't want is someone taking the whole story and putting it out under their name. We are reading a lot about how the risk of that might be lessened.

Taradharma said...

great post, Rain. When I was younger I would get pretty red around the ears when a novel had steamy sex in it -- I thought, gosh, how could the author put something so personal and private out there for all the world to see? Isn't this stuff NAUGHTY and shouldn't it be kept private?

At some point I realized my reaction had a lot to do with my shame-based feelings about sex. As others have said here, and as I know you agree, sex is natural and normal and often at the core of our human motivations. It can be one of the most profound experiences in our existence, and so, to leave it out of the novel would be unthinkable if the author wishes to write with integrity.

But, heh, thanks for the warning! LOL.

Kay Dennison said...

I like your take on this. You said it well!!! And I can't add anything to what the others have said here except that I'm looking forward to reading them!

karmanot said...

Dear Rain, after the '60's, sex in novels is no more surprising than weather and may I say, when coupled with love and intimacy----a profoundly earthbound and spiritual experience.

Celia said...

Sex is part of life, leaving it out would be like pretending we don't eat or sleep. I'm looking forward to seeing your book.

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

I have no problem with reading a book with sex in it even though I haven't read any romance novels. I am, however, not sure if there are as many soul mates as there are relationships inwhich people believe they are soul mates. I have seen people divorce when they think they have found a soul mate and later the second relationship falls apart for the same reason the first marriage failed.
Romance novels may put fanciful ideas into the heads of the inexperienced or vulnerable as you might agree.

Anonymous said...

Rain--Gawd, I must have gotten stuck at age 8. I don't find sex in books offensive, I just find it boring. Been there, done that, didn't need no stinkin' tee shirt! In most books it is easy enough to skip over it and I've never felt that I missed the point of a book by doing so.
You are kind to your audience to give a "heads up". (You are a peach!) I'm sure that your stories are well done.
Cop Car
P.S. I don't find sports interesting to read about or to observe (in person or otherwise). If I'm not participating actively, it is boring. (Maybe that's the real reason I skip the sexy parts. lol)

Rain Trueax said...

On the romance novels leading to unrealistic ideas-- quite possibly. I do not think I have ever read one where adultery or affairs regarding married people is condoned unless the marriage involves abuse. It's plot-wise one of the no-nos of that genre. It's about relationships between younger people; so if romance novels ever ended a marriage, I'd be surprised. I think more marriages end over two people growing apart and it has nothing to do with soul mate thinking.

Back when I was writing these (which is 10 to 20 years ago or more) I read sociological studies on who reads romances and why. Some read them to improve their marriage-- put some spark in it where it's gone but where they still want to stay married. The readers get inspired not run off but to get more juice going in their own relationship. ;)

No fiction though is really about life as it is. It's called non-fiction when that happens. It mostly is about fooling the reader into thinking it might be how it is but it is really about encouraging the reader to buy into an alternate reality sometimes by setting the plot into what appears to be a very realistic world but what happens is created by the writer, not reality. Most of us lead lives that wouldn't qualify to be interesting enough for a novel and frankly we want to keep it that way.

On skipping over the sex parts, definitely what I've done a lot, CopCar unless it's really well done which was rare. I think keep it short and sweet is the ticket.

Parapluie, you never read Gone with the Wind, Wuthering Heights, any Jane Austen? Modern day those are tagged as classics but are romance novels...

I also confess that I still cannot stand the romances I see in the stores which worries me some as to how much my own stories will attract readers because if what I see in the store is what readers today want, then mine won't make the grade... I am hoping there are those who want something different but still about romance and if so, then I might find a few readers-- I hope. Some of the traits in the older romances drove me up a wall with the stupid heroine who got herself into one fix after another where the hero had to bail her out. I like more interesting women than that and wonder why that hero didn't also.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I certainly like to have sex in books that I read, especially if it enhances the overall story. I look forward to reading one of your books when you have them up and running.

Paul said...

Rain on this topic we absolutely agree. Sex is normal and natural. It has a function in our lives. People who seek to make something natural "dirty" are warped in my book.

TorAa said...

I'm rather relaxed to "having sex".
In fact it is really important women and men do have intercourses. If not, none of us would have been born.
Simple as that.
I do not care about porn, in fact much less than movies and books with killings and rapes and other kind of brutallities.
Having good sex is the most natural thing for humans besides struggling to survive: Water, Food and Shelter.
But, when people think about sex, religion and politicial leaders sees a "dangourous enemy".
Just ask them: How were you born?
and if needed: Did your Mother and Father had sex and as a result you were born?

Sex for me is naturally, but as well as so, filled with respect. And respect means also love -
- we can love another person without having sex in the matter most people think: Fucking, to write it straight out.
Love and respect is much more than the few minutes of intimate moments.
That does not mean that in under certain circumstances a woman and man can have pleasure to share.

As you commented, when I grew up - born -45, sex was tabu, we read books (only insiating: Then they went to bed - and they undressed") back closed doors. Even though we could hear our Parents "noises".
My two oldest kids, we then had one room and a Kitchen, they said:
Please play "Boat". Maybe they thought about beeing in a Boat with waves;-)
I say: Life is great, don't tabu our origine.
Thanks for a very inspiring and openminded post;-)

karmanot said...

Just a thought: It would be great to read sex interludes from a woman's point of view. Usually, some male author can only imagine what a woman really thinks and usually that is the poorest part of the novel. One I always skip over. I still think nuance is more sexy than not and intimacy more passionate than porn.

Rain Trueax said...

I like that addition, Karmanot. Mine will be, of course, from the woman's point of view although I write the man's too (only one of the manuscripts is all from her viewpoint), but even when I try to write what a man feels, it's based on what men have told me and what I feel. My opinion is that when sex is most complete, it is as close to a spiritual experience as anything else can be. Ecstasy is both of the spirit and sexual when it all goes to its height. It is a oneness that two people can find. Not to say two people cannot find it other ways. We know they can but it's the emotional and physical aspect of sex, the oneness, of course, when it's flying on all cylinders ;) It's as though two do become one for just that time. There is a biological aspect but to me the main one is something more and it's what a romance novel tries to capture.

Paul said...

Sexuality is a part of being a human being. It boggles my mind when I think of the many people who have been hurt by hypocritical attitudes towards sex and a lot of it, I regret to say, has been done by religious people.

joared said...

As long as sex isn't inserted gratuitously I don't have a problem with the activity in stories.

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