First of all, the Klamath Lake vacation was not about roughing it. It was about family, nature, water, fun, good food, comfortable beds, and simply being. For four nights, we all rented a two bedroom, two bath, two story house on the shore of Klamath Lake which had what they called a

The house is charming with windows in every room overlooking the lake. It has a big stone fireplace at one end of the living room and lots of sofas and places for cousins to play. Considering the grandchildren range in age from almost 2 to almost 11, the space was welcome. It has decks all the way around it with steps leading to the gravel beach and a safe swimming area (although in those reeds were leeches which means no dallying as you wade out to where it was deep enough to swim), a dock, good fishing spots, and an easy place to launch canoes (we brought four).
Sitting on the gravel beach, there was that the kind of peacefulness you suck into yourself. There were other
Sitting there, maybe talking, watching the birds out on the lake, enjoying the breezes, the changing light, seeing my children and grandchildren interacting with each other, was my kind of vacation. I expected it would be good before we went, and it didn't disappoint at all.
We did not plan a lot of activities. I had two unexpected additions. The first one involved a lack of goo
My arms ached so much that I thought at first it was from the exercise of paddling in the canoe. Couldn't be the swimming as it's not like I swam that much. It took me a little while to realize that I had not been drinking much/hardly any water. It was hot and I had been exercising in different ways. As soon as I began to drink a lot of water my body could deal with the dehydration. You can bet I didn't let that happen a second time, but there was another surprise ahead which will be in a future blog.
When I was younger I always thought I'd like to learn to canoe, but I wasn't sure about it. I mean it's not the sam

It changes my whole perspective when I see the shore from out there, when I float along so quietly, helping to move and guide the canoe. Canoeing down a little arm of the lake , seeing geese or other waterbirds gliding ahead of me, it makes me feel one with the lake in a way I don't even when swimming myself.
All photos from Klamath Lake. Next set of photos will be of the birds of Klamath Lake.
Lovely pics Rain and you are very photogenic and beautifull...
It sounds like the perfect place to recharge your batteries. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. Being with family is a special way to enjoy a vacation.
Your first and last photos of the same scene of the lake are stunning. I love the pink clouds and the lake at sunset.
Looks like a lot of fun. I will be white water rafting on the Snake River next week and get away from this heat. One last vacation with all the kids but one, before they disperse for points far and wide.
I have been on the highway on both sides of Klamath Lake/Falls, but never up to it. Some day!
that should be fun on the Snake River. Keep your eyes open for thunderstorms while there though. In that country, it's that time but I guess you knew that.
Our temps here are supposed to go down to mid 80s tomorrow from maybe 107 today. That could mean thunderstorms here too. I hope if so we get some rain with them. Bad time of the year for dry lightning
Thanks for the tip Rain. So far the forecast looks good. They warned us pretty strongly about bringing rain gear too.
Today has been ssoooooooo frustrating to me from blogger and picasa which are both Google. They have taken a dislike, I guess, to my server which is Hughes net. I can get in through a back-up dial-up which we have for when the dish goes down but can't get into the Google companies without that. Everything else works fine. Where this matters the most is comment moderation. I wish I could take that off and maybe with the next few blogs being non-political, I could try. I just dislike so much seeing nastiness already online when I get here and until I delete it. Good debate is healthy but ugly insults are not.
Because of the heat wave here in the Pacific Northwest I wanted to find out more about dehydration. I know one of the symptoms is swelling of fingers. The body tried to conserve fluids causing swelling of fingers and feet.
There is more information on dehydration on where I found this recovery hydrating fluid.
1/2 teaspoon slat
1/2teaspoon baking soda
3 tablesoons sugar
1 quart of clean drinking water.
Breathtaking!!! How I envy you! Glad you had a great time!!!
Thanks for the recipe, Parapluie. I probably hit close to the right combination simply because it's my usual drink-- water, a little Diet Coke, and lemon juice. I have done salt in Tucson when I get a headache assuming I am drinking too much water and depleting my salt.
I am still frustrated with blogger and picasa as neither work for my regular server, hughes net. What a bummer!
Wonderful pics, rain. I especially like that dragonfly. What an interesting looking creature. Love those markings. Hope things are cooling off there.
A mixture of half regular Gatorade and half water works very well as a thirst quencher. Too much Gatorade can give you too much salt for most people.
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