Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of Parapluie, Fisherman and Farm Boss eating lunch after the hike was over. There were wooden picnic tables and not like the lunch was spectacular or anything but it was the end of the trail-- for that day.
Well not quite, as we did stop for one more set of photos on our drive back out-- the lilies that hadn't yet been blooming higher up.
Looks like a great hike with friends. Quite beautiful there.
Who could ask for anything more? A lovely day, lovely weather, beautiful flowers and scenery to photograph and best friends to share it with.
I see Parapluie has her paint brush in hand and you have your camera.
I love all these and the contrasty one of Farm Boss looking into the far distance with walking stick is a prize winner. When are we going again?
The weather isn't as nice this weekend.
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