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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Birds on Klamath Lake

One of the things we most enjoyed on this trip was watching the birds. They didn't have to do anything to make it pleasurable. Just be there, just be going about their business which was generally surviving but not looking like they were struggling to do it.

We'd watch the little duck come up past the house with her ducklings and when she didn't have all three, we'd wonder what happened and feel relief when one would come swimming fast as it could to catch up.

Other than photos of the kids and grandkids, I took the most photos of birds and realized they deserved a blog of their own (two actually). There isn't much to say about them other than how enjoyable it is from a canoe or sitting on a beach and watching birds doing anything.

The fireweed was almost finished blooming, but the hummingbirds kept flitting to it and leaving. I only got one photo that even came close to clicking before the hummer had gone.

A swallow's mud nest was above the garage.

Six geese swam ahead of the canoe down one of the channels until first one and then the rest decided they had had enough of the interlopers and took off. It isn't like I want to be a bird. I know they can have a hard life but they do add something special to my life wherever I am.


robin andrea said...

Beautiful bird shots, rain. It's really so pretty there.

Dixon Webb said...

Rain . . . Despite hydration problem you certainly make it sound like an ideal vacation. Your pictures are terrific. Thank you.

Dick said...

That is a beautiful place and you have taken some nice photos of it.

Darlene said...

Maybe you were only able to capture on photo of those swift hummingbirds, but the one you got is outstanding.

Great shots of the geese taking off.