In the past I have mentioned my dislike of my own profile photos. Even if I get one I like, I get tired of them and then want something new. I am too picky probably as I want one that says something but then the question is what. I use one, instead of scenery, just because I enjoy seeing what other bloggers look like and assume other readers feel the same.
This time I decided to try a new process. This is from a January webcam photo merged into a place I always enjoy being-- Paradise Valley, Montana. The wonders of photo shop lets me set myself into a dream-- at least for now.
That is nice. I have never used a web cam even though my newer laptop has one built in. What kind of resolution is available from them?
I am using a photo that I like of me even though I no longer have the Miata car that I'm sitting in. I have also thought about putting up a photo of just Huggy as she is mentioned in the blog title.
Hi Rain . . . Great picture. Wonderful background. Just read your comments on values. Agree with almost all of your comments. Little friction when you got to Tom D. who apparently was more dishonest than you related. Also bristled when you mentioned the MSNBC Hardball survey. I don't trust ANYTHING coming from that source. NOTHING! The rest of your concerns about values and ethics is right on target. It is probably an oversimplification to say that as FAMILIES continue to fail, so does values and ethics. Sadly, the concept of "family" like our generation and that of our parents, is becoming a relic of the past. That key social unit is failing. There was a time when families taught the importance of values and ethics. Parents tried hard to educate their children regarding honor, honesty, integrity, religion, grace, manners, respect for others, and so forth. Those days are passing into oblivion right now. Neither the schools,the churches, nor anyone else can do the job. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren and I worry about their future.
Great picture! The only reason I haven't posted a photo is I would hate to be reminded dozens of times daily of just what an old broad I am -- did if for a time and lost my appetite.
Something to think about you here write:
How do I want other people to see me like versus how do I observe other people?
Both of us are experienced enough that we know that at the end of the day, it's the mind that matters.
I can see in your eyes you are a very reflecting and nice person.
hugs from acroos the miles to you in beautiful Oregon.
btw. I did bought 2 bottles of Oregon Pinot Blanc for this weekend.
I was blown away when I discovered what Photo Shop could do if one takes the time to play with it. It will remove lines, wrinkles, bags under the eyes and for the Internet, I'd say it's right up there with Botox. Techonology has come a long way, baby!
Yep, what only professional photographers used to be able to do, now anyone can learn to do. The problem with it is you can go too far and lose the personality of the person. I saw a magazine article not long ago discussing how far one can go, when you remove say blemishes, is that you lose the sense of reality? I've seen that with some magazine shoots-- even when the subject wasn't that old. Suddenly they weren't them anymore.
The other thing with photos online is if you (or a professional photographer) fool with them too much, you could never let anyone meet you-- not to mention be darned sure none of your friends or family read your site.
I have read about people who did it though (or even used someone else's photos) and got so tied up in that artificial identity that they did meet someone and forgot the photo botox wasn't with them for real :)
My philosophy is take a lot of photos, as a pro would do, and the odds are good that one will be what you want (especially if you vary lighting).
I have also written here before about the advantages of webcam photos for not having the sharpness of a flash, more control over lighting, and the ability to see what you are getting while you take the photos.
I am not knowledgeable about the details of webcams for resolution, Dick, but my photos vary from say 45kb to 450kb depending on where I set the camera. I prefer to get as much detail as possible as there is then less digitization. Little squares don't look very good. I control lighting and prefer quite a bit of it to get as much shape as possible. Too little lighting leaves very little facial features showing. I also put it in front of me, above the camera as well as the normal overhead light in the room.
Dixon, what I was saying about Daschle is I don't know he doesn't have honesty as a core value because of what happened over the taxes.
As for news sources. You probably trust Fox, right wing bloggers and radio talk programs :) which I wouldn't trust at all. One of the things dividing our country is we have these diverse sources of information that often are exactly opposite. Mostly people choose to believe what suits their own beliefs already. My opinion is get a lot of sources and try to get actual words when possible (although that can be manipulated also). It is as hard for me to believe what right wingers believe right now as it is for them to comprehend what I do. I don't know the answer to it either.
Beautiful photo Rain -
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