I have two dragons. The one you see above is a soft sculpture, Ephemeris, which I bought some years ago from a friend. Her site is I Love Whimsy-- Dragon Art. My dragon, European myth in its appearance with wings, has always had a special place in my home, but I never really thought why I wanted one bey0nd its being beautiful.
The other dragon, bas-relief sculpture was a gift to my husband from a Taiwanese friend and it also has

Personally, I have accepted the Chinese interpretation that dragons were good luck and benevolent, not the malevolent version in European myths, but it has all been on kind of a superficial level.
The synchronicity for the dragons came as I was finishing reading Shirley MacLaine's newest book-- Sage-ing While Age-ing and something especially caught my attention in the last pages. It was her story of a discovery by two of her friends while in Mexico. High on the slopes of Mount Iztlaccihuatl were carved some Hebrew letters. They had them translated at the Hebrew University-- "On the nine the dragon will be born."
MacLaine, as she does throughout her book on many such subjects, worked to determine what that prophecy could mean (to find all her reasoning, look for her book). The main question was are those words meant for us today? Does it relate to the Mayan Prophecies that so many believe will come to fruition in 2012?
MacLaine writes, "... The power of the dragon is often equated to an unadulterated, enlightened connection to creation, much like a newborn child who is not yet tainted with knowledge and ego. The dragon is also usually associated with the birth of consciousness, which can be conflicted and chaotic."
From her research MacLaine concludes her book with what she believes the Hebrew prophecy will mean-- "On December 21, 2012, our new consciousness will be born."
So is my friend painting dragons because as an artist, she is always tapping into her creativity, is she reaching into her genetic past, going through a personal time of rising consciousness, or could it be because she feels a worldwide consciousness rising time coming?
The name of my dragon, Ephemeris, was given to it by its creator. The word means a table of coordinates of a celestial body at certain times-- answers from the heavens.
Answers? Well right now I don't have any except synchronicity plays out over a period of time. It is about awareness, looking for connections, and sometimes patience.
So what is supposed to happen on Dec 21, 2012? And was this supposedly predicted many years ago by the Mayans?
I have always thought dragons were just someone's idea of dinosaurs dating from before archaeologists had discovered their bones & reconstructed them. They knew enough to know there had been something like them on the earth but didn't know just what they looked like. That would make them more mythical than real. Things of old stories.
A brilliant Engineer Inventor I know had little dragons all over his house. Thank you for enlightening me as to why he was attracted to that particular icon. Inventors are by necessity more connected to the creativity of all there is than most others would be.
I am honored to be allowed to share your thoughts here and hope you and your readers will come visit me. I have linked your blog into the word synchronicity in the closing sentence of my post on the benefits of an Attitude of Gratitude.
the mayan calendar ends in 2012 and there has been much speculation regarding what that means. Some think end of the world but her take was a new level of awareness. Her last few pages of that book refer to her ideas.
Dragons can't be why man described dragons as the bones weren't put together in the eras where dragons were described but were dinosaurs just fairy tales or allegories, who knows
glad to see you here, rose :)
Thanks for the reference to my blog and your insights into what dragons mean. The Hebrew letters are interesting and could have many interpretations.
I think Dick has a good idea that the ancient peoples of the world were aware of the fossils of dragon like creatures.
I will have to think more about dragons being connected to a new world consiousness.
Hasn't MacClaine had similar predictions before? Predictions with times that have already come and gone?
MacLaine is more known for her personal belief in reincarnation and her description of her past lives, her belief she lived in Atlantis, that she believes in space aliens who visit this planet.
In this book, which maybe I should write about, she is more a collector of ideas than prophesying anything. Even in this case, it is something others have said that she sought to interpret. I am also a collector of ideas; so I relate to her way of thinking.
Very interesting topic, Rain. Except for seeing parades in China Town in S.F. long years ago, I haven't been exposed much to dragons.Yours are very beautiful by the way. I didn't know about Dec. 21, 2012 being the end of the Mayan calendar, but over the years, I've come to be a bit skeptical about prophecies of end times, or consciousness shifts. My parents always teased me as a little kid because there was a prediction about the world coming to an end--probably in 1945. I was devastated because of the implications that had for Christmas. Silly kid. I also didn't know Shirley MacLaine had written another book. The last one I read was when she walked the Compostelo, as I recall. I'll check out Parapluie's site.
I'm making a copy of your post Rain. My daughter, Jenna, would love it....she collects dragons. You should see her apartment...amazing.
Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
]2012 end of the world
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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