This week-end, as I walked in the nearby town, once again admiring the spectacular foliage, along the same river, my mind was running through a mix of thoughts. As usual the sidewalk was full of people out walking along the river chattering about their lives, their concerns. I

This is our son and daughter-in-law's second child and normally, I think, you'd worry a bit less with the second one, but their first son had been delivered via C-section. He was breech and there was no convincing that baby to get into proper position despite all attempts-- orthodox and otherwise. The important part was he was healthy and has been a delightful little boy-- if still strong-willed (no idea where he'd get that since everybody in his family is likewise).
This time though her plan was she would have their baby VBAC, which means vaginal birt

I trusted their wisdom on their choice, even though a nurse friend, who sees all the things that can go wrong, had informed me of some of them. Finally I decided to do some of my own research online. While I had understood things change, I also knew that when I had had my babies, this would not have been an option.
Surgical techniques have improved and more parents are choosing what my son and daughter-in-law did (although still not a majority). There are serious complications in only .5 to 1% of VBACs. There are many advantages for the baby as well as a faster recovery for the mother if she can birth her baby without surgery.
I did worry some still because, as I told our grandson, when he was with us Sunday and he wanted to race ahead on the sidewalk-- nope, hold my hand around traffic, because this grandma does worry. He looked up at me with those wide innocent (when they aren't twinkling with mischief) three year old eyes and said-- why?
What a totally wonderful age three is. There are so many whys in the world and it's fun to be around children as they learn about their world. You don't want to unnecessarily fill them with your fears; so you have to find a way to explain the why without adding fear to the mix-- just because it's how this grandma is was as good as he got Sunday-- plus carefully taking him across the lawn to the edge of the river where he could look at how far down the bluff was if someone fell over it. Always best to show someone why-- when it's possible.
So this week-end, I stressed some, after all extremely low risk or not, sometimes things go wrong and I didn't want this to go wrong. I love my daughter-in-law and wanted her

After a tough and also blessed week-end, there is a new Libra in our family. Liam, with a full head of black hair, was b

Monday morning, in the hospital but due to go home that afternoon, our daughter-in-law looked beautiful holding her newest son (as always I do not post photos of recognizable family members so you just have to take my word that she was lovely, vibrant and very happy). Hey, she even offered to let me hold him. Can you tell that made me very happy too? *s*
You are so beautiful and the season is so beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes. Congratulations!
hOw do you pronounce Liam?
What a wonderful grandma you are. Very nice photos. Is it pronounced like Liam Neeson the actor? That is Lee-um.
thanks to you both and yes, it's Lee-um. Irish and means unwavering protector. I think it's a great name that they chose.
Congratulations on the new Grandson! Babies are wonderful but at my stage of life I am glad it is others who are having them.
We took a tour bus trip last Friday with my YMCA group across Stevens Pass to the town of Leavenworth and the fall leaves were spectacular. I will get a post up soon with some photos from that trip.
Congratulations! What a wonderful October for you and your family. Liam is a beauty, and you look radiant holding him.
OHHHHH I want one!!! SIGH!!!
God bless you !!
Congratulations Rain - babies and proud Grandmas - what a wonderful combination.
Beautiful Liam. Thanks for the pics, Rain. You do look beautiful with the grandbaby. I was VBAC in 1952 -- not supposed to go that way, but I was born before the dr. could get to the operating room!
Oh Rain, what a beautiful little guy he is. Look at your face....it radiates joy and love.... peace. Congratulations Grandma!
Your other pictures of October gifts are beautiful as well....but pale in comparison to the gift you're holding.
Welcome to the world, Liam. He is handsome, but his grandma is stunning. I enjoyed hearing about it all as I know you rarely post directly about family for privacy reasons. I assume the birth went well. Your fall photos are also stunning and I just finished reading your Tijuana story. I think all of us are in a nostalgia period--all of us being the bloggers I read with regularity.
thanks everyone for the congratulations. He's doing great and so are his parents :)
OH WOW>>>>>>WHAT I missed when I was in Paris! (still playing catch-up here)
But I'm wishing a belated congratulations to you on becoming a grandmother again and to your entire family.
LOVE the name, Liam and he's just gorgeous! How neat!
I love October also...my daughter turned 43 on Oct. 24...she was my first-born, so Oct. has always been a special month for me.
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