Mostly I try to keep them away from the house with a leaf blower. It doesn't have the aesthetic beauty of the lawn rake but it does the job in an hour that the rake used to need half a day. With seven oaks right near the house, rain storms that make them sodden and hard to move, I try to stay ahead of them.
These photos are trees we planted around the house. Where we live, the fall colors on this farm are not naturally as vibrant as I knew was possible; so I went looking for trees to plant just for their fall colors. Hey, it's coming anyway, I might as well enjoy it.

Yesterday while the main burst of fall was just beginning along the creek, barely tinging the tree tops, the skies were wonderful, constantly changing, symphonic temptations with their mix of colors and shapes. I took my camera with me several times.

You capture the essence of fall so well, rain. The photos are so beautiful. The sky and the light are magnificent this time of the year.
Awesome photos, Rain!
And since our "autumn" in Florida can't compare....thanks for letting me enjoy it vicariously via your photos.
Nice pics Rain !
It must be heavenly to be on the farm/ranch right now. Your photos are are wonderful. You did plant things that turn in the fall; you were thinking ahead. It was warm and beautiful here today, but I am mourning summer.
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