Where it comes to this profile, I could avoid the problem and put up scenery. It's tempting; except, I like to see what other bloggers look like and assume readers want to know what I look like.
If I am going to put one into a profile, I want it to look like me but also one that says something about the kind of woman I am-- the real me. I want to be able to stand looking at day after day. For this one, I also want it to say something about the blog here-- a blog that has no identity (Fran at Sacred Ordinary was discussing identity of blog recently) as it has no topic as such. So I am looking for a lot from a photo-- oh and I never want a big smile on it. I quite frequently write about depressing or even irritating topics and no way do I want a big grin up there looking down on those words.
So after tolerating the last one for a couple of months, I was more than ready for a change but to what? Well I have something up temporarily, but am not sure I like it. To get some help with this, I thought I'd put up a couple I took the other day to see what others might think. Do any of these look like a photo of a woman whose blog you'd like to read?

This is my own favorite.
I like photos with no smile--
at all.
Although is it a grumpy looking?
Like maybe a woman who
forgot her metamucil.

Like she swallowed something
disagreeable which is true
after reading the paper.
I can't believe it! No way they'd
do that.. Damn, they did...

And here is placid, sweet
Okay, as sweet as it gets.
Maybe just had a glass of wine.
This is the--
won't-do-me- no-good-to-get-upset-- look.
A bit of a bovine quality.
Besides, it's only 17 more months...
unless Giuliani gets in!

Wondering if conjuring
a spell would help
probably not...
Anyway, any opinions? A,B,C,D or the one I have up? Or should I start looking for something new?
And on the conjuring, just joking-- honest!
I like "A" as well. It's not grumpy looking at all. Maybe serious, but also contemplative and thoughtful. They're all beautiful.
These profiles are beautiful images but.... All of them look a little like you in just one aspect or another of your personality. None of these are my image of you as I see you in person in a conversation about the issues of our world today. I would like to see your eyes open as though you were talking right to me. I think your husband could photograph you as you are really talking to me or someone.
These images are of a sensitive woman in various introspective, contemplative moods.
A way in which you have been successful with profiles in the past is to use backgrounds like your fireplace to advantage. whatabout a solid color background? Or a new way would be to crop the face so there is just a little hair and mostly your eyes.
It is difficult to see yourself as others do but you are very conscious of the face and little expressions of it. Your comments make me laugh. Excellent post!!
I think A is my favorite for a blog photo profile. I see the Indian drum in the background and an empty message board. Some of the others I see clutter in the background and I can not make out what it is.
All of these images are soulful and beautiful but my favorite photo of you and one that so readily fits is one taken from your April 15th entry, "Somewhere Along A Trail." I am referring to the 3rd photo which shows you about to scramble up a large rock. The wonderful natural setting of rocks, vegetation and you looking like you are having the time of your life is so apt for the writing that you bring to us; writing filled with a zest for life, with a deep understanding of our connections, writing that informs, enlightens and is real.
Rain Helen of Troy would have been jealous of you. I especially like the one of you holding the orb. :)
I like the one from the 56th political blog the best.
I'd go for C as I do kind of like a bit of a smile, or the one you have posted there now. But I also liked that one on the beach you had up awhile ago.
Wonderful post! I just wanted to say that you don't need a spell or anything girly. I think your very pretty. :) All of the pictures are outstanding! :)
Thanks for sharing with us!
They each have their merit, but I vote for A, which to me is a very peaceful but pensive look.
B is the mean look. Witchy Poo....
C has that "oh, damn, I give up" look.
D is back to Witchy Poo getting serious, casting an evil spell over the little buggers.
I also blew up the current profile shot and discovered something not noticed in the thumbnail -- there is a bit of a smirk.
I'm sticking with A. You do what feels right for you. No one else has to be happy with it.
that was very interesting. thank you all for your insightful opinions regarding what the photos said. And winston-- a smirk? never ;)
Rain, I just love "D" - it's fun! But my very favorite is your self portrait on your June 7th blog.
Well, it was between A and C..but I think I like A a little better...for your blog. You have a kind of soft pensive look...not grumpy at all. Slightly mystical and warm. I vote for 'A' Rain.
I vote for the one you have up on your profile. I like all of them...but this one the best. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and I have enjoyed reading. A lot of what you write about really hits a chord with me. I'm trying to not let aging get me down but in our "modern society" it is really hard to do.
My vote is for "C"
You look pensive, friendly, intelligent, and ready to share your thoughts with the blog world.
But I really liked all of them.
I like D best, you conjuring, which I hope you are doing plenty of in Montana on your dial-up. Though my son did his residency in Billings, I never went while he was there as he was too darned busy for a visit. I do want to see Yellowstone and Glacier one of these days.
thanks to all for sharing how you saw these photos. Being in Montana, I took something here and am going to use it until I get back at least to where the others are. I still am not sure what to use but seeing how everybody saw them so differently makes me feel it was okay that I didn't know which worked best. It is all about perception. :)
i also learned, with the laptop, that what monitor is used makes a huge difference in how things look... that makes photos difficult because you never really know what another computer is seeing.
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