Some say that it's wrong to have big dreams. We should be satisfied with where we are, and a dream is like the grass on the other side of the fence. They add with a knowing look-- "It won't be what you think when you get there."
I think of how it is when cows break free of their fences and head to other pastures. Maybe it's not better over there, but oh the adventure of it. They remember they are cows in a herd and they feel their power as they thunder down hills, the dust flying, their eyes wild with excitement. As much as cows can ever know such a thing, they realize the world has surprises yet to be revealed. There are adventures and, yes, also risks that the pasture didn't let them experience.
Most cows are brought back to their own pasture eventually, but a few never come home. They run wild in the hills and you see their hoofprints once in awhile along a dirt road, but they disappear into the forest to live free like the elk and deer. Yes, that life is less settled, no guaranteed food, risks from cougar and bear; but if they didn't like it better, they'd be back leaning over the fence.
Some cows never desire to leave the field. They know it's secure, and security is what they most desire. They look with dismay and moo loudly about the ones who broke the rules.
And for the ones caught and brought home, do they reminisce to each other? Remember how it was over there? Did you try that grass down along the creek. Wasn't it better than anything you ever tasted?
Was the grass really better? the ones who stayed home might ask.
Perhaps it was. Perhaps it was not. The ones who stayed home will never know.
A few years back, a good friend sent a bookmark which I keep by my computer. It is a quote by Anais Nin. "Dreams are necessary to life." A year or so later, she sent me a print, which illustrates this blog and hangs above my desk, because when she saw it at an art show, she said it looked like me. She knew I had a dream, and the picture shows a woman living the life I have dreamed I would. My friend's gift was an encouragement to not forget my dream and to move toward it. It would take risks for me to do so, but my friend is right.
Are we ever too old to dream? I think as we age, we may have to adjust the dreams for what is physically possible; but there can, and I believe, should be dreams at any age. To follow a dream sometimes does have risk attached. Some would say forgetting your dreams will make you happier, but for me, I will hold onto mine and take my chance to make them real if the chance comes.
Some of my dreams have come true, others have been broken along the way, some I have had to reconsider if I really want enough to pay the price, but I always try to find new ones, maybe of a different sort, because when my dreams are finished-- both kinds-- so am I.
(The print is by the artist, Glen Powell.)
This is a wonderful post today. I liked it so well that I have quoted a part of it in a post on my site, with references to your site. Go check it out.
I think you are correct in what you are saying. Just because we are getting older is no reason to give up daydreams. Perhaps they just get a bit more realistic.
Loved your UFO post. Personally I find it almost impossible to believe there aren't UFOs---and more highly evolved lifeforms as well as infinite dimensions.
I don't understand it but I believe it.
Todays post was terrific too. I find my dreams as an old person are really liberated. I don't feel constrained by reality anymore. It's very liberating!
I love this entry to your blog. It makes me feel like getting up and doing a joyful dance. Wha whooo! Or is it Yippy High Yeah?
Outstanding post!
We are never too old but sometimes our dreams change and we find a different pasture for our adventure :)
I like the topic and the picture that your friend gave to you, most of all I love the quote. How can a person not dream *S* I know without some of mine I wouldn't be where I am nor would I have done some of the things I have done..be they right or wrong ;) I can picture you in that soaking in that way Rain, it's "you". I've done it when I lived on the farm and there isn't much that can compare with it.
I agree with you and your commenters, we are never too old to dream. I guess I kind of put it another way sometimes: I need to set goals (often dreams) and begin a plan of action to achieve them. But sometimes just plain old day dreams are enough--laying on my back in the grass and watching cloud formations, or people watching as I did tonight when I went to a concert down at Redondo Pier. Or sometimes it is simply fun to recall a particularly romantic and passionate evening long ago. Is that a dream or a memory, do you think?
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