Samhain is the Celtic name for All Hallow's Eve. It represents the ending of the light time of the year and the beginning of the dark. Some see it as when the dead reach out for the living hence scary movies and the costumes that used to be most typical for Halloween-- witches, ghosts, and monsters. Today I hear Hillary Clinton is the most popular scary mask, not sure if that has meaning but will save politics for another day.

On Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, Halloween, the veil between the other side and the living is supposedly very thin. Some believe it's a day to celebrate those who have gone on. To do this, they create an altar of pictures and keepsakes to honor their loved ones who have died. It is traditional to use lights and food to guide the spirits back and as offerings to them. The gifts of candy for children goes with this tradition as does a switched on porch light meaning -- come on in.
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It was probably about eight years ago that I got my first deck. I use them now and then but not daily. I won't go into the details of how to read cards because I think I wrote about this before. T

In the bookstore, I looked through the sample cards but as soon as I saw The Gilded Tarot, I knew it was the one. The art is digitally created by Ciro Marchetti. The companion book with suggested meanings and spreads was written by Barbara Moore. The art really touched me which is the best way to select a deck. I liked that it use

So far the readings I have done with this deck, after smudging it to cleanse it with sage, have been intuitive, giving me not just insights but reassurances about the direction I have been moving.
An example-- I posed a question about my relationship with another person, shuffled, cut and dealt out 3 cards. Looking at them, they seemed very apropos from what I knew of the situation.
I turned the question toward the other person's end of the relationship, shuffled, cut and deal

If you do a reading, where you already knew what it says, what was the point? I think it's two-fold. One is it helps us to realize our insights are accurate. It gives us confidence in our own intuition. Then if one believes there is spiritual help from outside ourselves (always ask that you receive help only from the good side, from the white light, from your understanding of who god is), readings that succeed are confirming that the help is out there. These readings also have reassured me that this deck is working for me right now. It is the right deck at the right time.
Personally, I don't believe Tarot is occult but realize some see it that way. In my mind, it is a tool. How it is used will determine whether it's for good or ill which is true of any spiritual tool including rosaries, prayer beads, even scriptures when they are used to prophecy.
The above pictures are all scanned from The Gilded Tarot, And then there is this last one--
Trick or Treat!

Okay, don't start worrying about me. I am not a witch or gypsy (although I have a face made for it which comes in handy only at Halloween).
Hey, it's supposed to look scary :)
Hey, it's supposed to look scary :)
In the middle ages there was a bridge-like card game played with a Tarot deck called Tarocco (sp?). When I was in my 20s I played it a lot with three other friends.
When I moved to Alaska, I didn't have anyone to play with. A friend needed a Tarot deck to read for a carnival. I pulled out mine, not telling her what they had been used for, and she couldn't read with them. She laid them out four or five times and finally looked at me and said, "WHAT have you been doing with these cards?"
Since I'm very skeptical about divining, I was impressed no end.
Very interesting rain!!
The picture is an example of what a wonderfully expressive face you have, Rain. Maybe you should try out for a theater part.
"Occult" is not a bad word for me any more. Occult is only what can not yet be explained by science. I think Tarot cards call upon intuitive insights through an unexplained process. But this is not bad and scary just because we don't understand how it works.
Spooky stuff. Happy Halloween. And I agree with paraluie maybe you should consider a career change and try a local theater company.
The tarot cards look really pretty. I haven't seen that deck, but now I plan to look for it. Thanks..Happy Halloween to you.
I have always wondered what the tarot cards would say about me. They really intrigue me.
As I think you know, I'm very much attracted to the metaphysical.
I love your new deck. The photos are wonderful. I wish I knew how to read Tarots, but I've never studied that very much.
I do have the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards (I'd blogged on these and it seems you said you also have them) by Doreen Virtue and I have to say....sometimes it utterly amazes me what these cards tell me!
Is that your crystal ball? It's gorgeous and your photo fits the scene perfectly.
My eldest daughter and I used to be into reading Tarot cards on occasion. Astrology, tarot cards, etc. were always of great interest to me.
BTW...your picture isn't so much scary as alluring and mysterious.
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