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Sunday, August 04, 2024

Delayed Saturday


Best laid plan of mice and men is rather famous as a quote but its origin is tougher to find. Maybe Burns the poet. Maybe Steinbeck the author. Anyway it fits my whole last week. 

First of all, I don't think I've never not posted something on a Saturday. I usually plan them ahead. Well. I didn't post Saturday and it came from two plans thwarted. One to not get sick, but I did. Then to feel good enough to think up and type and idea. Didn't happen. 

So plan now is to feel better all week. Another one is to find a local doctor as we are back in Tucson and short of another change of plans, I'll be here for a while and the doctor in Oregon not only retired by his clinic dropped us for not being there within three years. Interesting how you get punished for not being sick; but back to the plans thing. I did get sick but on the way up where we had to turn around.

So not much to say though I am thinking plenty on the political situation in my country. More on that when I feel more like typing

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