Procion dye painted on cotton |
Some names have been changed in my true story.
Feeling like an outsider, felling so different I might as well been an alien from outer space. I needed to go along with the flow, to carry on and try to be happy when my feelings from sexual assault did not count in the eyes of others.
I was 5 years old in 1948. Walking alone to Jefferson Elementary School, I was crossing the extremely busy intersection of Delaware Street and the El Camino Real in Berkeley, California.
I told my mother what happened. She called the principal who had me and my mother come to his office. After we talked, the blond 6 year old boy who offended me came. All the principal did was ask the boy to say sorry and not knock me down again. No punishment.
They would have spanked me if it had been me.
He never came close to me again after I pushed him into the bushes where he was stung by yellow jackets. My sense of power was short lived.
Today I see what happened in new light. I did not realize the extent that I was still without my power. Revenge doesn't work. One example, I always walked to school in a group. They didn't have guards at intersections back then.
I did not realize my power was diminished by a man, the Principal. Seventy years later while watching the current event of Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh, I learned new words and concepts - "sexual assault seared into my hypocanthus." Now I know why I remember the emotional details like they just happened.
How much of the incidents when I was 5 add to my self image as a pillow to men? How much weight did this experience have along with many day to day interactions? The male Principal of Jefferson Elementary School whose casualness about the whole incident placed upon me the belief that this assault was not a big deal. My outrage was an over reaction. he did not even calling his parents! Instead of getting justice, I learned that males were privileged and above punishment when it came to sexual acts.
In 1962 I was a naive 19 years old on a University of Hawaii study tour sharing a Waikiki condo with three other girls. I experienced what would be called sexual assaults today but I didn't know but that my experiences were normal: there was no intercourse that could have spread venereal disease or end in pregnancy. No problem? Wrong, I allowed two to touch me with their penis with visible sores in exchange for being freed from their hold on me. Since there were multiple assaults, it is hazy which of the men had sores. I don't want to think it was the one I liked until he assaulted me.
I did not report John to our guide who thought so highly of him as her student. He and his buddies barged into our condo when I was alone. When they couldn't find full bottles of alcohol, John turned on me. Afterwards I asked the hotel management to fix the broken lock on our door saying I felt unsafe. They did not honor my repeated requests.
At the University in1962 I studied watercolor and dance.
This 2006 watercolor, mixed media painting
of Waikiki, Royal Hawaiian Beach Bar and Grill overlooking
the water where Ray, the sailor, and I met. We rented a surf board
and he tried to teach me how to stand and ride a wave.
We had a great time walking hand in hand, surviving an attempted climb of crumbling lava on Diamond Head, hanging out with the preschool and kindergarten kids living in the condo next door. We played my favorite game - chess. He taught me to cook chicken like he learned from being a fast food cook before joining the Navy. All was fun until he became seriously talking marriage and expecting premarital sex.
My Japanese date said, “When in Rome do as the Romans.
When in Hawaii do as the Hawaiians.”
Three of us went out on a date with Japanese men probably in their late 20's. The one I paired with was verbally persuasive but I was able to persuade him against intercourse. He took me back to the condo but not before unwanted groping. Now-a-days that would be considered assault.
The one time I almost reported an incident was when several of the girls and I went to look at the Princess Cruise Ship just as it was about to disembark. Three crewmen offered to take us on separate tours. Of the encounter, I will only say it was the most physically violent leaving me bruised. I felt very guilty because I did not report him. At the time it seemed so easy to think I could just forget about it because there was no intercourse. Maybe I would have been successful in getting authorities to get the help the crewman needed so no other girls would be hurt. That is my guilt.
In the Ford and Kavanaugh hearing the prosecution gave Kavanaugh a definition of sexual assault.
Expectations of proper behavior are changing? The definition was not shared on TV so I tried looking up the legal definition. It varies from state to state.
I wonder what the boundaries will become.
The 19072 woodblock print that mother showed Assistant Curator Donald Jenkins |
I am amazed that many other women like me experience horror when sexually assaulted short of intercourse. Maybe I am not an alien after all.
I realize the assaults were a factor in my choosing to close windows like the opportunity to study in Italy my Junior year at Portland State College. I turned down an invitation to apply for a scholarship to do graduate study at the University of Iowa. In 1972 I turned down an interview arranged by my mother with assistant curator Donald Jenkins about exhibiting my woodblock prints at the Portland Art Museum.
2015 drawing of a window
of my husband's and my desire of continuing
to work for a marriage
in which we both support each other's passion
Where I chose to close some windows, new ones continue to open.