Everybody who does a blog probably off and on runs into flat times. Then there are those times when there is simply too much going on to do justice to posting anything in their blog. I am in one of those places again and will be for most of the month of July depending.
Early this week was a trip to town for the funeral for a man who used to live out by us and still owns most of the land behind our property. That was a time to connect with a few neighbors (out here a neighbor can live 7 miles or more away) and learn some things I never did about the gentleman who had by the way led a very full and long life. I might write more about that later or perhaps not depending.
Then came jury orientation. Yes, I was called to be in the jury pool for the months of July and August. *groan* I look forward to summer all year and when it gets here, I may or may not be on a jury, but it's going to be possible and I'll have to check every Friday night to see if the next week will involve me until I get called-- if I get called. It is, however, one trial or one day depending; so one could hope short trial...
When the letter came to tell me I'd have to do this early in June, Farm Boss laughed. I didn't feel it was funny at all. It's about the last thing I wanted to do during the summer. Any other time it would matter less to me. Then when I got there and saw the courtroom where orientation was happening, full of people who likely also didn't want to do it, I saw it as just what will have to be if I get called.
My feelings are complicated by this since I have mixed thoughts regarding our legal system with the way juries are never given all the evidence and yet must make a decision based on what they are allowed to hear plus the law. Being who I am that doesn't set well but we'll see how this turns out-- hopefully not with me in contempt of court (nah couldn't happen I am too polite for that... I hope).
Then next week come two of the grandchildren again for a week which is good but driving down to get them and take them back means a lot of time on the freeway, not so good. After that is a week which might be free (or not) depending on the jury situation, but the following week is a family planned trip which other than it being a family trip, is vague for what we will all be doing. Probably camping though for at least part of it.
Oh and in there somewhere has to be sheep shearing (we hope to find a shearer still) and getting in the rest of the winter's hay which is the task for the muscle and big equipment operator here, Farm Boss, but it does impact life for me too.
There is also my writing with which I am still very involved. It's going well as in I am enjoying it a lot. One more manuscript just edited to a point where I feel good about it. That leaves four to go before I start back over the ones that looked finished but might not seem that way in a month.
I am trying to do each of them slow, get the feelings and dialogue right, make sure the plot flows; and then come back through fast for the silly mistakes where if I don't read it together, I forget what was not fitting (like a heroine's eyes changing from brown to green... A lot can change in a character's development, but that's not one. Thank goodness for Word's find feature!)
As part of that, I have moved where I write as a way to make it easier when the grandchildren are here. We had a small glass desk in the solarium and it is now in a corner of the living room. It's working very very well so far, great creative energy and I can more easily use music when I choose to do so. It is likely not the end of the jockeying around as I have a vague concept of what still needs to be done to make my work spaces all really flow when guests are here.
In short, for the month of July, posts here will come when they come... Maybe sometimes just a photo. August may not be a lot less full, but I'll deal with that when it comes.
You schedule and pace sound much like mine. The next three weeks I am free and then end of July and throughout August into early September family visits, trips, and then I wake up to find summer is gone! I love that you have completed manuscripts. That in itself is great...I wish I had the tenacity. My biggest problem is that I have no story to tell. I can describe scenes, characters and moods...just not going anywhere.
I could think of anyone more qualified to be on a jury and contemplating justice based on facts and logic. For all the galloping decline of this nation two things still remain in our hands: one vote, and a jury trial.
opps: meant 'couldn't'
Having served on a jury, once, I highly recommend it. However, I see your point about being selected in the summertime! Perhaps you could beg off with the excuse of running a farm?
Lots going on for you --- post a photo every now and then and we will be delighted. I've notice a few of my favorite bloggers have gone pretty silent lately, and it must be because of vacations and summer activities, which is great!
There is an ebb and flow to this blogging thing, just like every other thing.
I keep getting called to Jury Duty as well. They must really like me!
Seriously, after my two trials I sat on I have decided that if I am ever tried for a crime, I want a judge to hear my case and decide - juries are CrAzY!!
I was on one jury where we almost had a fight among the jurors in the jury room....
Sounds like you have the rest of your summer pretty well mapped out, Rain...depending. Good luck.
Cop Car
I'll look forward to reading when you feel like, and have the time to post. Ah, jury duty. I've reached the age where I no longer HAVE to serve, but still want to -- kind of. Enjoy the grandkids, minus the long trip to and fro to get them.
I am so sorry I missed your birthday, Farm Boss. Happy belated 68Th to you. I hope it was a great day.
I am having trouble writing my blog. Unlike you, I don't have the excuse of being busy. I just want to be lazy this summer. My postings have been hit and miss for quite some time now. Life got in the way. Now I can't seem to want to get back in the groove.
I am still catching up on reading the past blogs of others and wonder if I will every get back to a regular blogging routine. Ah well, I'm sure everyone will not miss me all that much.
I'm finding it much harder to write now that the summer has finally happened. There's so much going on outside all the time.
I agree with mandt on the jury system, and the importance of having someone like you on it.
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