In writing this series about energy, I originally had written a paragraph or two about negative energy. That fit into energy convergence or using energy, but I decided the subject deserves more than a paragraph.
If we can use energy in positive ways. If we can send energy to others through things like reiki, then what about negative energy bombarding us? Does all the negative and frankly hateful emotional energy floating around the world interfere with our own emotional power?
Or how about when someone deliberately tries to curse us through say voodoo or their ability to use energy but in a negative way not for good? In short, through energy alone can someone else do us harm?
There are cultures that believe such. Those who believe in voodoo are very afraid of such curses and they will pay to have them removed if they know from where they came. They can even die from them or so goes the belief.
In my culture, most would say how primitive and ignore the same kinds of fears that are couched in language with which they are more familiar; but it's about the same thing-- energy being sent to harm others. For instance recently Billy Ray Cyrus said he believes the Devil is attacking his family. We have frequently been told to pray for our leaders especially religious ones as they are a target of Satan. There are those, who when they hear of some terrible natural occurrence, right away claim their god sent it as a lesson or punishment.
Some have been so afraid of evil beings, who they believe can inhabit humans, that they have burned witches for the damage they have decided they are doing. If you read the papers, you hear about it still happening in some parts of the world. My guess it would happen more places if there weren't laws against such.
If someone goes to a psychic, they can run into a fraud but sometimes something more. I do not believe all psychics who charge money are frauds; but let's face it, it's pretty easy to give a pretend reading to someone to keep them coming back. This isn't a bad thing other than a waste of money. As was mentioned in comments earlier, they probably believe in what they are saying.
But, there is another kind of psychic reading that can suck energy. These are the ones who tell their client that someone has put a curse onto them. You will likely not be surprised regarding how that curse can be broken. In one case where I was told of this, the fee was only going to run about a thousand dollars. The person receiving the initial reading never went back. The fear such a thing can arouse though is where the real loss of energy comes in.
I am cautious about who I go to for a psychic reading. What I was told when I got interested in the whole process is that we were letting them access our spiritual information. Do we want to let just anyone do that? I suggest if someone wants to go to a psychic they choose a psychic fair or one of the body mind and spirit conferences which should have some standards for who can be there.
Another good way is through a reputable metaphysical shop or business where they have their own reputations on the line and are not apt to want someone who might be a dangerous fraud.
In terms of protecting ourselves from negative energy, I believe in being aware of the energy in situations where it comes to people, places, and activities. This isn't just about something being dangerous but another question more important where it comes to energy-- is it bringing out the best in me or the worst?
I do not believe we can protect ourselves from everything bad that happens and that means diseases, violent people, natural disasters. I don't think those things come from a god or a demon. I also don't think we can put a bubble around ourselves that blocks everything out that we don't want.
Developing our own positive energy is our best protection, but as much for what we do once something has happened as to hope to prevent it. If nothing bad ever comes along, we are still ahead for our own positive sense of life and our place in it.
With so much information today, such a sophisticated world, we simply can become swamped by things that we cannot impact. That's where the rub comes. How do we find out what we must to be part of making the world a better place without becoming swamped by the negativity?
My daughter told me something a month or so ago that I think fits here. She said she had stopped reading Huffington Post because of the invasive and pointless stories of disasters with photos to illustrate them on things that happened to someone else but where she had nothing to do with it and it was already over. As an example she cited a story with a photo showing someone falling from a building where they had jumped to commit suicide. She said she wrote Huffinginton to give her opinion on those kinds of stories.
When you go to many sites, Drudge is one of them, you will always see headlines for at least a few of these tragic stories. It appears people want them. I am not sure why. A lot of that kind of information can become very draining especially where we cannot do a thing to alter the situation. If we can donate, pray or send energy, then that should be done and still release the tragedy because it's not ours.
So blocking information, where we cannot be part of the solution and are not part of the problem, is part of protecting ourselves from negative energy. There is more than enough going on where where we need to know what's going on and have to be informed.
I mentioned in an earlier blog where Farm Boss was listening to one of the Clear Channel right wing radio stations on his way home and the news was full of attacks on people and violent stories. Is it any wonder righties want AK47s? We are learning about stories nowhere near where we live and that don't impact our lives physically but they sure do emotionally. We need to keep up on the news, but we do not need to spend a whole day hearing it over and over.
Entertainment is another place to watch out. There are so many shows and movies with really bad things in them and when they are over, there was no conclusion to make us feel better. Exactly what purpose does that serve? Call me a Pollyanna but if I put my time into a movie, I want it to inform me, give me something I can use to make my own life better, help me avoid a possible mistake, make me laugh, give me a good time, or I don't want it.
Movies used to be better at this. I just saw, for the first time I might add, Born Yesterday with William Holden, Broderick Crawford, and Judy Holliday. That was a great film for showing (from 1950) where our government was heading. The thing I liked best in it was that when the heroine was being 'made over', it wasn't physical but her understanding of what our country was founded to be. It was teaching her about what government is supposed to do, what morality is. Instead of the superficial, it went for the heart of what is important in deepening someone's character. I highly recommend it. Maybe it wasn't realistic but it gave the viewer something to aspire to. I think that is important.
Now i admit that once in awhile i like to watch what I call roller coaster movies where one disaster follows another and the hero must surmount them all (think Raiders of the Lost Ark, 2012 types) because it's a bit of an adrenaline rush but not realistic. If it's about some serial killer, forget it. That happens for real sometimes but I sure don't want to immerse myself in thinking about it.
When I want something negative, I'll choose a documentary. At least then it's real (usually) and not some film maker's manipulating of emotions to make the viewer feel more hopeless than they did when they started watching the thing. Documentaries serve to inform us about more parts of the world than our own and usually to help us gain a better understanding.
Books can be great sources of positive energy or even worse at sucking it out. If you spend a couple of days reading a book where every character in it is bad and nothing good is resolved, what do you think that does to your own energy? Did you learn something you need to know which might make it worthwhile, or did you just wallow it it and carry that energy into your own life?
A major source of negative energy is fear. I try to always remind myself what it is-- False Evidence Appearing Real. Being scared is a necessary mechanism for us to react to dangers that are real. The problem is most of what we are being told doesn't fit that category.
Our media, right and left wing, feeds on fear. We shouldn't as all it does is nourish our own negative energy. I am not sure what would happen to a person emotionally if they let it all in, day after day, the fear rhetoric. Today I suspect we are seeing that play out, and I don't see how it can be healthy. The worst part is it is likely that hearing such things becomes addictive and the person wanting the negative information wants more and more of it.
Positive energy is a lot better for us. The negative makes us feel helpless. Positive helps us to believe in ourselves. It helps us not lose faith in our ourselves. We are really all we have. We need to believe in a positive way. That doesn't mean think we can do everything but realistically figure out what we can do.
The things that block the negative is growing the positive. That can happen in simple ways like forcing our mind to quiet, giving ourselves time to not think about anything, to just be. We can use positive energy to give us dreams that help us solve problems.
When you are wrestling with something, ask for dreams that night to help resolve it. This doesn't even require you remember the dream but when you wake, often the answer will suddenly seem apparent.
We can build up this positive energy through good memories, places we have been, moments we have had where the world suddenly seemed perfect. Those images and memories are then there to block fears when they come along. No, I won't think about that but rather this instead. I think there is a saying something to the gist of bad news comes fast enough without our rushing toward it.
None of this is about a god, nor does it deny a god, but instead about our own power, our own energy. For those who think depending on our own energy would be evil in itself, I suggest if they are Christians they reread the parable of the gifts. Basically it was that we each are given gifts to plant and use. Those who don't do so out of fear, they are the ones coming under judgment (for those who believe in judgment).
Wiccans by the way are the last ones we should fear for doing bad through rituals. They do not believe in putting upon anyone else any kind of curse as it would then come back upon themselves three times what they sent out. Frankly I think harboring hate, wishing bad on another is the surest way to bring it upon ourselves; so even though I'm not a wiccan, I think they are right on for how it works.
Photos are all from February. The lighthouse which is always considered a beacon of hope, is still lit for the times a computer or satellite might fail as it warns ships as much as 25 miles out to sea that they are near Heceta Head. The lamb was napping in the sun and from this year's crop. The egret was out at Finley Reserve where Farm Boss and I often go for energy boosting.
Critical reasoning is the best approach to negative energy. I keep telling myself, who too often takes too long in applying such means!
I agree. It's easier to know it than to apply it although knowing it is a start.
You wrote about energy in a very compelling and balanced way, Rain. These are strange times of balancing dark and light. I put a lot of stock in dreams and since returning to the U.S., both my travel companion, ML, and I have been having what almost seem like hallucinatory dreams. We are jet lagged but we took in so darned much information in the Holy Land I think it is all jumbled together and our psyches are sorting everything out.
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