Up until here, the blogs on energy have been pretty non-controversial. Most of us know we are made up of atoms, molecules and energy. It's not hard to see how our
feeling of energy can be increased by positive activities or reduced when faced with negative situations. The idea that we can find ourselves distracted and pulled off course, none of that delves into the realm where many grow suspicious.
But the idea that we can use energy in positive ways to help our health, arrange our home, our garden, that eastern religious ideas on energy healing have merit, that we can impact our cells by more than medicine or surgeries, that's where it gets dicier. It is not natural to our culture to think that way.
Many in this society can accept miracles from a god, but the idea that they might have control over their own inner body, help themselves heal, use techniques from the East, that's suspect because they aren't things that can be laid out in a grid to prove (of course, neither are miracles)-- although there are grids attached to them all, but mostly not from religions with which most in the United States are comfortable.
People who follow 'earth religions' have less problems with all of this. They look at nature, see how it operates, and look at how they can utilize that with their rituals and practices. While the name
feng shui might make some uneasy, the layout of their home might just seem more right to them without pinning a name on it or knowing why it feels right.
Earth religions and practices are being done and often just by nature, with no special training. People, on their own, come to see this works and utilize the practices. They can be people who do not believe in any god but do believe we can do things to make our lives better without pills or buying something.
Energy warriors have been around a long while. They have trained others. They have used their energy techniques in ways that benefit more than themselves. Maybe it's more suspect today but probably not as there have always been those who saw anything that didn't point to 'their' god as coming from evil. Today the suspicion comes also from atheists who see the earth as very ordered but in a biological way.
If they can't count and measure it, it is not there.So what I am saying here will be dismissed by both those groups. For anybody else, read on as there are many ways of using energy that can help with healing and improve our lives. Some are little things that don't require much thinking to incorporate. Others take training and time to utilize. I can't more than touch on this in a blog.
Now when sick, I do not espouse doing such things instead of visiting a western trained medical doctor. I think energy thinking is most effective before we get sick. It is for keeping us in balance. In my mid-50s, when I was told I would need a hysterectomy, I got a second opinion from a medical doctor, but also visited an acupuncturist for enhancing my energy for healing.
The acupuncturist told me he could shrink my fibroids. I believed my situation had gone too far. There was uncertainty of whether or not it might be cancer. So I went through with the surgery from which I healed remarkably fast which may or may not have been due to the acupuncture. It wasn't hurt by it. I might have hurt myself though if I had relied totally on the acupuncture. What I believe is let what can be treated by western medicine be treated that way, but there are many things western medicine doesn't help and there is where eastern comes in.
What energy medicine is doing is aligning our energy, increasing our chi, looking for where our energy is dark and working to strengthen those areas. Sometimes you can feel that energy if you are sensitive to it.
These techniques can be visualizing but mostly because visualizing is a form of meditation which has been proven to help certain conditions. Our stress and even health can also be helped by breathing exercises or simply breathing in and out with deep even breaths. It is all about seeing ourselves as energy beings because we know of what we are actually made.
Some believe we can put protective energy bubbles around ourselves, our families, but I don't know of anybody who thinks that always works. Life is full of the unpredictable. We do what we can and we accept what we can't change.
Reiki is about lining up the energy and letting that of the universe flow through us. This is none of it about a god. It is also not about living on as souls when life is done. This is all about improving the physical life while here. Who can prove what comes after.
Sometimes this comes naturally as there are those that from childhood have visions, can help others heal, and they don't require training. Many actually had it trained out of them by a culture that is suspicious of it.
This also isn't about paying a guru or psychic but rather what we can do for ourselves when we choose to do so. That's not our American way though as we want to see it about something we can buy or get someone else to do for us. Energy medicine is not like that.

This photo was the second time I was somewhere that had a camera which supposedly photographs the energy around us, the aura. Some would call it an energy halo. Each person has that and it has a certain type of energy attached to it. Some people actually see the colors in the halos. I see halos when I think about it (trees have them also) but not colors. Artists often used to paint saints with such halos but in reality we all have them.
Having my aura photographed was one of those things I felt would be fun. It turned out a bit disappointing as I wanted to think I had a very spiritual aura and a bright orangish red wasn't what I had in mind. Farm Boss had the colors I would have liked. *sigh*
Now the cameras that do this don't really photograph the aura anymore than our space cameras photograph colors of the nebula. In the case of the auras, the energy is identified through you putting your finger on a button which then lets a specially made camera identify which color and now far out the aura goes. The aura will be what is out there for energy but the color is created for our purposes based on its energy being different than someone else's. I do not know anything about using such cameras for diagnosing a disease. This camera is about emotional energy as best I understood it.
Tell me the process is a fake and I won't care because I know that what that aura color said about my personality is pretty much how I am (yes, I got some books later on it all)-- like it or not like it.
By those who also see auras or feel energy, I have been told I do have an energy that goes out quite a ways. All of us have some out there as the molecules, atoms and the energy holding it altogether don't stop at our fingertips. I think it explains why when someone gets too close, without our permission, we physically feel our space has been invaded. It will explain why with some people our energy will seem to melt into theirs. Hugs really do share energy.
Having my aura photographed didn't increase my energy. It was for fun and the second time out of curiosity when I wondered if it would have changed. It hadn't and neither had Farm Boss's even though they were done a couple of years apart and not at the same place or by the same people.
For those who are interested in using energy for healing, for balancing, for planning vacations even, or simply for pleasure, there are lots of books. I have quite a few on Native American sacred places which seem to lie along lines radiating out from the great Medicine Wheel in Wyoming and those ley lines I mentioned in an earlier blog.
There are books that explain chi and how various exercises can enhance it-- and this whether you believe in a god or you don't. You can also learn how chi is lined up in the body, how it can be strengthened. These are not mystical ideas despite how some might want to see them. They are about what we can do to work with those atoms within us. The benefits of the right kinds of music have been proven to be effective-- again that might be different for different people.
I think mankind has little idea how much potential is within each of us. We are slowly learning. Is this all something in our DNA patterns, the things we inherited from the time we were conceived?
I am not one of those people who has gone a long way down these paths. Using energy isn't something that we can learn just from a book. It's what we practice ourselves. I do something for awhile and then let myself be distracted. As I have said, I don't believe it can protect us from everything but it does help. Some of it is just letting ourselves feel what is out there in life, in nature. It's not mystical at all.
A full moon, one of those times some believe is a good idea to harvest, was Friday February 18th-- the wolf moon. The photo was taken the next morning as it was about ready to set. It was golden in color and very beautiful.