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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why Obama is the right leader for today

We, who support his candidacy, talk of Barack Obama's focus, his ability to look to the long range goals and find ways to move toward them. This was on the news the other day and it shows this is nothing new for Obama: Obama in 1991.

It is all very well to say something just to get elected. Often it means that person will not fulfill any of the promises; but what about someone who has a clear sense of what it takes to move ahead as a culture and carries it with them for years? How about someone who takes the positions, learns the things, meets the people, that will be required to accomplish those goals?

People say Obama is too young and too inexperienced but history shows it has often been young men who bring about great change whether it's in music, science or politics. Alexander the Great was not much out of his childhood when he conquered the world. In terms of life experience, Obama has many things going for him that will serve him in good stead.

Obama is a man for the times and what he has done and offers is why he might be able to accomplish what someone else could not. People with focus stand apart from the average person who is driven by this or that wind. Age isn't the issue. There are things that matter more and some could be in their oh say 70s and still not have that kind of strength of purpose.

By his campaign, Obama has shown us what kind of administration he will have if he is elected president. He is intelligent, well organized, chooses people who can move toward the goals he has laid out. He is a man capable of inspiring others to do more than they had ever done before.

This election is not just voting against someone who is wrong, someone who will work against our nation and the world's best interest, but it is a chance to vote for someone who has the skills, the temperament and the inner sense of self to do what needs doing without distractions.

Obama's skills include being trained in the Constitution-- something of particular value given how Bush and Cheney have done all they can to undo many constitutional rights.

As a Commander-in-Chief, he brings strength and a good mind-- Obama talking to Patraeus. Obama wisely didn't attempt to put the general down but did have a meaningful discourse as they discussed the problem from both of their perspectives.

Obama has worked as a neighborhood organizer and despite Palin not comprehending what that means, it means he has worked with people on the ground level. He understands real problems and how to work with people, not from needing dictatorial powers but from motivating people to do what will in the end work best.

His benefits to us as a president will include his stable and supportive home life, something you can't underestimate in the pressure cooker of the White House.

Obama chose a wife who is his equal and that means he values strong women. Men who don't value strong women choose women they can control . Obama chose a woman he could go to for wisdom-- a woman who would tell him when he was wrong. He is a man who is strong enough to listen without being threatened.

Obama's time in state legislature, and then the United States Senate, have taught him about passing laws, about working with the opposing party. He talks about the need to compromise and he knows what that means. A president is not a dictator-- not yet.

There has been much talk about how governors are superior to legislators for getting things done in Washington. That would depend on the governor, but basically a president has to work with the Congress and with other countries. To be someone who has learned how this works is a major plus.

When Obama came into his maturity, coming from two ethnic groups, he had to decide for himself what were his core values. He had experienced a lot in his growing up years-- some of it pretty tough with his father deserting the family. I have known personally men like him, who had their own parents not be there for them, but they decided they'd be different and they did so when they became parents. Obama was fortunate to have such loving grandparents who could step in and become surrogates, who brought him up so well.

I read how his white grandfather (who incidentally you can see he looks a lot like) took him to spend time with the poet, Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was a socialist, perhaps even a communist, but he also was a black and Obama's grandfather wanted him to know men of his father's race, to experience other ideas.

We see this trend to explore ideas in all of Obama's life, his curiosity, his willingness to learn, and they all helped to form the man he is today with a core set of principles which will stand him in good stead as he has to face not only the opposition party but his own (although I have read that a lot of the new Democrats coming into the Congress are more blue dog and conservative than the ones in the past. Good because, despite what Republicans are saying now, I agree with them. It's never good for one set of ideas to dominate with no room for thinking where they lead or what is best. We saw how well that didn't work these last 8 years with McCain supporting the president 90% of the time while he now says he disagreed with his ideas. Say what!).

Obama isn't someone who talks in terms of just winning or victory. He understands that you have to know what you are winning and over and over he talks about us being one nation and our need to see each other that way. He has even said he's a citizen of the world which has upset some Republicans who think they only live in the United States, not on the earth.

Obama has shown he respects different kinds of ideas but he has firmly established ones of his own. He is able to talk to others about their ideas. He has something the rest of us have to work hard to attain-- the ability to not take things personally, to explore differences without needing to insult or divide. His campaign has been one of the finest for staying with issues of any I have seen in my many years.

Obama understands the need for physical exercise to work out the emotional stresses. The press gives him a bad time for working out when he will be facing a debate or on his European trip. Someone who understands that even a president has to stay balanced, spiritually, emotionally and physically, that is someone who can go the distance. It's part of what helps him keep his equanimity.

The ideas Obama has committed himself to working toward are also part of why him and why now. We need him today. Some say let him wait. He can grow and get more mature. But our country can't afford to wait. This country needs his kind of leadership now! We can't afford more George Bushes and heaven forbid even worse. We can't afford those who think god will intervene and fix anything or smite a people for what someone else did. We can't afford those who misunderstand what even Christianity is. If you ever heard the speech Obama gave about the Old Testament, which some are saying shows he isn't truly Christian, what it shows instead is that he gets it!

If you haven't already voted, if you are undecided, go to the Obama site and read his positions on various issues. Think long and hard about what you are doing this time. There is no time to vote selfishly. We have to vote for what the country needs. Who knows whether we will get such a chance again!

Here is one more YouTube. An important one given how they have been reinterpreting Obama's discussion with Joe the plumber. Hearing it all, hearing how Obama responded to him, how he explained his ideas even understanding they disagreed, it says a lot about Barack Hussein Obama, more than my words can say: Joe the Plumber and Obama's discussion.


Sylvia K said...

He is an amazing man and right now he's the greatest hope this country has to regain all that we have lost over the past eight years -- longer than that really, but we've bottomed out during the last eight. I want to believe that most people in this country can and are willing to see that he is what we all need. He may be our last hope.

Kay Dennison said...

This is your best post yet, my friend!!!

Darlene said...

An excellent post and I wish all of the undecided were able to read it.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Wonderful post, Rain....! And ALL that you say is exactly why we need Obama as our next President.

I love the story the keith Olnermann told about his teacher and Obama speaking at the school in 1991....It says so much about Obama and wgat ge is ALL about.

Thanks so much for each and everyone of your posts Rain. You put things in such a wonderful understandable way--And THAT is much appreciated!

RobbinMT said...

you are spot on, and the way in which you wrote this has inspired me to send this post link on to my (red-but-thinking-about-it) family.
thankyou for your thoughtfulness, willingness to share, and word-smithing :)

Joy Des Jardins said...

What an inspiring post Rain. I agree with Kay...your best post yet. I have long felt like Sylvia....Barack is the greatest hope this country has. I have felt it just like you have...just like so many have felt. He's real...he's the man for the time...he's the man we need. For the life of me, I can't imagine how anyone can see it any differently.

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

I think that this is a well timed profile. thank you so much. I was thinking exactly the same about sending this to my red and hopefully thinking family.

Anonymous said...

Obama has my vote and if he is elected then the hard work will begin and we shall see if our confidence in him was wise and valid. We must accept the fact that he will let us down at times, but hopefully fulfill our expectations more often than not. The country does not need (nor can it stand) four years of John McCain and Sarah Palin!!

Anonymous said...

I had read an article by a psychologist focusing on the strength and stability of Obama's marriage and how this will serve him SO well in the White House. Unlike other Presidents, the article said that due to the lack of stress in his marriage and family life, as President, Obama would be able to focus on what is MOST important in his position....LEADING THE COUNTRY!
And I SO agree....when a man has a good marriage and home life, this certainly enables him to fully focus on his job. LOVE that photo of Michelle and Barack....a picture says a thousand words.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Beautifully and compellingly written, Rain. Preaching to the choir here, as I have already cast my vote for Obama, but I wish you would get this published in a newspaper. On second thought, it's probably better on the blog--more readership.