"They walk on four legs and use the other two to snag prey, which can be one of their own-- praying mantises are cannibalistic.
"Davis advises people to buy an egg case and put it in a glass jar but separate the insects as soon as they hatch." from Capital Press (Northwest agricultural paper) on October 3 by Julia Hollister.
So how does this relate to my morphing into one? Well maybe not the cannibal part (I'm still thinking about that) but the going after anything in their paths, ready to zap the insects that a garden would just as soon not have, the insects that suck life from the plants.
Yep, that's how I woke up this morning feeling. Except praying mantises also eat honey bees, they eat anything in their way, I don't want to be like that. But I sure woke up mad enough.
I get it that that kind of attitude is not beneficial; but I don't think we can ignore the garbage that is coming out of the McCain/Palin camp this month. Lies not rebutted can end up believed. What ticked me off, to the level where I felt ready to go ballistic and had to work to write logically, was what I read on a Drudge headline last night.
Palin was doing one of her toadie interview with Fox where she can find a friendly ear to spout her jingoistic garbage. She will be at lots of meetings of like minds but it's when her words travel beyond that venue that it gets to me. She was in fine form with that interview as her ego put down Katie Couric as the one responsible for her own inability to answer questions intelligently.
She did not and will not address her real problem which is talking to the moderates and independents and explaining to them why she is adequate to be president. She was irked with Couric for not giving her a chance to attack Obama. Obama has been running a year now. People know his stands. They know the things being said against him. What they don't know is this woman who entered the race 5 weeks ago.
What Palin should do and what the McCain people don't want her to do is approach the country and through things like press conferences, through places like Meet the Press, she should address her own understanding of the problems this country faces.
Sarah Palin could be president January 22. Shouldn't she give the American people a chance to know if she is ready? How dare the McCain people keep someone who could be president from places where that could be fairly evaluated. Even in the debate she said she wouldn't answer questions that she didn't want to, and she didn't. She would twist her answers to something she had memorized.
By now, I expected that from her; but she went a step beyond and Drudge went even farther to give her a headline when she said Obama was not fit to be Commander-in-Chief. How dare she! This woman, who two years ago or less couldn't offer an opinion on Iraq, this woman who has no clue what is really going on in the world and doesn't believe she has to answer to the voters. She evidently feels she is fit but he's not and what makes her fit? We have to take that on trust!
Reading Drudge led to my deleting his link, something I had not done all through the Bush years but this was going too far. He repeated her words as though they had weight and logic. I suppose he's done it before on other things, but too much is at stake this time to tolerate him doing it again.
You ask what is at stake? Possible ulcers, high blood pressure and that's just about me! What about a president who believes man walked with dinosaurs, who has no clue about science regarding anything, who would believe in a religious person who could anoint her because he had driven out a witch from an African village.
By now, I do get it. Some votes will come purely because the person says or does believe in fundamental Christianity. Some will come out of fear of a black man as president. Some will come because of the fear tactics that have worked so well in the past and have been thrown out again.
Some are like Peggy Noonan, who I had seen on Daily Show earlier during the week and thought how shallow her responses were. Those aren't looking at real issues but only want a reason, any reason to vote right wing. It didn't matter if Palin answered questions with real answers or if she had a phony accent. Noonan was carried away with the idea she had another Reagan for whom to vote.
Some like Rich Lowry, of National Review, were swept away by a wink. A wink? That's all it takes?

Obama/Biden in '08
Get out the vote!
As always, Frank Rich is excellent. Read Sunday's column, 'Pitbull mauls McCain.' Rich not only hits on the subject of my last blog (McCain's health), nails what Palin is doing with another reason the far right is supporting her (they expect, as does she, that sooner than later she will be president), but also tells me again what a great Congressman I have in Pete DeFazio. Way to go, Pete! Too bad more states aren't so blessed.
I really am getting weary of waking up each day foaming at the mouth over the latest political issues, but when things are as bad, as ridiculous, as disgusting as they are with this campaign -- what else can you do. Frank Rich's column is excellent and there's a very interesting take from Nicholas Kristof, as well.
my post lost the link. This is where you reach Rich and I agree with Sylvia on the other columns being good today also. Pitbull mauls McCain
The first time I saw Palin speak at the Republican convention she was flinging her arms out pushing McCain aside. There just didn't seem room enough for her at his side. She is not introduced as the vicepresidential candidate but McCain calls her my running mate. Being a mavrick McCain isn't going to team up with anybody in office both in the USA and in the world. How is a Republican mavrick going to accomplish any good from a Democratic Congress?
I found your blog on a our this morning. It's hard to believe that the the Republicans could nominate someone so inexperienced as Sarah Palin. An American commentator out here recently said that 50% or more of your population is 'fundamental Christian' which shocked me initially but makes Mrs Palin's nomination more understandable. My heart goes out to you. Every vote counts now. The US is in troubled times and I wish you all well.
I understand what you're saying. I heard someone say last night that they still weren't convinced that Obama isn't a Muslim. I came this >< close to committing assault and battery. I was good -- I just said, "He's not! He's a member of the United Church of Christ -- mainstream non-fundaentalist church." And I walked away before I did something I'd regret.
My question is this: Has our collective intelligence dropped so low that people can't see what's going on in this country?
I am still a tad undecided but I will guaran-damn-tee you that McCain-Palin will not get my vote.
I'm ready move out of this God-forsaken country.
Wow, I have to apologize to Peggy Noonan. I thought based on what she said Thursday night that she was thinking something she evidently is not. Here's her take today: Palin's Populism bad for America
And thanks for reading the blog and commenting, quiet. I don't really believe 50% of Americans are of the fundamentalist type. Many Christians don't think that way at all. I guess we shall see how many really do vote purely on right wing religious thinking.
and that's funny, Kay. :)
Laughter is always healthy: Saturday Night Live on the debate
I saw Peggy Noonan on 'Sunday Morning' today and I believe she started out by praising Palin's performance. I was surprised when she added the comments in the referenced column. I guess even a staunch Republican can be dismayed by the thought of Palin becoming a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land.
I love your photo here, rain. You could be my vice president any day! I don't know what's going on in our country anymore. But I think rich lowry nails the creepier aspect of the Palin nomination. This whole episode in our country's history would be wildly funny if it weren't so damned serious.
Rain, I absolutely adore you Palinesque winking photo. Damn, you're cute -- and smart as hell. Wanna be VP?
Go to this site tonight and you can ask Sarah Palin a question. One of those generator sites.
Rain you are a beautiful woman - and erudite too. :-)
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