The photos are from this week-end and represent the end of my holiday season. Downt
own Ashland, in southern Oregon has a large amphitheater for Shakespearean plays during the summer, a woodsy park that runs along the creek up into the hills and during the winter even ice skating for those so inclined.
For the holiday season the main street shops and restaurants are always decorated like a picture book. (It helps that main street is only 7 or 8 blocks long.)
Being in Southern Oregon was a nice finale for my holidays. It was
good getting back home though where by tomorrow night my house will be a lot sparser as holiday villages and decorations disappear back into their boxes. Tomorrow we can all start learning to remember it's 2007 when we write a check, and I can start on losing the extra pounds the delicious holiday dinners added to my waistline-- I hope.
I am eager for the new year and hoping it will be a great one for us all. 2007 can't come fast enough for me!
And now seems like a good time to thank all of you who read this blog and especially those who have commented-- agree or disagree. Your words always add to my enjoyment in the writing. They are the frosting on the cake.
Happy new year, Rain, and thanks for the Ashland photos. That's a place I've always wanted to visit--and probably will someday. There's an Elderhostel there. My tree comes down tomorrow, and today I continued a second day of frenzied cleaning and tossing. Christmas is gone except for the tree. I so enjoy visiting you here.
Wishing you and yours the best and a very Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Rain! :)
Wishing you a very happy 2007, Rain.
I was anxious to unload 2006 too. It was a distressing and unhappy year for me...but for the two bright spots...the birth of my grandson and my daughter's wedding. Some years are just like that. 2007 holds promise and hope for all of us...and I look forward to sharing it with you dear friend. Enjoy this beautiful first day...
I always get a little sad around the new year because all the lights, parties and fun die down. Oh, well. Happy new year to you!
Happy New Year, Rain, I wish you all the best in this new year. The last 2 years have not been especially kind to me so I am hoping for good things for this one.
Happy New Year, rain. Here's to a year of peace and thoughtful awakenings.
Rain, you're one of the jewels out here on the Sea of Blog. Keeping on glimmering and shining in the new year. I hope you and your family get the very best that 2007 has to offer!
Happy New Year Rain - all joy to you in 2007.
have a truly happy 2007, Rain, and may the lights be bright in your heart and home. Thanks for all your good thoughts and words.
And a very Happy New Year Rain, keep the light alive.
The photos of Ashland reminded me of something immediately and I was struggling to recall what, yes, it's "Our New Life in Everwood", which is shown here in the summer months every afternoon.
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