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Monday, March 09, 2009

music for the spirit

Last spring I put together a blog to use this YouTube; and then got sidetracked by other topics and it disappeared from view. As I was looking through my old posts, to see if I had missed anything, there it was.

It seems very apropos after the one on rewriting our history because there is something else we can do with our history, even the part of which we might not be very proud. We can learn and be inspired from it. We can make it part of us becoming better as people. It is always our choice.

Incidentally, I love spiritual music from many religions. The following link is to my favorite old hymn.I only wish I could have such a simple faith again. Wintley Phipps not only sings it as beautifully as anyone could, but he sets the mood to give the melody even more meaning.


Darlene said...

It was interesting to hear about the author of Amazing Grace. While this was beautiful, we all have our favorite versions of this very moving hymn and mine is one by II Divo. The way they sing it brings me to tears.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, inspiring post.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

This song is one of my favs although I always wince a little at "wretch like me." Like the Ava Maria, when it is sung in church, I begin to weep.

Totally preoccupied lately, but I haven't forgotten you, dear Rain. On the 20th, my 2 week spring break starts. Hooray!

Hope you are well. I'll catch up soon.