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Saturday, December 14, 2013

snow on the farm

We had some snow in our valley with temperatures that dipped below 0ºF. It will lead to loss of shrubs when we figure out what damage was done as it's been over 40 years since it last got that cold here.

The snow did yield some pretty photos. I wasn't out much in it due to a sensitive ear, but Farm Boss had to feed; so got some good photos. I am not much of a snow person anymore. A day or two and I'm ready to see it be gone.

It was Raven's first time to see snow and that was fun to watch. Neither she nor Blackie thought much of such low temperatures for their paws. Their time outside usually was just long enough to turn around and come back in.

Surprisingly she is a cat who likes to watch the television and gets right up there as though trying to figure out from where that image is coming. I don't think she can get up on the TV and knock it over but will be glad when she is less fascinated.


Tabor said...

Does she have TV show preferences...or does she just watch everything? Snow missed us here, but just 20 miles north they got some lovely white stuff. LIke you, I feel the novelty wear off in a short time.

Rain Trueax said...

That was the Guardians with all the owls; so I'd say birds, cats and dogs equally fascinate in any film. Last night Tootsie was on cable, a film I hadn't seen in many years (fun film) and she showed no interested in Dustin Hoffman in disguise as a woman or as himself.

bev said...

Great snow photos. The farm scenes make me a little nostalgic for those days when we had horses, goats and cattle. However, memories of dealing with a parade of snowstorms each winter helps bring me back to reality!

Sage occasionally shows interest in movies playing on my computer. The last time was the scene in the movie, Frida, where Diego grabs a stick of wood and chases Frida's little dog around her studio. Sage crept up to about two feet from the screen and watched - looking rather worried about the whole thing.

Celia said...

I liked the interesting old building, is there a story there? Old cabin or ? I'm not much for snow anymore either and too many young family members still have to commute come what may.

Anonymous said...

Snow is really pretty the first and second day, but after that it sure gets old. I would be happy to not have to deal with it again, which is why we are planning on moving back to the coast.

Rain Trueax said...

That building is a harness shed, Celia and is the only really old building still on this land. We have moved it once and it might've been before as we were told it was here when travelers had to ford the stream right below where our home and barns now are today. This place is a donation homestead settled around 1852 and with the same family continuously until we bought it in 1977. It has a lot of interesting stories involving its history.

We had a great old barn also but keeping it would have taken more than $40,000 to reroof and give it a better foundation, dangerous work and all for a building that only was pretty as modern farming methods use big round or rectangular bales which are moved with tractors, and they need to be stored in large relatively open barns.

Tara said...

beautiful photos. my sis has cats that do the same thing with the t.v. they look behind it to see where the birds (or squirrels) are coming from.

Dick said...

We had about a week of temps where it didn't get more than a degree or so above freezing and a few nights down in the teens but I guess being fairly close to Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean kept us well above zero. TV news said that was the longest period here with it that cold since 1998. But we had no snow as it was dry and sunny. Nice now to have our usual mid-40 temps even though it comes with rain.

Ingineer66 said...

We have a dog that loves to watch animals on TV. Any animal will get her attention. Our other dog couldn't care less about the TV. But I heard that the new High resolution TVs have a fast enough refresh rate that dogs and probably cats can see the picture. Old TVs they couldn't really see.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOVELY Pictures, Rain.....Farm Boss did good! I love all the pictures but I must admit I am partial to all those with the animals.....

I LOVE that your cat likes to watch certain things on TV.....It must be great fun watching the cat watching TV...!

Rain Trueax said...

She's added fun on so many levels to the house, Naomi. I still miss Pepper and can cry if I let myself think about her and her early death, but Raven is finding her own place here. We have cat toys all over our living room now. I could say they are for her but they are what we enjoy seeing her play with so much. And Blackie has even begun to play with them sometimes. :)

Interesting reason for it, ingineer. and I could believe that as she definitely seems to see something there and when it's animals, she's looking for where they are.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Great snow photos, Rain!
Did I told you that I never saw snow in person? I wish I did...
Sounds amazing to watch Raven walking in the snow.

Hattie said...

We sure love our kitty cats. What is the spell they cast over us?

sonia a. mascaro said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!