After writing about writing, I feel I should cover the other side of it if you want your book to be seen by anybody. Marketing. There are writers who probably enjoy it, but many do not-- especially those of us who are introverts.
To be an introvert when it comes to writing, it works well. We are not prone to partying, like alone time, enjoy researching (which writing can need a lot of), and like having a few close friends, but don't need a lot. As an introvert, I like studying relationships and how people tick-- again works well with creating characters for plots.
But how does an introvert do when it comes to working with crowds, trying to get people to take their work seriously? That's where extroverts excel,and we introverts prefer to stay in the shadows. Let someone else take glory or fame. We like the work but that next part of it, not so much. Maybe that would work better with split personalities.
This meme showed up recently from several writers, and I so related to it. It's funny, but also true. It's funny because nobody really buys books because of the writer saying, pretty please lol. Readers buy books by finding them in a category they know they enjoy.
This has been a surprising month for me in book sales. Try zero. Yes, not one single book sold. Last month and the months before, there had been sales. Maybe not a lot by some standards but good enough to feel at least a few people wanted to read my work. This month, start with the first, yep, nada.
When there is such an abrupt decline, a writer, even one who hates the idea of marketing has to wonder why one month suddenly had such a drop off in numbers-- like into a dark hole.
We had some ads up, although not a lot as ads have to pay for themselves unless someone is independently wealthy. Mostly I've let ads get paid for by sales... Not going to happen this month.
There are some possible reasons at least for one of the distributors. They changed categories. They also might have changed algorithms, that we never really know about.
If someone came here hoping I had some answers for marketing. Sorry as got nothing. I believe in my work but marketing-- different thing.
I do though have a brand new picture of me while considering what went wrong. I rarely put up pictures with glasses, as I prefer contacts, but when working on the computer, these are my go-tos *s*
None of this was AI generated-- although I don't know about the meme.