The one I read yesterday was about Obama not being possibly qualified for being president because he wasn't really born in Hawaii. The stories are too far fetched to go into the details; but it's a good example of do not believe something until you research it thoroughly.
I went looking for more information on this rumor and mostly found right wingers repeating it. Fortunately Daily Kos did a piece yesterday with a point by point rebuttal. Today they had the birth certificate. As Kos said, as a bonus, now it enables astrologers to more accurately do a natal chart of him-- Obama's Birth Certificate. I have found myself more and more going to Daily Kos to get their take on what is being said.
This is going to be a brutal campaign season. We just thought it has been tough before.
I'm not going to pay attention to any of it. It's too brutal and painful to keep track of barrage of lies. It's going to be a season of mean-spiritedness and complete contempt for the truth.
I understand how you feel, Robin. Real well. My concern is that if we ignore the lies, they might stick. Who would have thought John Kerry could be painted as he was? He didn't think anyone would believe the swift-boating and then it was too late to do anything about it. There is a sizable group out there spreading the mistruths. They come in people's email boxes and too many of those people believe them. It's not just issue oriented stuff (which is fair to discuss and debate) but scarier than that. I don't like to use the word war as it's been misused so often but it's a conflict that we can't afford to lose-- in my view.
I don't want to think about it either though. It interferes with my dreams. As much as possible I use things like being out in nature, hearing how my family is doing, watching the animals to counteract the negativity.
I believe we need to know the truth and speak it when we hear lies being spread (and we better know why we believe they are lies) but we also need a lot of positive things going on in our lives or it won't be healthy.
I was listening to talk radio last night on the way home, (Brian and the Judge) and they said that the Clinton Camp is huddled around waiting for a major bombshell to break either this week or next. But they did not say against whom...JEEZ, I HATE shit-stirrers!!
I'm sick of this mud-slinging. This is so awful and I feel ashamed for us as Americans that "they" think we are going to believe all this crap about Obama. But, I know the Democrats are doing the same thing. I think the conservative spin on Michelle Obama being anti-American et al is going to backfire.
I was glad to see the Supreme Court ruling on Guantanamo today. I hope you address that soon.
i don't usually follow american politics but i've just seen the you tube video you linked to where Mr Obama was thanking his staff - he really is such a quietly charismatic leader. I'm excited just looking forward to the changes he's proposing to bring to people's lives - let's hope he gets in!
Jusr remember Rain Daily Kos has an agenda too !
Definitely the Daily Kos and its writers have an agenda and strong opinions. I read some right wing opinion pieces also so that I am aware of what is being said on both sides. You can imagine which I enjoy most :)
On the tube video of Obama addressing his staff I noticed his ability to disengage his ego and his instructions to his staff to do the same. I para phrase his message verbal and nonverbal. "We are the machine needing changes for the environment and politics and health care, etc. I am your candiate. I am tall and I am strong ready for the burden. I am who I am - an Afro American. I represent democrats and their stand on issues. I can fumble and make mistakes but as a group we have to win and each of us are working equally and share equally this opportunity."
When I visit with my Republican friends I will do my best to quietly disengaging my ego. That does not mean I will let them run me over. I know we Democrats can succeed we just don't let up.
This is no different than the people that were saying the John Sydney McCain could not be President because he was born on a military base in Panama. The BS is going to be fast and furious and I am trying to tune most of it out on both sides. Unless it is really funny. Like the Ding Dong the witch is dead video on You Tube.
There is a difference. Did anyone say McCain was lying about his birthplace because he was secretly born elsewhere and that meant he was terrorist material? The debate, which was minor, about McCain was whether that would disqualify him for something which is a fact-- he was born there. To block him over that, when his parent was in the military and he was born on a military base would have been ridiculous; but then I think they should change the law to allow someone like Schwarzenegger to run for president given his long time here and obvious loyalty to this country. I didn't repeat the emails and right wing blogger comments regarding the Obama accusations; but if you have heard them, are hearing them, you would know it's different.
I have not heard any of them about Obama. I guess I am only a fringe member of the vast right wing conspiracy. I try to filter out some of the BS from both sides. And don't forget not only was McCain born on military base, but the US Panama Canal Zone was a US territory much like Guam or American Samoa before Jimmy Carter paid Panama to take it over.
Obama may be a liberal, but terrorist , no. Not any more of a terrorist supporter than Hillary Clinton. That picture floating around with him in the funny looking Muslim outfit is a joke. You could find photos of lots of politicians wearing the local garb of the countries they visit. It does not mean that he has a suicide vest on underneath it.
I read some right wing newspapers online to keep up on what is being said. Look for a photo to come around showing Obama as a teen-ager with his family and wearing Arab garb. He met his half siblings and they are Muslim. One brother claims that Obama is also. That brother lives in Kenya and not sure on what he bases his opinion but it won't matter to the right wing smear machine.
It's a shame that we can't stick to the issues and character only when it's real issues like lack of experience or vicious temper. There are character issues that matter but how McCain treated a wife many years ago or whether either man is faithful to their current wives, those aren't pertinent to me. There is a lot that gets lost in the hassle when the emphasis is on smear. Maybe that's the idea.
I heard a caller on the radio going off today about how McCain and Obama are the best two people we could come up with out of 300,000,000. What a joke. Of course you have to find a pompous jerk that would actually be so in love with power to go through the scrutiny of running for the office. Most of the really good leaders in this country do not want to have anything to do with it.
PS did you hear about Chris Dodd and some others who got special loans from Country Wide and he is in charge of the committee that investigates that type of business. Like I said before all Senators are scum.
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