Comments, relating to the topic, are welcome, add a great deal to a blog, but must be in English, with no profanity, hate-filled insults, or links (unless pre-approved).

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly


For today's blog, I want to share a selection from my book The Beckoning Flame, where examples of love and hate both show up for what they do to one's life. Admittedly, Martin is an extreme example of where hate can take someone, but if you read newspapers, you see examples daily that also show how damaging it can be. 

This snippet is from the end of the book (something writers generally don't like to show readers before they read it); but since it's a romance, readers know the outcome from the time they buy the book. And in reading the story, readers will see Martin's downward spiral. 

This is how you might, as a writer, use emotional growth and deterioration to not only depict the characters, but also might encourage your readers in the direction they want for their own lives. Fiction, maybe, but life has a way of being the model for fiction.


The day of her wedding came with a sunny sky but a few clouds. Perfect and not too hot. As soon as she awoke, Grace was in her room. She was glad she had suggested Cord sleep elsewhere to make this day more special.

“When do we put on the dresses?” the little girl asked as she perched on the bed.

“After breakfast and getting your hair done.”

“I want to wear it a lot. It’s so pretty.”

“You can after the wedding, of course.” She got up and put on her robe. She hadn’t given a lot of thought to her own hair but knew it’d be in a bun at the back of her neck, to give room for the veil and the pearl ringlet that held it in place.

Priscilla had little interest in eating breakfast but enjoyed hearing the women talk as well as Davy’s opinion on all of what was going on. He already was speaking more complex thoughts in the short time since she’d seen him.

A few hours later, they were upstairs, with Davy off with Ollie on some little adventure of their own. Looking down from the upstairs window, Priscilla saw the way the wedding site looked with the flowers, one hundred chairs, and a pathway leading to where she and Cord would take their vows. She felt satisfied but wondered how many would really come for the wedding. She had left word everywhere she could imagine but no way to be sure how much interest Tucson would have in giving up a Saturday for this event.

Behind her, she could hear the rustling of fabric as the dresses were donned.  The giggles of Grace added to the energy of the room. She had fixed Grace’s hair to hang down her back after being held back from her face by a jeweled clip, one that had belonged to Priscilla’s mother.

“You all right with all this?” Abby asked as she came to stand beside Priscilla. “You can still change your mind.”

Priscilla laughed. “Are you joking? I am so eager to marry that man that I can hardly stand it. I want it all to go well and be a memorable day.”

“It will be. Now, how about your dress? You’ve been keeping that a secret.” Priscilla turned to look at the three who would be standing beside her with their lovely pink dresses. She was happy that Josey had found another of the previously castoff dresses for Abby. They looked lovely in their finery. If that was all it took to make a wedding memorable, they provided it. Although Rose wore her hair in a high bun, Abby had let hers hang down after being clipped back from her face, using some barrettes that had been her mother’s.

She felt uncertain about the dress, as she’d never worn anything like it. Walking to the armoire, she opened the door where the lovely dress hung. “It’s white,” she said needlessly, “and I’d probably have chosen off white or something.” She cast a teasing look to Abby as she couldn’t explain with Grace listening.

The dress had a scoop neck with a long ruffle that went from it over the shoulders with long white sleeves to the wrist with a lace trim. The skirt was full with several layers but no train. She had had Josey cut that off where hers was to be a garden wedding.

“It’s gorgeous,” Abby said when she brought it out to show them.

“You’ll be so beautiful,” Grace agreed along with Rose. She pulled out the veil that would fall to the length of the skirt.

She knew it was lovely, but different from what she usually wore, not that she didn’t have a nice wardrobe. Just no ballgowns. Such had never appealed to her.

“You don’t think it’s too much?” she asked with uncertainty.

Abby laughed. “You are supposed to be the star of this show. Let’s see it on.”

“People are gathering below,” Rose said looking back out the window. “The chairs will soon be filled with more coming.” She grinned as she heard the first of the harp music start.

It was a show as well as a legal commitment. Priscilla understood that and took a deep breath as she let the others help her into her dress and the petticoats that supported it. At least, it only took two. When she was dressed, with Abby helping her attach the veil, she looked in the mirror and wondered who that woman even was. She laughed then at her silliness. This would be a once in a lifetime event for her. She would enjoy it as she turned to face her wedding party. “Guess we should go down?”

“James is waiting,” Rose said. “He looks fine in his suit. This should be fun.”

At the foot of the stairs, James told them all how lovely they looked. He smiled at Priscilla. “Maybe I won’t give you away but keep you for us.” She laughed. When Grace looked concerned, he retracted the statement with a chuckle. “The garden is packed with as many standing as sitting. I saw the judge, Cord and his men head to their place.”

Priscilla took his arm and watched from behind the wall of the house to see her female attendants walk down the aisle to the harp music. She was grateful again for Josey suggesting it, as it lent a more wedding feel to the occasion.

And then it was her turn, as she and James began to walk down the created aisle. She observed the guests for only a moment before she saw Cord, looking unbelievably handsome in a dark suit, his jaw freshly shaved and hair trimmed. When their gazes met, he smiled and suddenly she felt her jitters disappear, as she was filled with love. It was a dream come true. One she’d never dared dream.


Watching from one of the chairs four back from the aisle, Martin smirked. They all thought they knew so much but in reality, only he knew what this day would hold. Having grown as much beard as possible, no one recognized him. He had heard he was dead. They could wish, he snickered to himself. He had hidden that day, had seen Cord limp away and knew what they would think. They were so stupid.

His hate seemed to grow into almost an internal flame. He knew the cause of all his troubles had been her, the woman in the white dress, which should have been black for her black heart. He shifted in his chair, easing his gun from the pocket where he had secured it. He was glad he was a good shot as he wanted that white dress not only covered with blood but also the woman wearing it dead. He felt more joy at the thought. Killing her would provide satisfaction for all she had cost him. He didn’t care if he lived after that. He would possess her in death as he never could in life.e didn’t






The judge spoke simply when he asked if anyone had any objections, and if so, this was the time.  Martin edged past the other guests and said— “I do,” as he stepped into the aisle with the gun now leveled. He wasn’t ready to fire. He wanted to savor the moment. He saw shock on Priscilla’s face as she and Cord turned toward him. For once, justice was done, Martin thought, as he smiled more broadly and took more steps toward them.

“Never expected to see me again, did you, Marshal?” Martin said. He glanced briefly side wise. He concentrated on the two at the makeshift altar. The crowd had grown eerily silent, which suited Martin perfectly. Finally, they understood, him for the leader he was. He laughed. When he saw Cord edge toward Priscilla, he raised his voice to what might’ve sounded like a scream to others, but to him, it was the cry of the victor. “Move again, Marshal,” he said, “and I’ll kill her right now. You thought I died up there, didn’t you,” he said. “I outsmarted you. I lost my rifle when I fell but I landed under a crevice. I would have liked to kill you right then but turns out there were better ways. You took my woman. That’s theft.”

“He took nothing that was ever yours,” Priscilla said. She felt Cord’s hand as he tried to move her behind him. She resisted, not wanting to see Cord killed in front of her. Better if it was her.

“Well, you’ll be mine now.” He took another step forward only to trip as a long pole thrust between his ankles, throwing him to the ground. In an instance, Ben Albright lunged from his chair, grabbed Martin and lifted him in the air, the revolver fell from his  hands. When he felt himself thrown back down, the brute stepped on his hand, probably enough to break it.

“I can take care of this,” Sheriff Adams said as he moved forward to use handcuffs he’d brought with him to clasp Martin’s hands behind his back. As he came to his senses, he screamed out his rage. This was so unfair. “I’ll get him out of here,” Adams said. “Don’t want garbage like this to ruin a wonderful day like this one is.”

With the help of Ben and Ridge, he half dragged and half forced Martin to walk as he babbled about the unfairness.


Priscilla saw that finally the handcuffs Sheriff Adams always carried had been brought to good use. She tried to still her shaking. It helped that Cord held her, his own voice emotional. She still felt irked at how the sheriff had treated her after her kidnapping, but she had to put that aside also.

“Even a broke clock is right twice a day,” Cord said, having read her mixed emotions. That led to her giggling. It all seemed so unreal. Martin had meant to kill her an only an intervention had prevented it happening, that and Martin’s inability to do anything right.

The judge, a man of steel himself, said, “It’s time to take your vows.” Priscilla knew then she had to straighten her own backbone and managed a smile. Martin had been a bad mistake in her life, but he would go to prison now for the murder he had committed, maybe even be hung. That mistake was over, and cleared her voice to listen to the age-old words asking if she would take this man for her husband. That’s when she smiled. Would she. She resisted laughing. She heard the answering emotion in Cord’s voice and knew he’d repeated the words. Of course, she’d love him forever, until they were both old and gray. They’d gone through the fire together and now it was time for the joy. When Cord was told he could kiss the bride, he gave her a long, sweet kiss as he held her in his arms. “You are so beautiful,” he said.

“You too.” She said before turning with him to their audience, who were now all standing, laughing, and clapping. Whatever shock they had felt at what happened, it was gone with this reaffirming of the strength of love.

Cord turned to take Priscilla in his arms. “I should have gone down and taken him out up there. I am sorry.”

“And maybe gotten killed yourself with a fall. No, this was it was meant to be. And now he’ll pay for what he did to Sally, even though he got away with so much else.”

Sam growled as he came up to hug them both. “I told Abby I should have carried a gun.”

Cord looked then toward the one who had stuck out a long pole to trip Martin. Carlos Vega had just retrieved it, examining to make sure his prayer pole was undamaged. “Mr. Vega,” Cord said as he went down to him, his arm still around Priscilla. “We owe you more than we ever can repay.”

Vega laughed. “You two would have survived it either way but this was true justice with having the man tripped by his own evilness.”

“That is true,” Cord said as he took the older man’s hand. “And tripped by your goodness.”

Vega chuckled.

Priscilla managed a smile as she scanned the guests. “Time for our lunch, I think.” She laughed. They had survived again, as she knew they always would.




Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hate: Where Does it Lead?

 image purchased from CanStock.

After writing about love in how it impacts life and my books, it seemed logical to look at its opposite and how does it impact life and fiction. What is the opposite of love? Some have claimed it's fear but I think it's hate. I thought it'd be easy to write about hate. Not so fast.

First of all, I have never personally felt hate for anyone or anything. I thought about this, long and hard after I decided to write about it. I am not sure I ever had anyone hate me either. If they did, I didn't know it. I do experience dislike and some claim that is on its way to hate. If it is, I never let it go that far on a personal level. I also don't worry too much if someone dislikes me unless they would take it to a physical level.

So what makes someone go to the point of hate? I see examples of it happening a lot in what I read is going on in the world and my own country. When people kill strangers, is that a product of hate? Do wars come out of hate, maybe of one nation for another. How about terrorism? Or even saying bad things about another, who may not be personally known but who the person hates? Does emotional abuse come out of hate?

Every so often, we read of a husband or wife killing their partner. How does love turn to hate or was it ever love? Was it possibly narcissism?  Using the pretense of love to get what one wants from another? We do see that a lot with frauds, but does that come out of the perpetrator's hate?

I looked for definitions of hate and found extreme dislike, among a few others, possible synonyms. What makes someone or even a whole nation go from dislike to the point of killing what they now hate? Or even someone resembling that object of hatred?

Probably I won't come up with defining hate, other than a recommendation. Do not let dislike turn to hate. Hate is generally more damaging to the hater than to the one they hate. I believe, like with love, hate is an internal feeling where one can enrich someone's soul and the other eat it up until they become effectively soulless.

If someone moves to hate from dislike, can they go back? I believe so when they realize hate is bad for themselves and the world. Unfortunately, some find hate empowering and don't want to go back to what I'd call the light and a healthier view of life. But if they wish to get rid of their hate, first stop going where hate is sold as a virtue. Beware of pundits who might claim they care about others, but who constantly spew anger and rage. Also avoid such people or groups. Look for where love, which is not remotely a weak emotion, is taught and expressed. You can't be fed one thing and hope to project another.

Where it comes to my writing, I often have villains in my books but rarely go very much into what turned them into one. I don't go into their backstories as I do with other characters. There was an exception in two of my novels. The character was in Beyond the Broken Road where he felt abused and constantly blamed others for whatever went wrong.. He returned in The Beckoning Flame where his hate and self serving (as he thought anyway) behavior had gone to another level entirely. That beckoning flame can be for good or not good. We decide what to follow. Sometimes, I think there can come a time when there is no further choice. The hater has lost any desire to change.

Next Saturday's blog will be out of a chapter showing how a flame that beckons us can lead to positive or negative results-- both for what love can do and unfortunately hate.


Saturday, May 04, 2024

what love is

When writing romances, it's part of the deal to care about relationships and the subject of love itself. With a romance, the requirement is a happily ever after-- in short, it has to work out in the end. An example would be Pride and Prejudice where however unlikely it might seem, they're going to be with each other at the end of the book. 

image purchased from Deposit Photos.

With love stories, this is not necessarily the case. An example of that would be Gone with the Wind. One might hope he'd come back but didn't seem likely when the story ended.

Romances are fantasies, not to say love stories cannot also be, but one is satisfying even when it might not feel realistic. Still, does it seem believable that this couple would fall in love to begin or did the writer just throw them together and tell readers that it happened. The best romances make the reader believe, yep, it could make sense. 

I wrote one of my contemporary romances where it began with a couple divorcing, which one wanted and one did not. Divorces do sometimes end with a couple back together in what we call real life. Not always and definitely not needed in a love story.

Always when I begin a romance, I have in mind at least one of the protagonists. Then who seems likely for that happily ever after, with, of course, some major glitches along the way. That is required or there is no interest. When I come up with the second protagonist, I have to believe it's more than seeing each other and bam. If I don't believe in it, the readers will not.

Music speaks a lot about love-- sometimes as a romantic fantasy and sometimes with sad endings. I particularly like this song from the 80s where it speaks of someone wanting to know love, wanting to find someone to teach them.

I want to know what love is

Here's the thing about love. It's within us. Relationships in romances can begin many ways, from friends to lovers or even enemies to lovers, but the real life deals, which last. love for each other, and not in the romantic sense of the word but more the in depth caring for that person and what is good for them as well as one's own self.  

People looking for love in their lives have to be logical as well as emotional. Do I share life goals with that person? Do our backgrounds make it likely that we will understand each other? It can't be just lust, though that might be a beginning. If that's all it is though, don't expect it to last. Real love goes through good and bad times with a desire to work together for a good life. I try to write romances where that seems likely for the protagonists.

Romantic love is lovely in books, soothing to read through dark times, but the kinds of relationships that last take genuine love and that takes the emotion and logic to make it through the dark times-- and I believe all relationships have those. I know something about those long term relationships as I am in one. Not that I don't have dreams that add to what I write.

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 After writing about writing, I feel I should cover the other side of it if you want your book to be seen by anybody.  Marketing. There are writers who probably enjoy it, but many do not-- especially those of us who are introverts.

To be an introvert when it comes to writing, it works well. We are not prone to partying, like alone time, enjoy researching (which writing can need a lot of), and like having a few close friends, but don't need a lot. As an introvert, I like studying relationships and how people tick-- again works well with creating characters for plots.

But how does an introvert do when it comes to working with crowds, trying to get people to take their work seriously? That's where extroverts excel,and we introverts prefer to stay in the shadows. Let someone else take glory or fame. We like the work but that next part of it, not so much. Maybe that would work better with split personalities. 


This meme showed up recently from several writers, and I so related to it. It's funny, but also true. It's funny because nobody really buys books because of the writer saying, pretty please lol. Readers buy books by finding them in a category they know they enjoy. 

This has been a surprising month for me in book sales. Try zero. Yes, not one single book sold. Last month and the months before, there had been sales. Maybe not a lot by some standards but good enough to feel at least a few people wanted to read my work. This month, start with the first, yep, nada. 

When there is such an abrupt decline, a writer, even one who hates the idea of marketing has to wonder why one month suddenly had such a drop off in numbers-- like into a dark hole. 

We had some ads up, although not a lot as ads have to pay for themselves unless someone is independently wealthy. Mostly I've let ads get paid for by sales... Not going to happen this month.

There are some possible reasons at least for one of the distributors. They changed categories. They also might have changed algorithms, that we never really know about.

If someone came here hoping I had some answers for marketing. Sorry as  got nothing. I believe in my work but marketing-- different thing.

I do though have a brand new picture of me while considering what went wrong. I rarely put up pictures with glasses, as I prefer contacts, but when working on the computer, these are my go-tos *s*

None of this was AI generated-- although I don't know about the meme.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Cheating Yourself

 Lavender and one of my sculptures

 For Saturday's blog, I had in mind writing about my second paranormal, fantasy romance. Something else came up though that I felt demanded more attention. 

For some time there has been concern over what AI will mean for our culture. I think Stephen Hawking, before he died, expressed concern over it being destructive for mankind. I had my doubts as a machine can be destroyed if that is so desired. What about when it's not? What about when some feel they can profit from Artificial Intelligence? Teachers right now have to express concern whether their students wrote the essays they submitted. Writers worry about books created by ChatGPT, relatively new to the game, flooding the market and kicking human authors to the curb.

Well, the genii is out of the bottle and AI is here whether some like it or not. I have heard some authors say it does a better job writing their blurbs than they can do-- and faster. 

For a long time, people have used computers to check spelling or find out if a word was used too many times. That's not the same as a whole book written by a computer and submitted under someone's name to earn money or maybe even fame. What do we do about that?

One thing to realize, if someone desires to be a creative person, I believe that using AI for an essay or a book is cheating themselves of the genuine creative experience. For students, learning to research and then writng an essay expands their abilities. To use AI instead is cheating themselves as well as the system.

As a writer myself, I don't worry about it as I think that human emotions and plots with the kinds of twists that don't come from a formula, will always satisfy more than something generated out of a system that only knows rules. 

At my age, I don't depend on my writing to provide a family's income. Lucky me. I can write for joy, which I do, and recognize that formula writing, which is what AI can do, won't do what I do. I also recognize that many readers are happy with formula writing. It's dependable at least. That's been true for a long time, since in the 1800s, readers could grab those cheap dime novels and get excitement even if it's repetitive.

Part of what decided me to write a blog about AI, where I provide no answers, is believing when we know what something is, what feeds our souls or just passes time, that will help us find meaningful material to read. Maybe it won't be my books, lol but there are plenty of good authors out there, who are writing from their souls. Just keep in mind what passes time doesn't always benefit the writer or the reader.

I decided with a kind of dark topic here, I'd have some of our wonderful flower pictures from spring, something that does feed my soul. 

Check out this link for more thinking on AI and where it's taking us.

Writer's Digest what is yet to come with AI

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sky Daughter -- why this book?



Having written last week about mysticism vs. science, I thought I'd write a bit about my experience with mysticism. It's not so much direct although there are some dreams that I can't explain. For each of the books in what I regard as a mystical series, I did a lot of research. Some by talking to people, who have experienced things I have not, and some with what I've read through searches.

The first book I wrote about a mystical possibility has much about the human elements on how they can lose touch with reality with a desire for power. When I wrote Sky Daughter, I debated how realistic to make the 'other' side. There were different ways to proceed, but eventually I knew the answer for making this book as real as I could. 

Sky Daughter, with its romance, adventure, and mysticism  is available on Amazon:


It was in the 1990s when I first wrote this story with no interest at the time in finding a publisher. I wrote a lot back then for the pure joy of putting together characters with plots and seeing how it all worked out. Some years later, along came the option of self-publishing as an independent author and it was one of the books I reworked to bring out for readers who might share my interests in stories.

Some of the inspiration for the story came from trip we had made to Montana, sleeping in our Astro van. I had the radio on as we entered Idaho on our way home and a talk program came on. It eventually found its way into a powerful part of the plot-- not the actual speaker but the ideas. I had spent some time in various parts of Idaho and it became the perfect setting for an imaginary town that was isolated from much of the world. 

As for the rest of the story, I did create a trailer that depicts some of what came together. Such videos are fun for me to create. Check it out. Images bought from CanStock, Deposit Photos, Vikkas, or my own photos. Music I had purchased from Jewel Beat, which unfortunately doesn't still exist. Glad I bought their music when I did.

Sky Daughter Trailer

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Science vs Mysticism OR is it the other way around?

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all. 

Joni Mitchell

Mankind, no matter what the ethnicity or even gender, has always tried to control what is around them. This began very early with mystical powers to protect from evil or even nature in the form of predatory animals or a nature out of control (in human minds). Today, there is still a conflict between the two ways of empowerment... or hopeful empowerment. I almost added nature to the title but then realized it'd take a book to explore all the elements from the beginning or even for today.

Why write about this? Because I woke up one morning last week thinking about it. On a simpler scale than major scientific achievements but instead thinking how life, surrounded by nature, seems so basic and simple. Eating from nature. Enjoying time in nature. And finally, dust to dust. But what about the magical side of life where so many people believe in a god who will fix whatever went wrong, who directs their choices for good. 

Some think of magic as all about a set of rituals possibly designed by a shaman or even witches. They don't recognize religious rituals or traditions as the same thing. It's a way of giving up power in one sense but also of gaining power as that mystical being will make it all better without much sacrifice. Of course, at one time, it took sacrifice. Now, it's more about physically better or worse if you don't follow the directions.

As for science today, well, it improves our lives in many ways, like electricity. It enables travel in ways earlier generations could only achieve if wealthy. But the word science is often used in other ways, to control by projections. I am married to a scientist and he constantly looks for answers  to all kinds of problems, how things work,even when now retired... not that scientists ever retire in my experience. 

For many people today, science is "the god". It will resolve problems before we even knew they were there. The word science is used by those who seek control over human behavior and often based on projections more than pure science which is observable and repeatable, like our electricity. If the word science is used all must bow before the wisdom-- even when it's later proven to not be true. 

As for mysticism, well, it depends on how it's used. Many consider witches to be evil, but the creed of witches is what they do will come back three times; so do good. Whether all who do spells think that way, well, who knows. If there is power in those spells, the ones believing in a god also have an answer-- the devil. Not that we have good and evil within us depending on how we use it, but some spiritual being with only evil intent. 

So, what do I have faith in? I am no mystic, have never done spells unless prayer can be considered one. I am also not a scientist. I am just one who questions and have since being a child. Too many questions I've been told. Oh well, not likely to change now... 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Spring in my part of the world.


Part of the reason I have been reluctant to post my opinions regarding recent political action in my country, the US, is that people read here from around the world. Are they interested in political issues from other countries? Maybe they are, since the US often can influence problems for other nations. I don't really know, which is why I have looked for perspective on what readers like to read.

Personally, I read political blogs and sometimes get angry at what I read as I think the opinions are very biased. I don't generally comment there what I think as I feel-- well, it's their blog. Not everyone wants a conversation.

On the other hand, I do enjoy hearing what others think, even when it irks me. I do not believe we all need to agree. Sometimes when we see things differently, we just agree to disagree.

When we vote in a government election, we often don't particularly like the outcome, but respect for it is part of living in a Republic, which elects  representatives to make important decisions. If we don't like the outcome, work harder next time to see someone we would prefer.

Recently when I was watching a podcast interview, which was mostly liberal, I was surprised when the guest, a black rapper, said something I thought was very astute. He was being pressured to say he'd vote for the interviewer's choice. He refused and would not say for whom he would vote and instead said he votes policy over person. I really like that as I've often said I vote issues (sometimes believing what I should not have) and I have to balance the most important ones to me as I am not a "one issue" voter.

Calling myself an independent voter (unaffiliated in some states), I never agree with all of one side of the partisan divide completely. I have strong opinions but they just don't all totally fit into either political party. I try to read a variety of opinions on what I consider important as again reading only one side seems unlikely to know enough about what should be done. Some call that wishy-washy. but I see it as logical. Reading a differing viewpoint won't automatically change my mind but it at least lets me understand good people can see things differently based on many reasons.

Anyway, I hope I continue to have readers from around the world. I think that is healthy as we are not enemies or all friends. We are humans with often the same needs but different ways of getting there.