Where we are heading as a nation is something that gravely concerns me and that I think we all would be wise to take some time to consider, if not for our own sakes, for those of future generations. Clearly willful ignorance is rampant and proudly being embraced. The election of Barack Obama and the health care bill have only revealed it, but they aren't where it began.
Ignorance and being easily led are not just going to impact what we do about the growing health care problem but also the environment, education and pretty much
For a certain segment of our population, facts are tossed aside if they didn't come from a Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. I suspect though that if Beck or Limbaugh changed what they are saying, this group would turn on them also. Media pundits like Sean Hannity are no longer, if they ever were, the masters of what is happening.
Too many people are not considering their own best interests where it comes to health care reform and are easily stirred into a frenzy by words like socialism (which has become a metaphor for evil). Do the ones who respond to that fear even know what socialism is? They sure didn't appear to understand what fascism was as they have embraced its early stages for the last 8 years.
From where did this ignorance come and what can those of us, who do stay informed and do think (from either political party), do about it? Here's one article offering a possible source of this thinking, but it really is not that simple to blame a few key leaders. The people who follow after these ideas are hearing what they want to hear. They often twist it to suit themselves. They glory in their ignorance and yet they are possibly beginning to set agendas.
Ron Paul seems like a basically decent man, but what he said about the Federal government doe
Paul followers claim that the Constitution only allows federal government to be involved in wars and commerce. Regulating insurance rates [which have gone from 1.5% of GDP (1970) to now 5.5% (2007)] could come under that category, right? They are wrong though that the Constitution doesn't cover more than commerce and wars. Senator McCain was booed in Phoenix when he said Obama understood the Constitution. How many of those booing did?
Since I recently reread the Constitution (thanks to a question by Paul from Shadow of Diogenes), I saw something else in the original document which makes a government concern for public health care a legitimate issue.
The first is in the Preamble:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.In section 8 there also is this:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;What are general welfare and domestic tranquility? The tea partiers, no taxes for anything, and no federal benefits at all, apparently would eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and any federal welfare programs. Don't those things come under the category of general welfare or tranquility? I don't know how they would fund the wars they have often favored which the most recent ones haven't done anything for our general welfare or tranquility.
Those, who see the Constitution as an immutable truth that cannot be changed or should not be, ignore that at the time of the Constitution, women had no vote, freed blacks could only have partial votes and there was still slavery and indentured servitude. The Constitution is being used by a group of people as though they know what it says. Like so much else, they don't.
Photos taken by Farm Boss the last week of August when we had our grandchildren here for a farm week. That night we had gone out to dinner at a place called Gathering Together Farm. It sells produce but now does have a seasonally operated restaurant. It was a delightful evening with our daughter-in-law (her idea), son, their two sons and our other two grandchildren. The lush, colorful flower garden inspired me to enlarge a fenced space to have a larger one of my own next summer.
Excellent points, as always. I remember a controversy early in the first of Bush II's reign when a politician in Florida, I think, assailed the education system for not indoctrinating children in his brand of "my country, right or wrong" nationalism. His program would have totally neglected the rights to assemble, to petition for redress of grievances and a host of other rights that support the right to express dissent since that would call into question how right the country is. When politicians so misuse, misconstrue and otherwise mangle our Constitution I have to wonder whether they are self-serving opportunists or uneducable morons.
Rain let's face it. A large majority of people in our nation are sheep (as my brother labels them). They want to be told how to think and what to do. They need gurus and feel good folks to get to where they think that they want to go. Public education haphazardly educates our young people. And you cannot criticize poor performance for fear of being politically incorrect. Whatever happened to accountability in job performance? Some of our teachers are incompetent yet the unions support keeping them on the job. (Before you slam me let me say that I have been a member of 4 unions). And if you want to see examples of people's ignorance watch Leno when he asks basic knowledge questions. Some of the answers he receives boggles the mind. It's amazing !
You havegone where I feared to. Reading the Constitution. Excellent. The question as to why this is happening may come to our education now focused on standardized testing. Kids are learning incorrectly that there are right answers and critical creative thought process is not rewarded.
My cousin J H Sweet has given this problem some thought and has written a series of early reading books. In particular is ne of the airy Chronicles, "Mimosa and the River of Wisdom." The everyday child Mimosa also has a fairy spirit and meets spirits of Wisdom and Ignorance in her journey to a solve a personal problem. She thinks on her own to solve her problem.
It will take a long time for books like these to educate our nation, I am sorry to say.
For anyone who cares to be informed on health care reform, check out this link about some facts regarding its cost: Public Option. I have read that Obama is scaling down his proposal and if that's so, then he sold out along with so many from either party. I feel very disgusted right now because without a public option this just gives more money to corporate interests who already have too much. There are some easy solutions to keep costs down but they would also keep down profits. Neither party wants to do that. We kid ourselves that we elect them. They are bought and paid for is what it looks like to me :(
There have been times recently when I have gotten so depressed by the ignorance of the populace and by how easily they are swayed that I think it's hopeless. Then I read Saul Friedman's excellent article on Ronni Bennett's TGB and remembered that we survived the McCarthy era and the John Birch Society. I think the ignorant get more attention than they deserve and we will survive the loud voices of hate and stupidity as well.
Surviving those eras aren't enough if they keep coming back and maybe growing in numbers. We need to stop allowing 'them' to call the shots and it's the fault of many diverse elements that they are doing that and even when in small numbers. I am writing more about this in a few days after some breaks for mental health. It's not like this is all I want to think about either :)
Because I had received her newsletters from an email, I didn't realize Lynda Hill has a blog. I have added it to my blog list. Her take on this full moon is applicable to this conversation so whether you usually read astrologers or not, you might check this one out: Sabian Symbols
I stopped in for just a brief minute in between doing things to get my show open, and As always, I should not have. I always spend WAQAAAAAY more time thinking and reading and cross referencing your thoughts. You always make me think. Keep up the good work. NOW I need to get back to my show!
Rain...I love you dearly and I love your Political Posts, but I'm just not up to this today...I did read the first paragraph and began to feel more anxious than I already am...(lol)
So, forgive me, my dear. Next time.
I totally understand, Naomi which is why I am currently putting up the political warnings. It is stressful.
There is something positive in this one though with the truth of what the Constitution actually does say the federal government should do which health care fits well into the niche. Like so many things people need to know what the Constitution actually says as a protection against the distortions. It's all online :)
I think that some (if not a lot) of Americans assume that we will always be number 1 because God is on our side. In my opinion, God helps us but he expects us to help ourselves too. A good school produces students who savor knowledge and put it to use in their lives. A good school has qualified teachers and academic standards that do not kowtow to whim and political correctness. We cannot rest on our laurels, because if we do the world will pass us by. I do't need Oprah or Doctor Laura or Doctor Phil or some crystal gazer in Sodona to tell me what I need to do to have a good productive life. The good Lord gave me a brain thank you very much !
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