How can I complain though when I have heard all winter and even into the spring of so much worse weather
It's very odd how the weather is and whether you lay it to our planet getting a bit overall warmer and thereby impacting wind patterns and ocean currents, you do have to think somet
We get freezes sometimes up until the middle of May where I live in Oregon's Coast Range. Many is the industrious gardener who planted annuals the first of May and had to do it all again the end of the month, but even that's not typical. Snow tow
So we got some snow. Big deal. Now I will admit I was ready for spring to turn into summer as you can see by the poor, woebegone chaise lounge. The tulip didn't want a cap of snow, the pine was ready to dump pollen not be dumped upon-- although that's not bad for allergy sufferers.
Can I blame this on the full moon? I blame pretty much everything else on it, why not...
I don't mind the snow as much as I mind how dark and dreary it's been. In all the other places I have ever lived, a snowfall is followed by glorious sunny skies. Not here. Same old bleak and dismal gray. That I complain about.
Same kind of weather up here but this morning we have more like 2". Although it has already melted on the roads and will all be gone soon. It sure is unseasonable. I hope the forecast for the next week holds. We are going east of the mountains next Sunday to spend a week in warm & dry conditions. Maybe.
1/2" here in NW Eugene.
Unstable weather... we'll see this do weird things as it heads east.
I'm soooo ready for 60 - 70ยบ weather.
Imagine....snow in April! And "they" say we don't have global warming?
The poor flowers and trees, and all the animals, are quite confused I'm sure.
THe weather has certainly been something else this spring hasnt it? I drove home in the blizzard on Friday night. @0 miles of sheer terror!!!
Wow, snow on the tulips - what an interesting photo. I hope that spring is firmly established in your area - we finally are getting green. Hooray.
My daughter-in-law said they were actually snowed into their driveway all weekend from snow. They are in the mountains above Pt. Angeles. It's in the 70s now with weather changing daily. I long for the prolonged warm days to come.
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