Wednesday, February 01, 2017


Calendars often have Imbolc on slightly different days, from February 1st to as late as the 3rd. This year I read that it is the 1st, while Groundhog's Day is the 2nd... not sure where that puts Candlemas and St. Brigid's Day. It probably doesn't matter a lot. It is celebrated as the midway point between Winter Solstice and spring equinox. It is when the lambs come, and the grass begins to green. Buds are swelling on the bushes, and soon the crocus will be up.

Exactly how imbolc is pronounced is debated except one point-- the b is silent. The word means ewe's milk-- and that's exactly where we are here at the farm, with new life everywhere.

Enjoy Imbolc however  or even if you celebrate it. [Some Wiccan ideas for that]. One simple idea is to light candles, which represent the flame of Brigid. And make wishes for yourself, family, and friends. Candles are great for meditating by staring into the flame. But don't leave burning candles unattended and be particularly careful with those that can burn part way down and fall over. That has led to some very nasty home fires.

Apropos, considering this is a season of change, I am into it for the blog. From now on, with each of these Celtic/Pagan/Wiccan seasonal celebrations, I plan to change the header to one fitting the coming season with the images (mostly) coming from Stencil. I may play around with different options, but this is my plan-- for now.

And, for now, I plan to add a photo from my life, representing its spring, summer, fall, and winter. When I write, I call upon what I've learned from all those years. After all, they are still me-- just buried under age and unfortunately-- fat ;). 

Looking through our albums had me trying to decide which helps positive energy, which is what a banner is about. It sets the tone for the blog-- much like its cover does for a book.

For changes coming to the blog roll-- check back Saturday.

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