Friday, January 27, 2017

a new year and redwing blackbirds

Tomorrow happens to be the Chinese New Year and I just read an article that said certain foods are regarded as good luck to be eaten on that day. Rather than waiting to post this tomorrow, I put it up early for readers (who didn't already know this) to go shopping if so inclined.

And then there is this. I had noticed that our window glass creates an outside illusion when we have a fire in the fireplace and the light outside is just right. When the blackbirds are visiting the feeder, they look as though they are flying through flames. It's kind of an apropos mix of nature and spiritual thinking as reflections often are.  

It wasn't easy to capture it with a photo as often there seemed more flames than the camera could record. I can watch and listen to the redwing blackbirds for hours as they come in a cloud, sing, and squabble. When they leave, it's often as a flock.  I believe when times seem darkest, watching birds is one fix that can lift one's mood. The birds carry with them many lessons; and of course, are beautiful.


  1. very cool illusion. It looks like that feeder is on fire!

  2. What a fun way to spend a cold day. I love the high whistle of the male redwing when he sits on our grasses down by the river. We get them here are the feeders as well, but not very often.

  3. Nice. I like redwing blackbirds, I like listening to the males declaring their territories in or near a marsh. I put up a bird feeder close to my living room window in the wintertime. Mostly I get little brown birds of various types but it is nice to see that activity there. You are right, it lifts one's mood. One of the first signs of spring on the way will be some of those little brown birds turning bright yellow: male goldfinches.

  4. We also have the finches, towhees, and chickadees right now, Anne. Purple finches, which are more red than purple and yes, I love it when they change colors with the seasons maybe to attract mates ? The hummers are also still here and maybe won't leave now. One bird lover said when they stay over, they have their first nest earlier.

    On the bigger birds, the jays also come in off and on. I didn't know until this year that the stellar jays, females and males look pretty much alike. We also have scrub jays which I used to call mountain jays. Live and learn :)

  5. Beautiful! Great idea to capture the flames like that!

  6. A lot of photos like that are pure luck, Marie, to see it at the right time. My husband also said it happened because of the double pane storm windows. :)

  7. We have a variety of small birds that come to the feeder. There are plenty of Jays around, and a new one that has a very raucous call. The rosemary is blooming and the hummer feeder is filled often, so they have stayed over the winter.

    Interesting photos!

  8. The stellar jay can sound like a hawk and it's hard to discern which until I see from where it's coming.
