Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Starve the Beast

While on the road any internet connection is spotty; so I wrote this and scheduled it because it is about something that concerns me. Getting to a motel with wireless, I am expanding it with recent examples. [Starve the Beast] uses the Edwards' affair but is about a bigger issue, one that distracts the public from the issues that actually impact their lives.

Since I did not see the Democratic convention, I missed the way it was covered but heard a commentary that many speeches were not covered in order to run commentary by the pundits. Say what! They want to tell us what to think and it's not just Fox. Worse, they zero in on things that don't matter to distract us from those that do. Reading comments here (which I much enjoyed as the commenters add so much), I saw from Robin that it could have been watched on C-Span which sounds like the only way to avoid those addicted talkers.

My opinion: just show the damned conventions; and if pundits want to comment on them from their supposed news program, do it later! It is not about them except to them!

What makes the mainstream media zero in on trifles? Why do campaigns end up being about junk? That one I can answer as look at the results of McCain running the Hilton/Spears/Moses ads and then at his improved poll results. With a certain kind of voter, it appears to work. It is, however, as bad as the junk food or meaningless reality television that invade our mind and bodies as they train us to only think or eat what is easy.

Was it important to voters if Larry Craig might be a wantabe homosexual? How about that Elliot Spitzer liked kinky sex? Both men ran afoul of laws that were intended to decide sexuality for others but what made the coverage so extensive?

Those stories run, and hundreds like them, instead of health care discussions, questions about transportation, environmental concerns, ways to stop buying so much oil while sending money to potential enemies, and a multitude of issues that actually matter to our lives. Have we become a tabloid people who don't have the ability to think about issues that require exercising the brain? Does the media bear part of the responsibility for it being that way or are they only the result?

Character does matter, but it should be when it relates and impacts the job the politician is being paid to do.

Sarah Palin has a teen-age daughter who is pregnant. Normally Democrats would understand and let that one go (stuff happens) but there might be a tendency to hit on it because of the way Republicans have done (think of how Lynn Spears was crucified as being a lousy mother when her teen got pregnant) or what they would be saying if it was an Obama child; but we need to step back and think about it. It is not an issue.

The issue with Palin is her lack of experience, decisions she has made while mayor of a small town or as governor these last nearly two years (trooper-gate might say a lot about her ethics if it's true), questionable land deals for the city when she was mayor that has left that city still in debt, never having met an oil or timber interest that she didn't want to support, being in an Alaska independence party in the 90s, apparently lying in her acceptance speech about her opinion on the bridge to nowhere, her radical religious views, and her lack of any serious understanding of international policies or constitutional law.

Given McCain's age and his being a two-time survivor of melanoma, it's not unlikely that she could be thrust into the presidency . She talks good given she was educated as a sports announcer, but could she have run a nationwide campaign for president? Is she ready to run this nation from day one? McCain said that was key to who he would ask to run with him but clearly it didn't turn out to be that way. McCain went for the tabloid vote.

If Palin stayed vice president, none of the above would matter, and she'd end up with more child care help from the government probably than she has had as governor; but what if McCain is disabled or dies in office? We end up with someone who probably thinks god takes care of everything, and a country who can ill afford more of that kind of thinking. I keep reading how she's so appealing because she's an ordinary person. So that's what we need to run this country???

Palin receives this nomination for two reasons. First and foremost on her resume is being a fundamentalist christianist which will hand McCain the fundamentalist religionists. For everbody else, we have the second reason, does anyone believe she'd have been invited to run if she had been the homely governor from Alaska with less than two years under her belt. You know the answer!


  1. The media who rant on about unimportant gossip instead of covering the real issues are just entertainers. Journalism school is not required. The only necessary thing is to be telegenic. And that's Palin's only qualification. You nailed it. She will get the Fundamentalist and redneck vote, but that's about it.

  2. It really does make me wonder just what has happened to this country. I got fed up with the regular media about half way through the first morning of the Democratic convention and went to C-Span. I don't need the buckets full of commentaries from people who are only concerned about their own ratings. As for Palin, all I can do at this point if shake my head and shrug my shoulders. Just how stupid are WE supposed to be???

  3. I was at a party at my brother's house over the weekend and a political discussion started, which can be dangerous with a bunch of people that do not know each other that well. But instead of getting ugly, it all boiled down to the fact that we have 300,000,000 people in this country and these yahoos are the best that we could come up with. Most of the people that really could lead the nation do not want to have anything to do with the circus that running for high office has become.

  4. Ingineer,
    My respect goes to all the candidates because they certainly put themselves out there for all kinds of abuse and maybe even their life. They all must love this country more than most. I also sympathise with ingineer and people like him because the Republicans have a weakness and fear that has caused them to be mud slingers. We could use some better Republicans to run against the talented Barack Obama.

  5. Thanks for the laugh Parapluie. You are right the Democrats never through any mud. Hillary Clinton is as pure as Mother Theresa. As for talented Republicans, I would be happy if we even had a republican running this time. McCain is more like a Democrat than he is a Republican and Obama should be running as a Peace & Freedom Candidate.

  6. P.S. they may or may not love the country. But what I know is true they all love Power more than most.

  7. You nailed it, girlfriend, with or without a good internet connection.

  8. the funny (not!) thing about it is... it is all our fault. We -- the people -- were given the power over it all, through our documents marking this nation's founding... the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights (Constitution) are proclamations both that we are the people and that those documents are in our caretaking. But we have let them decipher that document for us, twisting what is stated quite clearly and simply... read the first 10 Amendments. How many "excepts" can you find?

    Voting... hmmm... again, our bad. We don't even have a working FEC this election... I'm proud of Oregon (which polls at about 90% turnout in nat'l elections) but not many states come close to those kinds of numbers. The media prattle you speak to in these comments are equal to the uproar of Janet Jackson's 1/2 second nipple flash at the Super Bowl. One half second of nipple and we are shocked! And the media led the way... turning 1/2 second into days and days...

    My solution? I will never vote again for a major Dem or Repub unless they are the best of the best (like Pete Defazio). And I believe all money (except for a national pool of election dollars that all candidates can draw from) should be gone from elections. These are elections, not coronations!

    Anyway... keep on writing Rain. Always enjoy reading your perspective and viewing your pics.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    "...a tabloid people." Much more polite, I think, than my "Jerry Springer society." I believe that, whatever one calls it, that mindset explains Senator McCain's choice of Governor Palin to be his running mate. It seems as if large portions of the population are now engaged in heated (and probably totally misinformed) arguments about Governor Palin's personal life and are once again completely ignoring the very serious issues we face as a country. We have predictably allowed ourselves to be distracted, and in that sense, the choice of Governor Palin seems to be a stroke of genius by the Republicans. Distract and conquer!

  10. You see it the way I see it, rain. I don't know how it will change. I think the media has purposefully spoonfed sap and paplum to their viewers, because they don't want to discuss the important issues facing our country. They don't want to discuss it because the corporate owners have a stake in keeping things as they are. So scandals are covered but not real issues. A pregnant teen is more important that Palin's abuse of power. We are in deep trouble in our country.

  11. Whoops, that's supposed to say "pablum."

  12. One thing we know about Governer Pallin for sure is: She is against Abortion to the point that even if a woman has been Raped OR this is an incestuous pregnancy...Mrs. Palin is totally against Abortion--period!
    There is Abortion Issue is an issue that should matter to all women in this country.
    Is she a Conservative? Indeed she is. So much so that she is to the "right" of Attilla The Hun!
    THIS worries me. I do not want someone a heartbeat away from the Presidency telling me what I can and cannot do where my body is concerned, among other things.

    The first night of the Democratic Convention I had on MSNBC...Very quickly I realized I was not going to see ALL of the speeches, but I was going to hear all their pundits do their thing--PLUS, pushing their own agenda about "Will Hillery really come out strong for Obama, etc....", which seemed more important to MSNBC that the actual convention.
    I immediately turned to CSPAN and that is where I watched the rest of the convention, and it was terrific!
