Thursday, September 04, 2008

on roads less traveled

When traveling across the broad expanses of the west, I like to check the news; but never more so than on this recent vacation during the Democratic convention and the lead up to the Republican convention. Often turning on the radio and cycling through radio stations yields only static and sometimes music. It had been years since I heard John Denver's Take me Home, Country Roads.

Do you know how many talk radio stations in this country are owned by the right? I went looking for the answer-- 91%. (The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio). Ed Schultz, who I like very much, was one voice I finally found before we drove out of range. He said his program is on 60 stations and Limbaugh is on 600. Limbaugh is only part of what is out there from the moderately right to the extreme militia types.

This is not a piece about whether government should regulate that. I understand some of this happens because it's what listeners want; but if all your information comes from either the left or the right, do you really know what goes on or only what your side wants you to know?

Because I do believe we need to understand (when it's possible) how others think, I read or listen to the right sometimes even at home. It's not easy (other than to find the stations); but I make the effort. On this trip the right wing pundits and their callers were in lock step. They are thrilled, thrilled beyond imagining, at Sarah Palin's selection. Everything that supposedly mattered before in a president has been thrown out or possibly revealed.

I know I have thought it before, but it's further proof to me that this country is irreversibly divided, and there is no way back. The only question left is which side will win or do we stay as we are. There is no way of combining such divergent ways of seeing life.

If you believe god intervenes in life, that whatever happens, it's god's doing, that he will guide the good and smite the wicked, if you vote for someone who promises to follow in such a way to always keep god on your 'good' side, you and I can't even communicate. We aren't living in the same universe.

Even on the few liberal radio programs I would come across when nearing big cities, it would still be all about how can we possibly combat this woman given her physical beauty, her trained communication skills, and that beautiful family. Poor Joe Biden. All he knows are the facts of what has been happening, what might happen under the right circumstances, but poor man can only use logic and is at a loss on how to project emotion.

If someone diffidently suggests Palin has only been a two term mayor of a small town in Alaska, and a 22 month governor of that state of less than a million people, the other side retorts that it's putting down all women to question her experience

Besides, her experience does not actually matter as her power comes from her faith. Any logical approach to talk about lack of experience is countered by she has more than Obama. She doesn't, but facts aren't what this is about.

The lack of logic makes me angry even writing it back at home when no longer at the mercy of a car radio in the middle of nowhere. On the road, even when I did find a progressive radio station, what did the host do but invite right wingers from the convention to praise Palin to the heights. Et tu, brute!

In the middle of Oregon's outback, I clicked onto Dennis Miller's program, someone I had not heard on radio but had heard debating on Bill Maher. He is a lover of the Iraq war. Although he said a few good things about Obama, he added he'd never vote for him. Callers would bring up something and Miller was not informed about the facts. He would let untruths go by. Even I, traveling and in the middle of nowhere, knew better what was going on than it appeared Miller did. Is a host's job to prepare or is pontificating all that is required?

I decided (and this is not new) I am really angry at the right wingers who one day earlier considered experience critical and the next considered it to be irrelevant. One day they praised Palin as this great family woman and the next day said her family is off limits. I am angry at people who don't get informed and still talk or vote.

Now I don't mind when someone disagrees with me when we are talking about the same set of facts. Example: Iraq. I do not believe we should have gone there and feel the whole thing has been an expensive boondoggle damaging our own country as the Soviet Union years ago damaged itself in trying to occupy Afghanistan. However, I can tolerate someone using the same set of facts but simply seeing them through a different prism. Where I am ready to blow a gasket is when they don't know the facts and consider that a virtue. Those are the ones that it appears to me are the loudest in cheering Sarah Palin.

Palin recently preached in her church that we were in Iraq because God led us there and it was a holy mission. She states creationism should be taught in science class (heck I wouldn't even think atheism should be taught alongside of the bare bones of evolution). Sarah Palin would ban books in the library that she and her fellow christianists believe are bad for good people.

If she had the power, she would ban all abortions for any reason except maybe the life of the mother. I haven't heard how she feels about that but do know in cases of rape and incest, she and now John McCain (another of his sell-outs to get the presidency) would deny an abortion to even a woman who had been raped.

We are one Supreme Court judge away from having the right to choose an abortion go back to individual states. Some states, who are right wing (you can look on a map to see which as they are in the red column), could then ban it and make it again a crime as it was when I was growing up. The price of that is paid by girls in back alleys, but the righteous will feel vindicated and it's all about them.

Abortion is another of those areas where I can tolerate disagreement so long as its based on the facts. The fact is that it could again be banned if the Supreme Court gets another case and gets a fifth judge who will favor ending a federal right. Someone might (through that different prism) see that as good or bad but don't kid yourself that it could not happen.

Palin, if she becomes president (and it's not unlikely given McCain's age and past cancer), will not feel she has to understand the facts of any situation. God will lead her and that's all she or those who will vote for her need to know.

We are like two countries within one. With all of our political differences on issues like taxes, this christianist concept of god is the bigger division. How widespread is it? If someone is operating on logic, they will look at Sarah Palin's resume, then question why McCain said he would pick someone with foreign policy experience.
What happened to McCain between the one statement and the decision?

Is this a choice made on governing the country or on getting elected and worry about the rest later? Someone using logic would wonder how a woman who has run a small town (with some large failures), been governor under two years (already under ethical investigation there) didn't even know the basics of the Iraqi situation recently, has no education in constitutional law, how is she going to run this country? The christianist knows the answer! God will be guiding her-- as he has been George Bush.

I have no idea which viewpoint will win the election in November, but as Robert Frost said in his famous poem, it will make all of the difference. The unfortunate part is the road less traveled could end up being the one with less votes. I was on a lot of roads less traveled these last days and, superior path or not, there aren't many folks there.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost

Back at the farm, I am unpacking and unwinding after so many miles on the road. I am also going through the photos to delete the less successful ones and organize the best. It was a beautiful trip and in many places little traveled. For me, such times do make all the difference.


  1. Needless to say go along with all you have to say. I find myself feeling depressed over the whole situation because I'm not sure the divisions in this country can be healed and the thought of what that means for the future is devastating. I want to believe that there are more people that feel they way we do, but I'm not sure any more and frankly the future looks pretty dark. I do so hope that is not the case, but I guess we will see in the next couple of months.

  2. I also hope for the best, Sylvia.

    This is something I saw today on Sullivan's and as always with links. He's been excellent on the links to dissect what Palin said-- Daily Dish. The thing is, as he said, if you repeat a lie often enough, it is believed. The Emperor's New Clothes pretty well describes the phenomena and it's not recent in human history.

  3. For fans of Palin, here is a good link about how accurate her speech was last night: Fact Check. Or does lying matter?

  4. You photos are, as always, simply beautiful. And, as always, your points are well taken.

    Take heart, I think the so called 'Religious right' is smaller that we think. They are just noisier.

    Even my Republican friends (who are not fundamentalist Christians) are frightened of them.

  5. Take heart - as Margaret Meed said."Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Take heart there were five delegates from Alaska who did not back Palin.

  6. We have GOT to get Religion OUT of Politics! and we haver to get Government out of our bedrooms!

    THere is a huge rift in my own family because of christianism. It is like they believe ONLY what their Church is teaching them. NOT what science has. It is so sad to see well-educated people want to teach creationism in school! God help us all! (pun intended)

    I have voted my heart, and it often changed sides. Only once was I wrong. (well twice really) but time will correct all those errors. I just have to find A BIG bumper sticker to go over my OLD one!!!

  7. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Like you, I occasionally listen to Rush, Hannity, etc., to get a different view. Sad to say, I don't stay tuned in very long. But, I do try to be open-minded.

    After talking for several hours with my older sister this evening and hearing how impressed she was w/Palin's speech, i felt very weary.

    People don't change. I think I'll just stick with what I believe in the supposed "golden years" and listen with relish to Ed Shultz and Keith Olbermann who really have the Progressive Balls to tell it like it is.

    Also, Jon Stewart...and mostly Stephen Colbert...give me the jolt I need to get through it all.

    Of course, any addiditional suggestions would be welcome.

    Thanks, Rain, for a very needed blog for a lot of us.

    Judy Arizona

  8. Rain, Wonderful post. Began to read earlier ones and so happy to see that you connected with Obama headquarters. I'd like to know about other Elderbloggers who are paticipating in this crucial election.

    I've asked Ronni Bennett on TGB if she'd encourage people who are actively campaigning to come forward. Did that on my blog, and heard from one person. The Obama campaign needs us: our presence will impact on his decisions once he reaches the White House. Yes!

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Bravo! Well said.
    And of course, I agree. I also agree that we SHOULD listen to the other side....keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
    However, I admit....God, I find it SO difficult to listen to all the lies and hypocrisy. But...I'm making an effort to do better.
    And last Friday, Ray and I were driving back from Gainesville and caught Rush on the radio, just after Palin was announced as the nominee. All that was said was TOTALLY devoid of logic. They have none.
    AND...I made an effort to catch Palin's speech Wed. night. And caught the highlights of McCain's this morning....again, no logic. Not only no logic, but NO stand on any important issues. NO platform.
    I tell you what...I was feeling discouraged this week, but not so much now! The polls are looking good and maybe, just MAYBE Americans will wake up and vote the best person to lead our country.
    I posted my final political entry for awhile this morning though. I've said my words for now.

  10. Thanks, well said!

    I just wish I could wake up and it would be December...and over with. But. Must. Persevere.

  11. I tend to feel that my vote really doesn't mean anything on the National level. But I'll still continue to vote as those who don't have no right to complain. But I think that locally each vote is very important. Washington State's last gubernatorial election is a good example of that where it ended up being decided by less than 200 votes. I don't know the population of the state anymore but think it is over 5 million and perhaps as high as 7. Some small town positions have been even closer.

  12. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I think that the Right especially realizes the power of controlling the media Rain. If you control it, it is easier to msnipulate the facts and not to be impartial. Dictators,tyrant and rogues have realized this for a long time.

  13. Anonymous11:40 AM

    You all have some wonderful thoughts on this. I wasn't aware that the middle of the country has ruled by some many right leaning radio stations. I think that must be the reason why you see red in the middle of political maps, and blue around the edges.

    It will be interesting to see how much the Internet can influence voters' decisions this time around. On my blog, I can see what search terms people are using to find information and I'm seeing lots of people using things like "Wasilla Mayor Duties," etc. I think that bodes well for the country since it's clear we no longer have an independent press corps.
