Friday, March 01, 2024

Interesting Sale Coming

Readers might assume a lot of research goes into historical romances. Actually it does for most books, when the topics are important and may have various nuances to them. With historicals, this is multiplied. We can't really know how people spoke back then because all we have are books. So, some assumptions are made. We can research when certain expressions were first used, but that also is from books. 

Recently, as I edited another of the Arizona historicals, I had a scare when I read something about dime novels and Buffalo Bill Cody. Since a dime novel plays a big part in this story, I panicked, would those novels still have been there when it was set? It would have been bad had they not. Fortunately when I looked, my early research had been correct. They ran from 1860 to 1915, which had a comfortable window around when my story is set. That one is one of the last in that series; so, not out for a while.

There are readers who could not care but such details being right matters to others. It matters a lot to me too. Getting such elements right for their times is part of the joy of writing historicals.

I have mentioned before that when we had to pull all eight of my Arizona historicals, all the reviews were gone. Hoping to get some back, we opted to make the two books alongside here, first in the series, free for a week. Maybe it will draw in new readers and lead to more sales when the following six come out-- the third one around when the sale ends.

Beginning March 3rd to March 9, go to @Smashwords to get Beyond the Broken Road and The Beckoning Flame free, for their Happy Read an Ebook Week!  

Find these and many more books at      #ebookweek24 #Smashwords

More about Smashwords eBook Week

In keeping with springtime growth, Smashwords has a week long sale with special discounts to encourage readers to explore another set of authors.

Smashwords is easier to use than the Kindle Store and directly focused on simpler categories, 30 - 90 day, recent titles and specific themes without the constant scrolling or sponsored ads.  

If you have read Rain Trueax's Oregon Trail Romance series.  Check out her 1853 to 1906 Arizona based historical romances. After the first two here, the rest will be out gradually. All start in Tucson, the Ol' Pueblo, and the action extends across the vast landscapes of desert,  sky islands, ancient cliff dwellings, mining camps and lawless dying criminal hangouts. She loves these places having hiked and camped across the area for over 40 years. You will be pleased with the romantic interactions and the sense of place... the heat, the smell of desert rain and the critters.

You cannot find these books free at the cover link alongside here. You can though get to Smashwords through the Universal Link. If you haven't already joined there, it's free and easy to sign up where you will find my two free eBooks (from the 3rd through the 9th). After that they'll be there but at their regular price of $4.99.

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